What's up y'all. I bought an '04 Accord 4-door EX not too long ago as my daily driver. Flame me if you want, but I also have a pretty badass Mustang for weekend fun. I'm looking to make my Accord move a little better. It already seems pretty peppy to me, but more power is always a plus. I saw a magazine that says it does a 15.1 1/4 mile. What can I do to get this deep into the 14s or 13s if I'm lucky. I'm not looking at adding NOS or anything. Just simple bolt-ons. Is this possible? Thanks.
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HP advice for a newbie
First of all welcome to the Accord community. Low to mid 14's are feasable...13's is stretching it a bit far w/o some kind of forced induction or serious work.ProjectParty.net
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simple bolt ons to get into the 14s or 13s, without nos... i don't think so. but then again, i own a '93 accord, so maybe i'm completely out of the loop.
you're welcome to stay around here, but you might be better served at accord tuner's 7th gen forum: http://board.accordtuner.com/forumdisplay.php?f=10
or maybe honda society's 7th gen forum: http://board.hondasociety.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
it slips my mind right now but do u have the V6 version? or Inline 4?...
simple bolt ons will help alot.. moreso on the V6.. some headers(ha can say that now!) will add a good amount of grunt to the v6.. compliment that with a cai or short ram and a catback.. and ur looking pretty good.. now is this automatic?? or 5spd?
if its the inline 4 theres alot u can do but im sure its still under warantte.. if ur on here then i assume u dont care too much about it
Praise The Lowered...
Thanks for all of the advice. It's a V6 automatic. on the automatic part, but it's my daily driver. I used to have a '90 Accord 5-speed. That car was a pretty fun car. It's too bad someone rear-ended me totalling it. That car would have lasted forever. By far the most reliable car I've ever owned.
By the way, thanks Uncle El. I'll also check out those sites. I'll probably hang around this site too because I'd also like to learn more about the older models, because I think they look damn sexy as daily drivers or whatever you use them for. I'm just looking to make my car move a little faster'04 Accord EX.