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Plans to destroy a pedophile, need feedback

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    Plans to destroy a pedophile, need feedback

    Ok, So this is not another "this is illegal should I do this thread"

    This is a serious question of legality and approach.

    Long story short of it;

    Someone I know(A woman) was raped and victimized a long time ago by someone we will call MR P.

    MR P has since gotten out of prison, bought a house and re-entered my friends life, sort of. He has reached out and contacted her mother, and her mother and him have more or less re-kindled their relationship.

    Sickening right?

    So heres the deal. Several people, myself included, are interested in ruining this guys life-legally. He has been convicted of rape and sexual assault of a child, prior to this situation happening with my friend. He was first arrested for rape in 1980 and prior to that was discharged from the Navy for raping a phillipino girl-never prosecuted though. Then, in 89 he raped someone else, and then this shit happened with my friend for a few years in the late 90's.

    The girl is my best friends wife.

    Anyways, what I want to know;

    -What kind of legal trouble can I get in for handing out flyers, with copies of the actual police reports to his neighbors? Like going door to door and handing them out and giving a speach. We want to raise awareness in his neighborhood, and would also like for him to be treated like shit(honestly) by the people he lives around.

    -What kind of trouble can I get in if I mail them instead of handing them out in person, like is it a federal issue? I know you cannot just put shit in peoples mail box, but if I mail it why would it be any different from getting a target ad in the mail? I mean, theres nothing fake or bullshit about the flyer. Its public information, so what legal issues might I face?

    -Can I get in trouble for making a bunch of copies of a police report? You have to buy them, so Im curious if i can just copy the one I have already.

    -This guy lives 1106 feet from the entry to a school. However, he lives about 400' from the property line. So, techincally speaking he is in violation, per the revised NE law in 2009. He also owns his house. How do I shed light on this issue, without making it "My issue" I would love for him to be forced to move from a house that he carries a mortgage on, and then have to sell it.

    -Can defimation of character be categorized by publically repeating public information? Like, if I use a loud speaker to talk in a public forum, and read the actual police report out loud? As long as I dont directly make the opinion my own, and strictly repeat the information that is public record, do you guys think this can come back on me? I would omit the names and specifics of the victims to avoid humiliation, but talk in detail of the situation and what actions are documented in the report.

    Any other ideas on how to fuck with this guy?

    There are about 10 of us willing to help out. We have no interest in violence, getting sued or going to jail-so please keep that in mind with any suggestions given.

    We collectively as a group have paid her legal expenses so far in her civil suit. We dont wish for her to get rich or anything like that, but he pled the charges down and forever she feels justice was not served. This was his third felony offense, and he served 5 yrs. All 3 times he either raped or molested children.

    Our primary objective is to alienate him, as he has alienated others. We hope to get some sort of judgement against him, not in the interest of getting money for our friend, but to make his life horrible.

    As I mentioned, he owns a house and has a job. With a financial judgement, a lien and garnishment can be put in place hopefully crippling him for the rest of his days financially. If he does not pay, we could petition the court to revoke his drivers license until he is current on his debt.

    Thoughts, suggestions, feedback?

    Again, we are trying to LEGALLY fuck this guy. Please keep that in mind.

    I do plan on meeting with an attorney to discuss this in greater detail, but I would like some suggestions/advice from here as well.

    Thanks guys
    Originally posted by wed3k
    im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.

    An attorney would be your best bet but they will, of course, be financially motivated. Unless of course you had a friend who was an attorney that understood the gravity of the situation and wanted justice instead of a payday.

    Aside from all the other questions that a situation like this creates, what job does he have after three felony convictions that enable him to also purchase and own a home as the sole income for his household?

    Also, your friend's mom has some serious issues and needs an intervention. It needs to be positive and it has to focus on the emotional damage she is doing to her daughter. I just don't understand people.
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      Doesn't he have to register as a sexual offender? To me that sounds bad enough already.


        ^^^that the police should actually be going around the neighborhood handing out fliers.


          Originally posted by mappyCB7 View Post
          ^^^that the police should actually be going around the neighborhood handing out fliers.
          They still do that? I mean i've heard of them doing it in the past BUT i haven't seen it being done in such a long time.

          Worst comes to worst, OP if your friends all have FB or twitter and a smart phone or at least an ipod touch, make a post or tweet and have them download an app called Life360. They can use it to track family member's location AND identify sexual offenders. The nice thing is it even tells you what they were charged with. I have the free version which does that but i think it limits you to how many family members you can track BUT it still lets you see the sexual offenders and where they basically live.




