ok ive seen alot of post up here asking questions about timing belts and changing them. first lets start with the signs of needing a new timming belt. every 100k-150k miles some say, some say when the belt gets loose and develops play, and of course the ovious signs of cuts,worn teeth,groves ect.
now heres a lil infomation about the job, our cars have two belts dispite what they tell u @ the part store, one is the main timing belt and the other is the belt for the balancing shaft, when changing the timing belt it would be smart to change the water pump as well even if its not bad. but this DIY is going to focus on the timming belt which from this point on will be refered to as the TB.
now for this job you are going to need a couple of tools to make it go smooth and the most important tool of them all is the haynes remair manual. i seen the youtube DIY and he used a tourch and a impact gun. (not needed thats for the fancy guys) im from the era of use what u got. for this job u will need two special tools which would eliminate the whole torch thing. it is call a " honda/acura crankshaft holding tool" this allows you to remove the crank pully the proper way i will post a pic. second u will need a few exstentions with a braker bar and a 19mm socket for the crank. ive broken many of tools doing it the old fashion way of cranking the motor with a braker bar connected to the crank,but i find this way to be alot faster and cheaper lmao. t
this is the tool.

over sized ratchet set deffenitly a plus

lets get started
1. u will start by jacking the car up and removing the tire,then taking off the P/S and ALT belts which requires a 10mm for the tentioner and a 14mm for the top nut. the only one of these that u will acually be removing is the P/S and DONT DICONNECT IT JUS MOVE IT TO THE SIDE. if u have cruise control then remove that aswell.
2. by using a 17mm deep socket u will need to take off the bolts to the driver side motor mount, have a jack wit a piece of wood handy, ur honda cissor jack will do this will go under ur oil pan, DO NOT USE JUST THE JACK U WILL DAMAGE UR OIL PAN GET A FLAT PIECE OF WOOD. raise it enough for it to meat the pain, no remove the two nuts with the deep 17mm socket. now that thats done
3. remove the valve cover thats four 10mm nuts, after that u need to remove the top TB cover which is held by two 10mm they can be hard to get to. now righ below that you will see two 10mm nuts which secure the bottom TB cover to the engine block remove thoughs aswell.
4. now time to lower the motor slowly with the jack and piece of wood u were suppose to puy under the oil pan. u can lower it all the way down it will stop @ a surtain point, this will give you better access to the last 3 bolts for the lower timing belt cover, but first time to remove the crank. assuming u have your car on a jack stand with ur tire under the car just in case the jack stand fails u cold now remove the crank with the tool shown up top. hint use a jack stand to rest under the extentions and a poll for leverage this is how i do it.
5. wooow thats was hard lmao now the crank is off remove the timing belt cover.STOP now before u fuk something up go get some nail polish that i hope is not urs lol or white out and mark every thing as is. this why u wont through ur timing off. if your luck is like mine and ur TB popped on the belt pkwy @ 80mph then ur going to have to refer to the repair manual to line every thing back up properly. this is what it looks like lmao
back on track, now its time to loosen the tensioner for this u will need a 14mm and a 10mm. pay attention as to how it looks and remember. first remove the 10mm then the 14mm nut now the spring and then the tensioner will slide right off. ( wish pantys slide off that easy, if u r me they do lol) enough jokes now u should be able to slide the balance shaft belt right off, aswell as the gear.
6. now this is what it should look like
now the tensioner for the main TB should have caugh ur eye bow now, THIS IS IMPORTANT, U DO NOT HAVE TO REMOVE THIS TENSIONER JUS LOOSEN THE 10MM NUT AND SLIDE IT UPWARD TO RELEASE THE TENTION ON THE BELT. its a bitch to put back on. (for all u water pump people you have to remove this tensioner aswell as the motor mount bracket thats on the block). now that thats done remove the TB you might have to raise the motor a lil to get it off and to get the other one on if u made it this far with out quit u could figure it out.
6. put every thing back together and dont for get to line all ur marks back up and remeber the TB cover goes on before the main pully for some reasion i always for get that. and dont make the tensioners too tight, the belts need a lil slack after driving it for a few days they will get tighter. when your done timing may be off a lil but not enough to fuk some thing up u could fine tune this buy sliding the distributor up or down to ur desired feel. this job should only take you about 3-4 hours the first time you it ,it normaly takes me like 1 1/2-2 and if u can get some help,get it cause u will need it if this is your first time this is my partner is name is premo

