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My accord caught on fire.

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    My accord caught on fire.

    I've been anxiously waiting to take my car for a nice, long ride since I got my Apexi WS2 installed and on friday I got the chance. I was out for about 2 hours and maybe 75 miles.

    On my way back home, I took a back road, and I was about 15-20 minutes from home. I made a right and started heading south. A truck in front of me had a nasty smell coming from it, it smelled like spent sparklers from 4th of July, ya know? He turns off a side road, but the smell didn't subside. I was looking around wondering..."Is someone burning trash or what?" After about a half mile or so my battery light comes on. Right away I'm thinking "Damn my alternator is failing." The battery is fairly new and I never replaced my alternator (other than Preventive Maintenance, I've had no reason to). As I'm looking for a road to pull off at, I come to a red light. When it turns green I start to accelerate and the light goes away. I pull over and leave the car idling as I open the hood.

    There's smoke coming from the alternator, just a small amount. I shut off the car, and the smoke starts getting worse. Inside the alternator I can see the coils of wire glowing bright orange, like lava. The smoke gets heavier as the alternator gets hotter. In an instance the top of the alternator spontaneously combusts. The flame is no bigger than 2-3 birthday candles. I blow it out. 2-3 seconds later, I slight "whoomph" sound and its burst into flames again. I blow it out again.

    At this point the only thing in my head is that video of that kids VW golf GTI where a small fire erupts under the hood, and because they can't extinguish it, the whole car catches fire.

    Can you imagine your car completely catching fire before your eyes while you look on helplessly? I absolutely will not let that happen if I can help it.

    I blew it out once more, and once again with a "whoomph" it flames up, this time the fire is the size of my hand and my breaths of air are useless. I run to the cup holder where a few sips of melted iced tea were waiting. I quickly dump all of it on the fire. It extinguishes and gushes smoke.

    I figured since it had been getting worse even with the car off it must still have voltage from the battery. I tear off the fuse box cover. The battery fuse is held on with screws! The battery terminals are held on with bolts! I try to pull on the battery fuse, gripping it madly with my thumb and forefinger. It was hot, very hot. Every time I tried to pull at it, it burned my fingers. I don't have a wrench or a screwdriver. I pull the back-up fuse out of desperation, and begin looking for a tool. In the trunk I find an unopened bottle of water that I had forgot about. I open it and pour more water on the alternator as I finally begin to get the situation under control.

    I consider calling the fire dept. but I don't want more drama, I call my mechanic for a tow-truck company, and call my folks for suggestions.

    As I sit down in the drivers seat, and stare at my opened hood, trunk and doors, the smell of "sparklers" is now turning my stomach. The florida midday sun is bearing down on me. That was way too close.

    An hour later the tow shows up. He drags me to the closest auto shop. They say they can't get me until Monday. We go 3 miles further to the next one. They say the same thing. But the owner saw the desperation on my face and, with 3 hours until closing, he says what the heck. The tow was $60, the new alt. was $368 installed. Turns out it blew the main fuse (battery fuse) as well, and melted the 'pigtail' that connects to the alternator. It also drained the battery some. Most of the other wires were not damaged badly and could be re-used. What began as a nice ride at 10:30am that morning wound up extending out until 6:00pm, and costing me more than $400.

    It would appear that the alternator failed catastrophically, the bearings seized, the thing shorted out, and it got so heated it was relentlessly bursting into flames. Funny it never gave me problems before. Never gave me a warning until that point 2 minutes before I pulled over.

    The morale of the story? Well, preventive maintenance will kick your ass if you ignore it, and sometimes you don't get fair warning when something is on it's way out. Oh and keep a bottle of water in your trunk. And some tools...and a cellphone...and...
    Last edited by accordaffair; 12-11-2005, 02:31 AM.

    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
    where you been, is something wrong?
    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.

    Lucky save man LUCKY save. When I saw the title I was like a whole car? Ive never known the cb7 to completely catch fire..that was a definite a quick save especially considering the fuel lines are right there.
    Henry R
    1992 Accord LX R.I.P
    1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
    Legend FSM

    'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
    made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


      Damn man thank god your okay and so is the accord. Yeah be carefull with hot things so u dont burn urself


        Damn, glad you and your car are alright.
        What a story......
        I will keep a bottle of water in my trunk, just for good measures!

