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Clutch or Tranny??

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    Clutch or Tranny??

    I recently had a problem going up hill on the highway at somewhere between 65mph and 75mph (5th gear). i was just driving like normal and all the sudden i hear my the car accelerating out of normal and next thing i know 5th gear was something the same as neutral because it didnt had no pull, the car didnt overheated.. soo i had to drive back home on 4th gear for 75 miles more going 60mph(limit was 75).... soo i was wondering might it be the clutch? but the rest of the gears work 1st,2nd,3rd,and 4th.. kinda hard to shift sometimes tho.. or would it be the tranny? help please, thanks in advance

    Clutch would effect all gears equally, so if you're having a problem with only 1 gear, it would have to be a problem inside the tranny.
    Originally posted by Junior Smurff
    Nevermind guys, google search works wonders!

    I don't have road rage, my car just goes faster than yours!

    Accords are for winners. And Grandmothers. But mostly winners.

    I have grown so Tired of Internet Illiteracy. Please learn proper spelling and grammar. For your sake and that of your children.


      The problem was when the car was under strain, though... so it may be the clutch. The description definitely sounds like a slipping clutch.

      If you don't know the last time your clutch was replaced, if ever, then replace it. Even if it does turn out to be the tranny, you can always use a new clutch with a new tranny.

      Try this... rev to 6000 RPM in 2nd gear, then shift to third. If it doesn't catch right away, it's the clutch. A 6000 RPM shift will most definitely make a dying clutch slip.


        The really sounds like the clutch OR a badly leaking rear main seal, getting oil on the clutch. The higher the gear, the more resistance for the clutch, esp. going up and incline too. My original clutch slipped only in 5th w/ some good throttle, but that was mostly due to the rear main.


          Originally posted by Granite CB7 View Post
          The really sounds like the clutch OR a badly leaking rear main seal, getting oil on the clutch. The higher the gear, the more resistance for the clutch, esp. going up and incline too. My original clutch slipped only in 5th w/ some good throttle, but that was mostly due to the rear main.
          I hadn't thought of that.

          SNYPER4, do you have any oil leaking where the transmission meets the block? If so, that could very well be your problem. And if your rear main seal is leaking, a slipping clutch is the least of your worries! If that fails completely, your motor will be destroyed. The point where the block and transmission meet is not watertight. There is not supposed to be any fluid in there. If oil is leaking from there, then it IS your rear main seal.

          IF that is the case, DO NOT do what I suggested (the revving to 6000 RPM thing!)

          If you have a failing rear main seal, you would be wise to replace it ASAP... or make plans to replace your engine.


            well i dont see any oil anywhere by the tranny, and i dont know how much time i have with the clutch (atleast 3 years) thats since my brother bought the car and then i bought from him 2 months ago..
            i forgot to mention when the car isnt moving i put it on 5th gear and let the clutch go, the car wont stall but if i do that on 1st gear the car will stall. and i tried going at 6k rpm then shift to 3rd and when i got to 5500 i made a lot clicking noise so i had to shift


              If it wouldn't let you rev past 5500, then there are some serious issues...

              Is your check engine light on, by chance?


                nope check engine didnt and hasnt turned on.. but now its doing a loud noise when its on neutral but when i push the clutch in it goes away..

