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Ebay Classifieds

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    Ebay Classifieds


    I just finished deleting 10 non-ebay threads in the Ebay Classifieds section. Old members, new members... whatever.

    Previously, the rules simply stated that those threads would be deleted. But, after seeing so many of them in the first 2 pages alone (and I only have to go 2 pages in because the deleted threads are still there for me...) I've decided that I need to make it a bit stricter.

    Posting a non-ebay for sale thread in the Ebay Forum may result in a 1 week ban. It also may result in a complete loss of Classifieds privileges altogether.

    As you know, one thing I'm very concerned about is the protection of my members' limited funds. None of us are rich on here, and the current classifieds setup helps to protect people. Undermining this system is not appreciated.

    Deev, I will do what I can to help enforce this new rule!


      i see yahoo auctions isnt respected anywhere, hmph..


        I don't know how comprehensive Yahoo's buyer protection is. If it's as good as ebay's, I'd support Yahoo links as well.


          i was kidding, no one uses that crap :P


            Personally, i dont check the Ebay classifieds unless im bored. Mostly cuz ima "Buy It Now" kinda guy. That and i like cutting out the middle-man and just buying it from the person direct before it hits Ebay.

            KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
            Originally posted by Jarrett
            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


              I agree. The Ebay Forums are there as a source of protection, though. For people who don't want to take the risk of buying directly. Buy It Now is always an option.

              But we have proper forums for direct sales... protected by a password and a disclaimer, so people at least have to stop and think about the risk. Selling directly in the Ebay Forums goes completely against that.


                May??? it SHOULD result in a 1 week suspension. motherfuckers should learn how to read!
                I <3 G60.

                0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.

