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Yo why am I so paranoid/bitchy?

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    Yo why am I so paranoid/bitchy?

    Everyone's bitching so it's my gf is coming back from a 2 month vacation in Russia this week, and I have this strong feeling that we're gonna break up soon. We were together for about a year, and it was great...we barely fought and we really clicked. We used to talk everyday and I'd stay at her place (it was near school, made sense) was just great...

    However now the whole situation's changed...she's off to get her MBA this Sept., and right now I'm unemployed and looking for work (fresh out of school, finishing up my bachelor's in mech. engineering). I HATE being a jealous guy, esp. when nothing even happened yet, but I'm gonna be here, living w/my parents, MAYBE making 40-50K a year, and she's gonna be surrounded by her ideal dudes: smart, pushy business professional dudes with connections in her field. Not to downplay or insult her character, but it's the reality of the situation...I guess it's a test of our relationship, because if we make it through the next 2-3 months then we'll be fine...but we haven't spoke in nearly 2 months...I feel like we're starting all over again.

    I dunno...I feel like I'm being a wimp/pussy/bitch right now. I prob. just miss her...but at the same time I know it's def. not gonna be easy. I think once I get a job, and maybe my own place things will be secure...but as it stands things are not looking good at all.

    Am I being paranoidish? We had a great thing going, but the situation also helped it out a lot. Then again she's def. a down bottom chick, meaning she's been supportive through a lot of my bs. Plus this summer really humbled me (I got fired from a decent job), and I'm a lot more responsible, it could all be for the better. We might both change in ways that will bring us even closer...but then again the situation is not good. Could this just be a test?

    On an unrelated note, if you like rap, I threw some stuff in a .rar file for a rap forum...if you want it here's the link:


    The last song is a freestyle I did...

    Last edited by gloryaccordy; 08-17-2005, 12:51 AM.

    Originally posted by lordoja
    im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral

    Aww common man buck up! Its exciting that your gf is coming home soon, I know you have missed her because all your posts are "ah I miss my gf blah blah" lol just joshing ya! Your paranoid? What give you that feeling anyway? Common bro you kept your cool while she was in Russia, your cool to go now! Just relax....And yes btw it is a test of your relationship. We all go through this when our females leave us, or move further away. Its just your sence of protecting her.
    BTW good luck finding a job! I think you should celebrate by having your girl bring you back some really good Russian vodka and inviting some people over for a few mixed drinks to go with her stories from the motherland!!

    :-D Relax.

    - Zipcreature

    CB7. F22A. 5spd. CB7. Exedy. Chromoly. AEM. DCSports. Apexi. Progress Group. AGX. Suspension Techniques. Viberant. Goodridge. Facebook


      LOL I didn't think people noticed...I gotta step my self-esteem game up, as well as my job-searching game. I'm close, I can feel it...

      Originally posted by lordoja
      im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


        I gotcha man.

        - Zipcreature

        CB7. F22A. 5spd. CB7. Exedy. Chromoly. AEM. DCSports. Apexi. Progress Group. AGX. Suspension Techniques. Viberant. Goodridge. Facebook


          Dont be jealous bro, if she loves you she wont do shit, I learned this. Unfortunately I didnt return the love... bleh. I fucking hate women... But you'll be okay.


            dun be paranoid dude when she jumps off that plan lay some good pipe and u'll be set. Remember if u lovin it good there's no reason for her to jump ship. SO don't get all bitchy and stuff, keep it real tighten up on your back stroke. Tell yourself you are doing her a favor by staying with her so that way u'll step your game up to a new level and it should pretty much be easy from there to put a lock on things. DOn't be scared that cus u gonna be living wit momz and popz she's not gonna wanna be with u, like i said if u step ya game up when she comes back and let her know what she's been missing u don't have to worry about the other guys...

            and if u really don't want her to leave I guess plan B would be knockin her up, but i wouldn't really recommend that at this time.

            Members Ride Thread


              i dont want to such a pesimist, but, two months, shes on vacation and hasnt tried to contact you?

              Your a good guy glory, and seem like you would make good decisions when it comes to shit like this.

              I dont know your girl, but i have read a few posts you've made about her.

              if your into it bro, stay with her. If you think shes worth it.

              I honestly dont know what to tell you bro. You a good smart guy... good luck!

              Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

              Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

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              Originally posted by JoshM
              Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
              NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                Dont scream and dont have an attitude when she gets back sit her down and just talk about the situation and see what her responce is ive lost many girls because i hold back and dont tell them how i feel I even got my car keyed by a god damn girl who seems to have no interest in me anymore but idk why she is constatly on my mind even now as i type talking is your KEY good luck with the situation


                  Damn your sig saddens me man...

                  And I'm lying about her not making contact w/me at all, I think in the first month I got some calls/emails. We talked a little bit. And as far as my pipe game, it's been 2 months...I totally forgot about that. Not to brag, but from what I understand I'm the best she's ever I've been reading so I know a few new tricks...that aspect is locked down. I guess it all really boils down to what happens the next time I see/speak to her. She's a good person who hates wasting time (like I like to think of myself as being) so if the EMOTIONAL chemistry isn't there I don't think we'll waste time...the sex will ALWAYS be great'll take her a while to find a dude who knows her like I do, we got a lot of practice ...

                  But yea everything happens for a reason so I'll just see what happens and let things take their course. Hell for all I know she could come back and things would go right back to how they were, or better...

                  Originally posted by lordoja
                  im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                    Bro thats how we are when we love someone. Unfortunately thats part of the relationship, you have to deal with this stage. You will be a bit uneasy because you don't want to lose something that means so much to you. Also you feel as if your situation would push her away from you.

                    The truth is:
                    -If she truly loves you then she won't play you, and if it happens that she does become unfaithful be glad it was now rather than after you were married with children.

                    -If she truly loves you she will stay with you broke or rich, in school or out. And help to point you in the right direction rather than jump on the next penis.

                    -And these guys are saying that the sex has to be a-1 to keep her, thats bullshit. If its like that, then its all about the sex, and isn't love--rather it is lust. If she loves you, the sex will be good whether you're 7in or 15in long, it will be good sex because it will feel so good just to be penetrated by the one you love.

                    I do get uneasy like you bro, and although I just gave you all this advice I cannot seem to take it myself, ironically. But my girl always seems to let me know that regardless of my situation, she will continue to love me the same or more. And I guess I can believe this, because I don't tell her she can't go to clubs and shit with other people, but she does exclude herself from that lifestyle supposedly because of her "respect" for me.

                    And I've told her, "yo do what you want to do because I don't want to limit your life experiences." And she tells me that she used to go out with friends because she didn't have someone she loved to do that with, and now that she does she wants to share those moments with that person. I was like wow, this is real. But I still keep my eyes open because you already know that girls are evil at times, you can never know when they'll flip and become the opposite of what you fell in love with.

                    Hopefully that doesn't happen here in your case, or in mine.
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                      Originally posted by gloryaccordy
                      I HATE being a jealous guy, esp. when nothing even happened yet, but I'm gonna be here, living w/my parents, MAYBE making 40-50K a year, and she's gonna be surrounded by her ideal dudes: smart, pushy business professional dudes with connections in her field.
                      Bro, dont be insecure. Its the worst thing. If its meant to be, its meant to be. Her school is more important as is for you also. Be Secure of yourself, life is too short.


                        My situation is a little different, but kinda like yours. I started to click with this girl about two months ago, and then all of a sudden she goes to Colombia for 2 months. I was like wtf?!!? ok. So last night she calls me telling me she got back the night before and she wants to go see a movie or something. I'll see how it goes...but my advise to you (like the approach I'm taking) is to just be excited she's back and try not to think about it to much. And have fun.

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                          Don't sweat it man. It sounds like you have things going for yourself too. Don't think for one second that you would be the only one losing out if the relationship were to end. If it does, that sucks and it will continue to suck for a while, but everything happens for a reason. Don't forget that. It's never what you wanna hear but it is just how things are. You seem like you are too genuine a person not to meet another amazing girl...she is out there thats for sure, this may just be one of those hard learned life lessons, but it wil only make u stronger in the end.
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                          "This generation has this universal sense of failure" - Kurt D. Cobain

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                            Hmmm...update kinda...she finally called me...we're gonna meet up during the weekend of the super JDM NY/NJ meet ...but hopefully we'll get some , figure things out, and be ...

                            Thx for listening btw. You guys are the best.

                            Originally posted by lordoja
                            im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral

