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I just got broken up with.

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    I just got broken up with.

    I was going out with my girlfriend for 16 months. It was great, we never really fought, I thought she might be the one. I know Im a bit young, at 20, to be making that claim, but we clicked at every level possible. I could try to assign the title best friend to anyone else in my life, but it only really stuck to her.

    Basically, the story goes that she goes to school in Boston, I go to school in York (southern PA). We had been in a long distance scenario before, when she was still in high school (shes 2 years younger than me.) and it was fine, there were no real problems that I could see. Even at home shes an hour away from me. She got to school, and pretty much everything changed. She no longer had time for me, and it almost seemed like making time was a chore for her. This went on for a few weeks, I confronted her about it, and things got better for a few days. Then they went right back to how they were before, and whenever I confronted her about it, she would just reply "Well, Im trying." Eventually, this got to be too much for me to handle. I told her that I wasnt happy with the amount of effort she was putting in (ie time to talk to her, phone IM, whatever), and that I didnt want to do this anymore if she couldnt make more time for me. We broke up for less than a day. She called me, crying, said she couldnt deal with losing me, blah blah blah. naturally, since I didnt REALLY want to end it in the first place, I took her back. This was last Monday -> Tuesday. Things were the best they had been since she got to school for the next few days. We talked all the time, I felt like she was putting a ton of effort into the relationship, I was finally really happy about everything. I went to my friends house for the weekend, in Philly, and we didnt talk alot there, but I figured it was ok, because we were both busy. I got back to school and things had reverted right back to where they were before the short-lived break up. We werent talking, it was horrible. She even slept in some guys room for a night (although, there were other circumstances that made it way more understandable than this sounds.)

    Well, tonight was where it all ended. We were talking online, and she basically says "We need to talk." She then proceeds to break up with my online, after 16 months. It was probably the biggest slap in the face Ive ever gotten. We talked on the phone, but everything had already been said. I told her that once the phone was hung up, it was over, for good. She said she knew, and was almost crying at this point. I know its hitting her just as hard as it is me, but I cant bring myself to have any sympathy for her whatsoever.

    The problem is, I do still love her, and she still means the world to me. I dont know what to do, because if she calls me tomorrow and wants me back again, Ill probably take her back.

    This is the most alone Ive felt in at least 2 and a half years.

    And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
    Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.

    Im sorry....but 16 sweat it. Plenty of tuna in the sea.

    Try 48 months, and tell me how was the feeling of a breakup.

    The first month or two is hard,trust me. Take my advice, move on asap.

    Dr. Jekyll by day Mr. Hyde by night
    02 Pontiac Firebird W68
    92 Dodge Stealth RT/TT


      I cant even imagine at 48 months. I would have been a wreck, like worse than I am right now.

      So far in my life, this was my longest relationship, and the only girl Ive ever truly loved. I know it may not seem as monumental as I make it, but thats definitely how it feels to me.

      And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
      Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


        Same scenario. Had a gf in High School. It was great. I loved her, she loved me...we had our differences and ended it. We didnt talk for years and bumped into eachother about 2 years ago. She asked me to break up with my current, i said no. She took that as me not wanting to be with her. Well, we started talking online about 2 months ago, and we always talk about my feelings for her then and my feelings for her now. I love my current, dont get me wrong, but the ex was my first crush and my first love. I'll always love her, and if it were up to me, when i got the chance, we'd get together, but shes told me several times that if we were both single, we'd never be together cuz i turned her down years ago. So in a sense, im kinda in the same boat, but ive had your feelings for years.

        When we first broke up, it was hard for me to deal with it, but i had to let her go. You told her its over, and if you go back on that, you'll only be hurting yourself again later. You have to leave it be and roll with the punches. Sorry to hear about your woes bro...GL and hang in there.

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        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          Dude dont sweat it. Your the same age as me. We have our whole life ahead of us.

          Just dont think about her, go hang out with your friends or something just dont sit at home and mope.

          Dr. Jekyll by day Mr. Hyde by night
          02 Pontiac Firebird W68
          92 Dodge Stealth RT/TT


            Haha (not laughing at you lol) This reminds me of myself about 4 months ago....Cept it was after we got home from school...and she got a new job...and apparently when you get a new job that job also comes with a new boyfriend.

            It really sucks....I was working 12 hour shiftwork at the time while I knew she was with this other guy.

            I should add she did the exact same thing to me 2 years previous

            but goes on....plenty of other women out there....Plus your only 20...not even legal to drink in the states yet....There is plenty to left to experience and sometimes girls just get in the way

            It gets easier trust me....As everyone probably has said...focus on other really really well in school....Or you can do what i did...and spend every single min thinking of how awesome your car will be now that you dont have a women to spend money on lol

            Edit...I was also going out with that girl for 12 months round 2 and 18 for round one....Im also only 20 lol

            Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


              Originally posted by Frazzums
              Im sorry....but 16 sweat it. Plenty of tuna in the sea.