              Contacting a lawyer would be best, if the lawyer says it is all legal get a large enough of a crowd to attract media. If news stations are there that would get the guys name and face broadcast to more people and really make his life hell if he ever goes anywhere in public.

              Truthfully I think child molesters/rapist should be beat within an inch of their life and then thrown to some hungry hogs.


                Originally posted by accord93racer View Post
                Truthfully I think child molesters/rapist should be beat within an inch of their life and then thrown to some hungry hogs.
                i always thought they should be chained bent over in the prison bathrooms with a sign strapped to their back labeled "pipe clog remover" (if you catch my drift)


                  Is he a registered sex offender? Im sure local authorites/government would know if he were and would make sure he would be registered and not within certain distances of schools, playgrounds, etc.

                  Sounds to me like you need to find anew hobby. Or get a life or something. The man has done time and was discharged from the military. Sounds to me like he's been dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. It's not your job to "inform" people of a man YOU think is a criminal.

                  If you, personally, witnessed him breaking a law, then you need to report it to the local authorities, otheriwse you're withholding information, obstructing justice and could possibly be charged with accessory to commit a crime by withholding information.

                  If you have NOT witnessed him breaking any laws but instead only have second-hand information, you need to calm down.

                  You apparently dont know the friend's mother too well. Or perhaps it's her life and she wants to do whatever the fuck she pleases. My mother's step-father raped and molested her and her siblings, and my grandmother let it happen. The man never saw the inside of a jail. Yet my mother still has a loving relationship with my grandmother.

                  Take that home. Chew on that, bro.

                  People do things we dont understand. And a lot of the time there isnt dick YOU can do about it.

                  Im frankly not sure which part you're upset by, anyway. Are you pissed at the fact that the mother has taken him back or are you mad that this man is not in jail? If it's the former, as I said, deal with it. If you dont like, find new friends. If it's the latter, again, let the law do their job. If you really want this guy to "go down", report to the law any information you may have on him breaking any laws. If you dont have anything other than a vigilante grudge....sit down, pedro.

                  The law is aware of his crimes and he has been dealt with accordingly. If you believe he has not been dealth with or have information that would put him away, by all means, report him. If your problem is with the law system itself and you dont believe he's been punished enough then either go to your local police chief or state representative. That, or start praying more.
                  Last edited by MikeW; 04-26-2012, 01:28 PM.

                  KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                  Originally posted by Jarrett
                  Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                    I didn't witness anything and honestly I don't see how that is relevant. Is this vindictive, sure. I can admit that.

                    That's my choice though. Legally, the system should know he's living near a school, but that shit happens all the time. They don't have the resources to keep up with all the pedophiles.

                    He is in violation, I want to report it. I'd like to keep my name out of it, that's why I asked for advice. I'll be speaking with an attorney Monday about the next move.

                    As far as the justice system goes, no, I don't think they've done their job. He raped people his whole fucking life.

                    This, what I'm talking about- is a legal means to take matters into my own hands. Well, our hands. It's not just me involved here.

                    Legally she can file civil suit, and did- he did rape her and go to prison for it. Punitive damages are real, and could very easily cripple him financially for the rest of his life.

                    To me, that's more justice then what's been served. He admitted raping her over and over for 3+ yrs. Well, he "forced himself on her sexually" as he claims.

                    Still, it boils my fucking blood people get away with shit like this for basically their entire life. We collectively came up with a legal plan to take action, and its sounds like the ball is going to start rolling once the civil suit is approved to move forward.

                    It's not like I came up with all of this on my own, but I'm definetly a willing participant. I didn't measure the number of feet from his front door to the school property line, but the truth is the truth.

                    Im trying to make sure legally I'm not going to fuck myself.

                    That's all.

                    And mikew, I would do the same for you if you happened to be my best friend and were wanting to take action.
                    This shit is wrong, the legal system allows for everything I'm talking about in one venue or another. It's almost encouraging when you start looking at the legal venues to fuck someone like this.

                    Too many people are OK with doing nothing if you ask me. If more people did something, maybe it would make a difference. Maybe not.

                    Either way, I see a clear path to ruining this guys life, and he deserves it.

                    Now we collectively as a group just need to figure out the recourse side of things and make sure it is as legal as it seems.

