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pray for me.

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    pray for me.

    man, my life is really stressed out right now. My family fu*&en sucks. Do my best for my mom, bought a new house before she dies because since she has been here in US she never lived in one and my dad died before he could ever experience the feeling, and I kicked my brother out of my house because he has no respect for me nor my mom. And guess what, My mom say's to me that I fucked up. He stoled all her money, sold a lot of her expensive ass jewelry for drugs, and I am wrong for kicking his ass out of MY house. I feel like suicidal now. you know how that shit feels?? But then again my kids. I can't leave them like that, I love them. please pray for me guys. keep the holy spirit in me. I am giving up so easily. so please pray for me. thanks and God bless.
    The beginning of a new era............................
    165 hp 149 ft. lb. torque sohc non vtec. then....
    184 whp and 149 ft. lb. torque f20b stock now......

    wish u the best.

    Originally posted by kc8enb07
    does it come w/ jdm trash? they better throw away gold in it


      youll be in my prayers man, dont let them kids grow up without a daddy.
      Wife: "Why do you get G power platinum and i only get V power?"
      Me:"Cause i have the high compression 93 octane only H22 and you have the bullet proof F22."
      Wife:........................"But yours are prettier"

      Wife:Baby, not everybody wants to do the 93 conversion"


        when you're down on your knees.. it's the best time to put your hands together and pray.. keep your head up Joe!


          I cant say I know what your going threw, but all i can say is that about 2 years ago I was with a girl named Kelly, she dumbed Christmas day, and hooked up with a guy that night that "HAD" beed her friend, For a while I was depressed, then I got so lonely I wanted to kill myself, the day before I figured I would end it, I put a post on myspace saying whats going and what I planned on doing. My friend Kribtic called me up like 5 mins later saying lets go out. so i headed out with him, for a week or so we hung out and I wasn't so lonely and he helped me a lot. So what I am saying is when you need help call a friend, go out to a bar with a friend, talk to your family if that might help, or work on your car, but be with someone weather your in a crowed room, or your bedroom talking to god. You will be missed by your whole family in you levee this world. Goodluck

          "Real intelligence is like a river; the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.”

          Click Me


            Man... I feel you on this... I have been in your shoes a few times.... I give my all to my fam and shit still ends up fucked up.... I tell you what.... When I thought about end'n my life.... One thing keep me going... My 2 Sis and 2 Broz..... Man is like I hated them so much, but I loved them so much too.... We came up together and I had to get out of the house.... So I went in the Army to make shit better for them.... Fucked up my credit for them get them shit that they wanted, shit that mom and dad never got us.... Man I could talk to you all day about this... The one thing is you have to keep faith.... Your will to live and do better is their will to do the same.... Even if they don't show it you are a loved person.... You will make it... Bad times will not last 4 ever they are just 4 now... Good times are just around the corner... Don't let trials and tribulations be the end... Make them new beginnings...

            My Members Ride Thread ( Do It )


              right now man. you have kids. if they lived with you then kicking your drugie brother WAS a good move. regardless if ur mom hates u for it or disapproves of it. you did what was best for them. you dont need no drugie around your kids.

              every night when you wake up in the morning, prey to God for the strength to make it thru the day and he will grant it to you. He's one that will never leave your side unless you leave him 1st. and even if you left him and came back its just like the scriptures say, a shepard is more joyful to find that one lost sheep than to find the entire flok(i think thats how it goes. lol).

              your kids need you in their life. teach them the things you need to so they can grow up to be strong mentaly, physicly and emotionally so they can make it thru the hard times in life. then teach them what they need to know to become the next generation of cb7tuners

              remember. prey to God whenever you need the strength and He will be there for you.


                God has a plan, you gotta over come the challenges He throws your way!!!!!
                Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
                Past 1990 Accord EX Sedan
                Past 1990 Accord LX Sedan
                Past 1991 Accord LX Sedan
                Past 1993 Accord LX Wagon
                Current 1991 Accord EX Wagon


                  Definately youre gonna be in my prays buddy....What you going through is to test your faith and patience..remember God would not put you into any situation that you cant handle...
                  As much you just wanna give up buddy dont !!!! trust in God, leave it in his hands and he will see you through...continue to love your brother although he has done you wrong..
                  accordtypeR aka Seve aka The Godfather.

                  My Old Baby
                  ....................My New Baby
                  SOLD TO
                  ..grumpy93, iceplaya123, slr_theking, tn_accords


                    I agree with all the post here, you have shown yourself and others that you are Honorable and Responsible not only for yourself but for others. You should be proud. My bro does dope alot and doesnt care about the families situation, if he does he is very selfish for his habits. I ve talked to him various times about it and it seems like he slowed down abit although im not a counciler and i cant reach him maybe you should call your bro and give it a try.


                      yeah, dont do that man. Your family needs you. Youre in my prayers, and I hope you can work it all out.

                      Good luck man, ill be thinking of you... You did the right thing.. the same thing any logical person would do.


                        X10 with all those posts man, keep your head up above the clouds, dont let stuff like this get to you , my bro has been doing oxy for the past 4 years and i've kicked him out of my house multiple times. suicide is nothing you want to do especially with kids and im sure your kids are beatiful little kids. you dont want them groing up without a daddy to see everyday or climb into your bed when there scared at night (dunno how old ur kids are) but the point is man life is more than drug addicted brothers and spiteful parents. its all about you and your kids take your kids out for a weekend go camping, take em to the zoo anything to keep you from thinking about all the bad things cause thats what kids are for all the good things in life. i will be praying for you bro though I dont know you it doesnt matter. like i said keep your head up high and dont let it get you down think about your kids FIRST before you do any rash things. keep praying and im sure all the members here are thinking about you too.
                        Originally posted by jboyce
                        i f'd this girl last night i hadnt seen in a while...used to be cute, but when i had her naked lying on my bed i noticed she had gained alot of weight and looked like a manatee rolling around on my bed.


                          Your brother was hurting your mother, so you did what was best. Of course, she's his mother as well, and mothers are protective. Your mom sounds like the type that will forgive an attack, no matter how bad... but she also sounds like the type to pass judgment on the actions of others. Honestly, she's the one who messed up... she's taking out her frustrations (probably mostly towards your brother) on you.

                          Your brother could use help... but only if he wants it. Jail might be the best option for him.

                          What you did wasn't wrong. It was a difficult choice, and you did what you felt was right. Stick to that. You'll NEVER be right 100% of the time in everyone's eyes! Hell, from a very unrelated standpoint, I can identify (barely) by how I run this forum. I make decisions. Sometimes they aren't the best. They aren't always easy. But I do what I feel I have to do, and stick to it. I've had good friends disapprove of my decisions, and it hurts... but I feel that what I do is right, so I have to live with that (that goes beyond the forum).

                          Honestly, YOU did the least wrong. Your brother is a loser. Your mom can't seem to get her priorities straight. Chances are, she's ashamed of herself for raising one loser of a child, and can't bear to accept that. She wants to keep him close and protect him, as if the mothering you give to a child will help an adult. You are the responsible adult, and you made a decision that went against her maternal drive (as misguided as it might be). You sent her baby out into the world to get hurt... She'll come to her senses. And if she doesn't, then perhaps SHE needed him to be out of the house as well. She clearly wasn't seeing him for what he was, and all she was doing was facilitating his ways.

                          The only way to do better than you've done would be to find a way to help your brother. If there isn't a way, then you've done all you can to protect your family. Don't be hard on yourself. You're strong. You're smart. You're a son and a father worth living. Your family, messed up as it may be at the moment, needs you. They need you more than anyone, even if they reject you. Be strong!


                            DONE. It'll get better now. God Bless!
                            The Lord watches over me!

                            "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

                            - D. Chappelle


                              thank you all for the replies and for everyone's input. my brother has been in and out of juvinile a few years ago, so he knows how it's like to be behind bars. yes, I do love my children very much especially my Elijah that has overcomed a very big obstacle a few months ago. again, I ask that you guys keep me in your prayers and that I am also expecting another BABY!!!!!!!!! #5 for me guys. shooting for a healthy baby (girl)LOL!. four boys already. and yes, I will teach my son's about the next generation cb7tuners. But my boys only know supra's. LOL. I will also pray for all you guys.

                              and yes, I agree with you deev that my mom is part of the blame for raising her fucken baby son and spoiling his ass. I got nothing from my parents other than a fucken beating almost everyday. But at least it made me this responsible like I am today. God bless everyone.
                              The beginning of a new era............................
                              165 hp 149 ft. lb. torque sohc non vtec. then....
                              184 whp and 149 ft. lb. torque f20b stock now......

