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    who hates flakers?

    i started a mini study group for this one paper in history. we all distributed our e-mails and such and went on our merry foward to the night before the paper is due.

    i have not received any e-mails from any of them with the answers...i even gave out my own set hoping they would respon back so it looks like i kinda got jacked. least i have 1/3 of the paper done
    but i have an essay to worry about, laters y'all
    I <3 G60.

    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.

    Group work sucks . I have a black history project with 3 other people who have yet to contribute anything, looks like I'll be making a powerpoint on my own.

    Members Ride


      Make sure your prof/teacher knows about this.
      To-Do List for Today
      Be Awesome


        Originally posted by mxcx
        Make sure your prof/teacher knows about this.
        word. I got stood up studying for a calc test thats on wednesday. But, I did do my homework while I was waiting, so thats a first


          ahhh i hate people who flake out on things. If you cant/dont want to do something just fricking say it. im going to have to add this to my pet peeve list

          Owner of


            got another third of the answers...boy these answers look half assed, lol.
            teacher doesnt care who we work with/work alone, she just wants them done.
            I <3 G60.

            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


              I've worked with groups like that... the worst of them was a group that actually DID the work. They were just so stupid that I had to redo it all! These were 3rd and 4th year college students, and their writing was worse than a 6th grader's! Totally faked the research, each paragraph was a sentence... all I was supposed to do was make the powerpoint presentation. I rewrote the whole paper, did the 55 slide presentation, and got an A for those losers... The professor was truly impressed with 'our' work. I should've ratted em out...

              Hopefully your flakers won't get a good grade thanks to their incompetance.


                flakers are horrible, i've been in a few groups in college, and doing group work can sometimes be a pain in the ass, cause some of them flake and are just too damn lazy to do anything. Always tell your professor though, even if it seems like ratting, you don't want someone to get away with doing nothing, because it the long run its not helping you nor them.
                Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


                  I remember having to build a robot for some class w/a group of 3 other of the dudes never showed up...did better on the tests than us, AS WE WERE IN THE MACHINE SHOP EVERDAY BUILDING THE ROBOT...wound up getting an A while we all got Bs. That was a wake up call as to how the world works for me.

                  Originally posted by lordoja
                  im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                    friend was suppsoed to go with me to the carshow...says he feels sick, now im not going.

                    so a day without being paid and w/o a car show.
                    I <3 G60.

                    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                      Cant believe I forgot this..back in high school in AP Comp Sci II, the final exam was a video game to program. Group of three. What did the two guys I got stuck with do? Surfed the net in class while I worked. I got a 100 on it tho..BUT so did they... It sucks, I know exactly how it feels.
                      To-Do List for Today
                      Be Awesome


                        i was grouped with a bunch of flakers once in highschool. we were supposed to make a video about a used car lot and we were supposed to meet in a parking lot at a certain time and none of them showed up so me and my buddy just videotaped a bunch of random cars in the parking lots with my buddy talking about them as if we were trying to sell them and i gave it to the teacher and told her that my friend and i were the only one's that did the work and i got full credit for filming and "directing" and the other buttpluggers got zeros they weren't to happy but whatever they never showed