                    I'll see what the attorney says on Monday...

                    Oh, and yes he is registered. When you are such a peice of shit, they make you register for life. I would post a link, but honestly I dont want anymore attention to the specifics until my ass is in the clear.
                    Last edited by toycar; 04-26-2012, 04:11 PM.
                    Originally posted by wed3k
                    im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                      forgot to mention that he works at a meat packing plant. Thats all i really know, something janitorial.
                      Originally posted by wed3k
                      im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                        If you don't think prison was bad enough...then why don't you take all you energy out on creating a system that gives them 100% counseling!
                        I have someone I love who was put away for a offense... for something claimed they did. This person had no life before they went in and is one of the most fantastic persons you can ever meet now. Has been totally hassled by the guards and says the inmates are less perverted, less sadistic, and totally inhuman. I visit and have no records, a very nice guy and they, the guards say "Fuck you for being here!"
                        Stop trying to ruin someones life even after they served what our society deems punishment
                        Yes they did something most someone and to themselves. If you are a tad religious..of any faith..then you know YOU are not the means of judgement. If you don't think so..stop going to church or whatever.
                        The guy has fucked his life up, he doesn't need you to continue bashing him...I'm sure he didn't spend a week in prison. It's not your fight's his.
                        Last edited by SilverShadow; 04-26-2012, 04:35 PM.

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                          The man did his time, Theres nothing more you can do. Report him if hes in violation of any laws. Honestly id leave the man alone, its a bitch to be labeled a sex offender and that alone is punishment enough for most.

                          His life is already shit. Let the woman decide if she wants him back, sometimes people will do stupid things even if you tell them not to.


                            I knew a sex offender once, and this is how I know this shit- and that is a long story. Also, I am repeating Fl law/ procedures so they might be different in your state.

                            If he is in violation of the 1000ft rule (which is calculated by the end of the school zone) you call the sheriff's office, and "anonymously" report that you saw the flyer of a man that might live too close to the school. You can also contact his parole officer (if he has one).

                            You are perfectly in your rights to go door to door personally, and to drop off/mail flyers. It is public info, but there is usually a 1 mile radius limit that you can legally flyer without being in danger of defamation.

                            You can do things like call code enforcement/parking enforcement/ health department/ect and anonymously report him in violation of this/that.

                            I would stick to the flyer-ing. That is the least likely thing to get YOU in trouble, but yet make him uncomfortable with his home/neighbors on a daily basis.

                            Also, if the mother of the victim is willing to have ANY kind of relationship with the attacker, IDK about the mental state of the mother!

                            Edit: and if you wanted to put your anger to good use, maybe virulently encourage her to get her mother some help.
                            Last edited by LadyG; 04-26-2012, 04:32 PM.
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                              Im all for bringing sickos to justice, but I have a REAL hard time reading your OP.

                              Vigilante's dont agree with the way our justice sytem works either. Do you know what happens to them, when they're caught? They're prosecuted for obstruction.

                              I know how you feel. I know you want more justice served and you wanna see this guy cast down, stripped of his rights, and burned at the fucking stake. BUT IT JUST WONT HAPPEN.

                              I could argue that you dont care about the other thousands or millions of victims who have gone without justice. What about them? Are you going to help them and save them and make sure their criminals are put to justice?

                              Probably not.

                              This could go on forever.

                              What it all boils down to is you having to accept the justice system as it is. The only way you can truly bring justice to him is by having a justice system that punishes criminals more severely. Good luck with that.

                              I dont know a lot about the laws and the system so I dont know the extent of "damage" you can do, legally. But, I know you'dbe skating a SUPER thin line by doing anything listed above and, ultimately, it'd be up to the law to decide wether or not you crossed that line.

                              How's that for irony?

                              Im not saying sit down and shut up. But....that's all there is. The most you can do is bring him to attention of the local authorities and make them aware of his criminal record and where he currently resides. If they already know about him, which I suspect they do, they'll handle it. If you dont agree with the way they handle it, tell someone who cares or who you think can actually do something about it, i.e; your local government. Chances are, you arent the first person to scream "Injustice". They've had others do the exact same thing you're trying to do, and they've done their best to please you, the people. But, like you, they can only do so much.

                              The world's an evil, shitty place and there's 2 options, deal with it or go somewhere else.

                              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                              Originally posted by Jarrett
                              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