        BTW, there should be a "Fuse Puller" in the fuse box under the hood.
        If not, its under the dash...


          Yeah, unfortunalty it was the main fuse I was trying to pull...and its screwed down with two philips head screws. The other ones I can pull with a little effort using my fingers. I'm so glad it didn't get worse. I need my car and I also care very much for my car (trying not to use the "L" word and sound like a freak) but I would sooner use the shirt on my back to drown the fire than let it grow and consume my car.

          And it doesn't even have an H!

          on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
          where you been, is something wrong?
          i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


            Originally posted by Maple50175
            Yeah be carefull with hot things so u dont burn urself
            those are some wise words


              man that really sucks, but glad it didnt end catastrophically... breakdowns and things like this is why i carry my toolbox, some extra of each fluid, and a 1liter soda bottle full of water.

              - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
              - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
              - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
              - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
              - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
              - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
              - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
              - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
              Current cars:
              - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
              - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion


                you can always use dirt to throw on any type of fire, electrical or oil...........we had a silverado's alt flame up like that was at the shop and we had extinguishers though, but still, not cool..........
                In my desperation I was considering that, since there was some dirt close by....(when is there not) but I thought I might just make things worse. If it came to it I'd do just about anything. Luckily I had that iced tea, because I didn't even remember I had water in the trunk. I did have windshield wiper fluid, but by then I had the water and it wasn't worth considering. My folks said later that some wiper fluid has alcohol in it so that may have just made things worse too

                on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                where you been, is something wrong?
                i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                  Well A Real Reason For One

                  You know ive pondered over haviing a Stupid Looking Fire Extinguisher on my A Pillar on the Passengers side of my Accord But Im Not into Rice and for a long time i thought it was kinda Tacky BUT after reading this and seeing as many car fires as ive seen this past year im doing it , NOW there is a REAL reason to have a full small fire extinguisher in my car , may not mount it on the pillar but even in my trunk it would have worked wonders for you man and im not about to ride around with water in my trunk , i have enough unwanted water coming in there from somewhere else , not lights and not rear window bolt seals i think its just my rusted Quarters need to be fixed , but im glad to hear your car is still among us and maybe we should all get extinguishers . " I SELL THEM HE HE "
                  -Sean- Noxidea
                  Fore Sale" My Ride "Best Time To Date 14.9 @ 94 MPH ...


                    I remember now that I snapped off a picture with my phone soon after I had extinguished it.

                    There's the bottle of water. The time stamp says 12/09/05, 1:40pm. The quality is rather poo, but I didn't have my dig. camera at the time, so that's the best I can give you ;P

                    From the picture you can barely tell it caught fire. I did all I could to make sure it didn't get a chance to burn for long.

                    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                    where you been, is something wrong?
                    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                      Man I am so glad to hear everything besides your wallet turned out okay! Same thing I saw the title and thought "Damn I have never heard of this before" and thought about that Golf or GTi whatever....that was a sad, sad video. But good to hear you are okay and the car is also.
                      I put a fire extinguisher in the trunk.

                      - Zipcreature

                      CB7. F22A. 5spd. CB7. Exedy. Chromoly. AEM. DCSports. Apexi. Progress Group. AGX. Suspension Techniques. Viberant. Goodridge. Facebook


                        This might be a once in a lifetime thing...but I might consider it, they're not very expensive. The "home" sized ones are only 30 bucks, and it would rest comfortably in the trunk. I'll continue to consider it.

                        on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                        where you been, is something wrong?
                        i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                          Wow, glad to hear everything turned out alright. Sounds like you handled the situation very well too, congrats there. On a lighter note, hope you enjoy the exhaust, I was looking into getting a WS2 for quite some time.


                            I'm pleased with it, I lost the noise but lost the rice, kept the growl but muffled it. The resonator hangs awfully low but I'm told that's usual. I'd say it's a good purchase. It looks nice too. Shame it doesn't get along with my seems most exhausts don't except of course for custom made ones.

                            on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                            where you been, is something wrong?
                            i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                              that was quite a story.
                              glad everything is okay now.
                              I <3 G60.

                              0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.

