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What the hell is wrong with kids today?

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    What the hell is wrong with kids today?

    Point and Case: Yesterday.

    I was at work, ( I work with kids in an after school program, and I also call it my birth control. Kids are a handful. anyways.)

    I was outside with my group, we were playing football. anyways, this small group of African American kids comes up, ( no older than 10 years old) and yells " Yo fools what you doing on our turf?" and i was like " what the fuck? were at school?" ( I thought it, not said it)

    Anyways, I ignore it and I advise the kids to ignore it. However, the group of kids didnt heed the warning. So I was like, Hang on guys, just chill. So I go over to the group of kids.

    So anyways, I ask the kids in a very business like manner " what ar eyou doing here?" and he was like
    youre on my turf, you need to move" and I was like " whoa, you know, this is a school right?" and he was like " i use to go here, so its mine"

    and I was like "you need to leave this area, and go find another area to play in"

    now heres what it got realy fucking scary.

    I go to turn around, thinking that the business is I am turning around, the kid pulls out a 9mm. ( Not fucking around, it was a real 9mm), didnt know it until one of the girls yelled "He's got a gun" at first I thought she was joking. But I turned around..and yeah, had it pointed right at me.

    Anyways, I dived behind the shed the school had, told the kids to run inside, tell the other people working, what the hell is going on.

    He got one round off. I called 911, told them what was going on. I swear the cops were there in an instant.

    No kids were hurt. but the kids that had the gun, ran off. Cops found him, and his posse of people hiding in a yard 5 houses down.

    I will be honest, it was scary. I think it was because I wasnt expecting it.

    But i dont know when I look back at it, I think of the "E-gangster" posters I see around here

    damn...good to know your aite...


      Glad you're OK and I'm glad they were caught. If they want to act like 'big boys' they should go to 'big boy' jail. Fools.
      My Car
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        My thoughts exactly.


          when i was 10 i was cappin bitches left n right too.
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            I am not surprised Keith.


              damn well glad everything is good. and nobody was hurt. i mean id u really think about it the gun probably would have thrown his ass straight to the ground lol. but glad it didnt escalate to that point. they should throw him in the meanest jail around lol. just to scare him


                No respect, no honor, no remorse. It seems that humanity has come all this way just to turn into animals.

                1992 cb7 EX coupe missed


                  Originally posted by My93Cb7 View Post
                  damn well glad everything is good. and nobody was hurt. i mean id u really think about it the gun probably would have thrown his ass straight to the ground lol. but glad it didnt escalate to that point. they should throw him in the meanest jail around lol. just to scare him
                  The problem I had with the nanosecond I was thinking was " If I tackle the guy with the guy, it goes off and it's pointed at me...I'll be in bad shape."

                  plus there was kids around, and I also told myself, if he shot one of the kids, I'm going after him, and I dont care if I get shot.

                  but according to the cops, the kid got the gun from his dad's bedroom.


                    Originally posted by RagingAsian View Post
                    The problem I had with the nanosecond I was thinking was " If I tackle the guy with the guy, it goes off and it's pointed at me...I'll be in bad shape."

                    plus there was kids around, and I also told myself, if he shot one of the kids, I'm going after him, and I dont care if I get shot.

                    but according to the cops, the kid got the gun from his dad's bedroom.
                    The father should be prosecuted too.
                    My Car
                    FREE Web hosting solutions


                      i am hoping that happens also.


                        Doesn't surprise me, which is sad.


                          Originally posted by RagingAsian View Post
                          the kid got the gun from his dad's bedroom.
                          looks like another case of "hood parenting" to me. I wonder if "big man" will live to be 21



                            I know that every generation complains about the next, but it is getting rediculeus, and truly frightening!

                            The only thing that the previous gen (compared to me, I am 22) was renound for was listening to hard core rock, watching violent movies, sometimes disobeying parents, and some recreational drug use.

                            This "next" gen is scary, and I mean that in every use of the word.

                            My friends niece who is 6 can text on a phone faster then me, but cannot figure out Mario brothers. I was honestly concerned.

                            When I was younger I disagreed with the video games, tv, and movies are bad for children, but I have come to understand that they are. Not because they are violent, but because they replace parenting.

                            My little cousin's came over for thanksgiving, and we didn't see two of them the entire time, because they were downstairs playing video games.

                            Sorry for the off topic post, I am truly sorry for what happened to you.

                            What really scares me is when my generation, and the "next" gen are supposed to be the functioning members of society.

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                              Originally posted by Ghetto_CB7 View Post
                              I know that every generation complains about the next, but it is getting rediculeus, and truly frightening!

                              The only thing that the previous gen (compared to me, I am 22) was renound for was listening to hard core rock, watching violent movies, sometimes disobeying parents, and some recreational drug use.

                              This "next" gen is scary, and I mean that in every use of the word.

                              My friends niece who is 6 can text on a phone faster then me, but cannot figure out Mario brothers. I was honestly concerned.

                              When I was younger I disagreed with the video games, tv, and movies are bad for children, but I have come to understand that they are. Not because they are violent, but because they replace parenting.

                              My little cousin's came over for thanksgiving, and we didn't see two of them the entire time, because they were downstairs playing video games.

                              Sorry for the off topic post, I am truly sorry for what happened to you.

                              What really scares me is when my generation, and the "next" gen are supposed to be the functioning members of society.
                              you are absolutely right !!!!!

