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outlaw engineering ThermoBlok spacers

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    outlaw engineering ThermoBlok spacers

    Some of you may remember that HondaFan was putting together a group buy for this product. And then canceled it. Well... i got in touch with them and i am now try to push the group buy. so if you were on the list i would like you (if you still want to get the kit) to get on my list.

    i'm shooting for mid March or Apirl pay out, right now i just want the name of those who know that they WILL have a $100.00 by mid march. if you have any questions about the product call outlaw.
    the kit will be for f22a, h23,f22a/h23.

    1.) Granite CB7
    2.) bjaccord
    3.) d112crzy
    Last edited by sulimed; 02-08-2007, 11:23 AM.



      $100 for the set, or what?
      Gary A.K.A. Carter
      [sig killed by photobucket]


        I was on their website...i wonder if the H23 gasket fits my F20A DOHC

        FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
        "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


          Originally posted by The G-Man
          $100 for the set, or what?
          yes sir


            I was on the list before. But now that I think about it I don't know why. I can buy a phenolic gasket for $35 and bypass the TB coolant lines for free. This product may be slightly better (1/4") but IMO is not worth the $100.
            Metal Metal and more Metal!!!

            How much does your wheel/tire combo weigh? Post here!
            -=Suicide Crew Member #1 (only member so far)=-
            MY RIDE

            "I was hoping the Wolverine would finger one of those Japanese girls and then extend a claw into her b hole just for fun, BUT that never happened and I was extremely unsatisfied with the movie because of it." -Macaqueistrong


              Noice!!!! Add me to the list, I am down 100%. Do we still need 10+ people to get this going? This will be for the a6 runners and H series plenum + t/b. Thanks alot for doing this BTW, I often considered getting this going again



                Do you happen to know if there's graphs that display the "power increase". Sounds good but I wanna know what the real difference is.

                ...adjust accordingly


                  Originally posted by uslspct
                  I was on the list before. But now that I think about it I don't know why. I can buy a phenolic gasket for $35 and bypass the TB coolant lines for free. This product may be slightly better (1/4") but IMO is not worth the $100.
                  Where do you get the phenolic gasket?
                  Gary A.K.A. Carter
                  [sig killed by photobucket]


                    I bought one from someone on one of the other forums, HT or other. I can't find that thread right now. But he sold a lot for about $35 shipped. I ended up trading it to someone for some header wrap. But there's NextGear's on ebay.
                    Metal Metal and more Metal!!!

                    How much does your wheel/tire combo weigh? Post here!
                    -=Suicide Crew Member #1 (only member so far)=-
                    MY RIDE

                    "I was hoping the Wolverine would finger one of those Japanese girls and then extend a claw into her b hole just for fun, BUT that never happened and I was extremely unsatisfied with the movie because of it." -Macaqueistrong


                      Originally posted by uslspct
                      I bought one from someone on one of the other forums, HT or other. I can't find that thread right now. But he sold a lot for about $35 shipped. I ended up trading it to someone for some header wrap. But there's NextGear's on ebay.
                      uslspct i hate to sound like an ass, but some of us wish not to settel for cheap ebay BS. this is a top shelf product i'm try'n to get for myself and anyone else who wishs to do so. if you want to push ebay products, do so.....just not in my tread!!!!


                        Originally posted by LinX
                        Do you happen to know if there's graphs that display the "power increase". Sounds good but I wanna know what the real difference is.
                        theres one at the bottom of the "tech" page on the site


                          I can't seem to find the graph you refered to.



                            There is no other kit like this on the market, that I know of. For a while I pondered buying my own G10 Garolite sheets and making my own 1/4" gaskets. But where else can you purchase IM to head, plenum to IAB plate, IAB plate to plenum, plenum to t/b, and FIV/IACV (I think) gaskets?!!! It's a REALLY great deal IMO, the whole setup w/ hardware

                            Think about it


                              Originally posted by r1emperor
                              I can't seem to find the graph you refered to.
                              The following dyno plot was taken from a 1994 Ford Probe GT with a 2.5L V-6 engine. The only modification done to the car between runs was the installation of ThermoBlok spacers.This plot shows an average gain of 5-7 horsepower and 9-11 ft-lbs of torque across the powerband. Each engine and combination of mods reacts slightly differently, but on average, Outlaw Engineering ThermoBlok spacers result in a 3-5% gain across the entire powerband with peaks as high as 10 horsepower and 12 ft-lbs of torque.

                              Temperature Results

                              Temperature data was taken using a CPS T200 temperature sensor with a time constant on the order of 5 seconds. An A/D convertor was used for real time data-logging of the readings into a laptop. The vehicle was driven with a speed of 60 mph. Following the driving test, the engine was allowed to idle for a sufficient time to reach the steady state maximum temperature.

                              Notice that the temperature difference between the intake manifold and the outside air is the same regardless of the ambient conditions. As you can see, the temperature of the intake manifold reached a steady state of approximately 35° F lower with the ThermoBlok insulators than without during 60 mph cruising. During the idle test, the non-insulated engine was nearly 60 °F hotter.

                              This means that after idling in the staging lines waiting for a quarter mile run, your insulated engine would have an immediate advantage.