only problem wit him is he eats all my sockets im still waiting for him to shit out my 19mm damn dog!!!
thats all faulks
now heres a lil infomation about the job, our cars have two belts dispite what they tell u @ the part store, one is the main timing belt and the other is the belt for the balancing shaft, when changing the timing belt it would be smart to change the water pump as well even if its not bad. but this DIY is going to focus on the timming belt which from this point on will be refered to as the TB.
now for this job you are going to need a couple of tools to make it go smooth and the most important tool of them all is the haynes remair manual. i seen the youtube DIY and he used a tourch and a impact gun. (not needed thats for the fancy guys) im from the era of use what u got. for this job u will need two special tools which would eliminate the whole torch thing. it is call a " honda/acura crankshaft holding tool" this allows you to remove the crank pully the proper way i will post a pic. second u will need a few exstentions with a braker bar and a 19mm socket for the crank. ive broken many of tools doing it the old fashion way of cranking the motor with a braker bar connected to the crank,but i find this way to be alot faster and cheaper lmao. t

over sized ratchet set deffenitly a plus

lets get started
1. u will start by jacking the car up and removing the tire,then taking off the P/S and ALT belts which requires a 10mm for the tentioner and a 14mm for the top nut. the only one of these that u will acually be removing is the P/S and DONT DICONNECT IT JUS MOVE IT TO THE SIDE. if u have cruise control then remove that aswell.
2. by using a 17mm deep socket u will need to take off the bolts to the driver side motor mount, have a jack wit a piece of wood handy, ur honda cissor jack will do this will go under ur oil pan, DO NOT USE JUST THE JACK U WILL DAMAGE UR OIL PAN GET A FLAT PIECE OF WOOD. raise it enough for it to meat the pain, no remove the two nuts with the deep 17mm socket. now that thats done

3. remove the valve cover thats four 10mm nuts, after that u need to remove the top TB cover which is held by two 10mm they can be hard to get to. now righ below that you will see two 10mm nuts which secure the bottom TB cover to the engine block remove thoughs aswell.
4. now time to lower the motor slowly with the jack and piece of wood u were suppose to puy under the oil pan. u can lower it all the way down it will stop @ a surtain point, this will give you better access to the last 3 bolts for the lower timing belt cover, but first time to remove the crank. assuming u have your car on a jack stand with ur tire under the car just in case the jack stand fails u cold now remove the crank with the tool shown up top. hint use a jack stand to rest under the extentions and a poll for leverage this is how i do it.
5. wooow thats was hard lmao now the crank is off remove the timing belt cover.STOP now before u fuk something up go get some nail polish that i hope is not urs lol or white out and mark every thing as is. this why u wont through ur timing off. if your luck is like mine and ur TB popped on the belt pkwy @ 80mph then ur going to have to refer to the repair manual to line every thing back up properly. this is what it looks like lmao

back on track, now its time to loosen the tensioner for this u will need a 14mm and a 10mm. pay attention as to how it looks and remember. first remove the 10mm then the 14mm nut now the spring and then the tensioner will slide right off. ( wish pantys slide off that easy, if u r me they do lol) enough jokes now u should be able to slide the balance shaft belt right off, aswell as the gear.
6. now this is what it should look like

now the tensioner for the main TB should have caugh ur eye bow now, THIS IS IMPORTANT, U DO NOT HAVE TO REMOVE THIS TENSIONER JUS LOOSEN THE 10MM NUT AND SLIDE IT UPWARD TO RELEASE THE TENTION ON THE BELT. its a bitch to put back on. (for all u water pump people you have to remove this tensioner aswell as the motor mount bracket thats on the block). now that thats done remove the TB you might have to raise the motor a lil to get it off and to get the other one on if u made it this far with out quit u could figure it out.
6. put every thing back together and dont for get to line all ur marks back up and remeber the TB cover goes on before the main pully for some reasion i always for get that. and dont make the tensioners too tight, the belts need a lil slack after driving it for a few days they will get tighter. when your done timing may be off a lil but not enough to fuk some thing up u could fine tune this buy sliding the distributor up or down to ur desired feel. this job should only take you about 3-4 hours the first time you it ,it normaly takes me like 1 1/2-2 and if u can get some help,get it cause u will need it if this is your first time this is my partner is name is premo

only problem wit him is he eats all my sockets im still waiting for him to shit out my 19mm damn dog!!!
thats all faulks