              Try 48 months, and tell me how was the feeling of a breakup.

              The first month or two is hard,trust me. Take my advice, move on asap.
              try 84.

              Got broken up with 2 months ago, today.

              It is the worst feeling in the fucking world.

              But as time goes by, you learn to cope with it(if you're strong) and life goes on.

              Did she cheat on you?

              W/e happens, I recommend not going back to her. It will only bring you more pain and suffering. I know you want to be with her, but try your hardest to not talk to her for the next few weeks.

              It's going to be hell, but I'm sure you're used to not talking all that much anyways.

              At least you didn't live with her. Now THAT would be hell.

              CrzyTuning now offering port services


                yea she was probally cheattin if you believe it or not... women are like monkeys in a way.... they dont let go of one branch untill they got a firm grasp on the next one

                Please, Leave me some feeedback on my ride ^CLICK ^CLICK ^CLICK
                Originally posted by deevergote.
                But Honda guys know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING! If you don't believe that, then you're just wrong...


                  Originally posted by accord2nr81
                  yea she was probally cheattin if you believe it or not... women are like monkeys in a way.... they dont let go of one branch untill they got a firm grasp on the next one
                  very true.....well in my experiences anyways

                  Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                    dude try 3 years. and the bitch cheats on you. she moves to nd and i had all my shit packed ready to move and i called and said i was leaving and she says that she has been seein some one for over a month and don't want to talk to me anymore. talkin about hurt. but man you will find some one else i thought that there was no one else out there. and dude i found some one even better.

                    used condoms? wtf


                      Shit man, love hurts. But we all go through it, get knocked down, and try again.

                      Time is the only healer, that's my only advice. Work on the CB, hang out with friends, stay on top of your school and career.

                      Best of luck mayne

                      Originally posted by lordoja
                      im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                        yall talking about short term here....shit....I been with the same woman for almost 5 years...we've had our ups and downs...and almost broke up ( Recently )..... but doing the dating scene all over again is a big headache... picking up women... getting to know them..and if they have gotta get on their kids good side...etc..etc its a BIG HASSLE getting to know a woman..then to learn ..damn..( shes not my cup-o-tea ) then you get frustrated because you just wasted time you can't get back.....

                        but the 90% of the women before the one Im with now were pure disposables. What I mean by they come in...fuck you over...and you just ditch em...MOVE ON...if you find one thats worth keeping..KEEP HER....Im almost 30 girl is will come to a fork in the road where you WILL get tired of the dating scene...TRUST me...thats when you're a MATURE man. not just a man thats out there hunting for random pussy..but when you're ready to settle down.

                        Move on... like Frazzums said it ASAP..and do it with HASTE.

                        NOTE: this is what I do....after a break up...I dont even focus my energy on women...I focus it on things I want to do...( ME TIME ) fuck that....I just do what I want you know.

                        you know....overhaul an engine..and taking your time...( less distraction ) if you're single...and you're doing an overhaul...I notice...the engine will have less problems rather than distractions because the other woman will get angry because you're out in the yard or garage fixing on your car.

                        TO THE LADIES: not saying you're a distraction...but why do most women get jealous of a machine? doesn't make any sense. Men and Women have totally different desires and hobbies, why does women get so intimidated and jealous of a Machine that her spouse is just simply enhancing?

                        Its a plus, if that woman is as much involved in working on cars as her partner!
                        ( having the cake and eatting it )
                        92 LX. A6 with GUDE bullfrog Cam. M2S4 transmission..Gutted H23 intake mani. The rest you will just have to find out!

                        MR Thread:
                        My tribute page:


                          Originally posted by gloryaccordy
                          Shit man, love hurts. But we all go through it, get knocked down, and try again.

                          Time is the only healer, that's my only advice. Work on the CB, hang out with friends, stay on top of your school and career.

                          Best of luck mayne
                          yup..thats what I was talking about mayne... ( ME TIME ) ^

                          nice description of things to do after a heal the heart
                          92 LX. A6 with GUDE bullfrog Cam. M2S4 transmission..Gutted H23 intake mani. The rest you will just have to find out!

                          MR Thread:
                          My tribute page:


                            Originally posted by Beefy
                            dude try 3 years. and the bitch cheats on you. she moves to nd and i had all my shit packed ready to move and i called and said i was leaving and she says that she has been seein some one for over a month and don't want to talk to me anymore. talkin about hurt. but man you will find some one else i thought that there was no one else out there. and dude i found some one even better.

                            she was just plainly using you as a stone to get to a higher plateau. :

                            but the facts are...BOTH men and women do the same dreadful shit..just differently.

                            its a fucked up world

                            but that was really fucked up what happend to you though.
                            92 LX. A6 with GUDE bullfrog Cam. M2S4 transmission..Gutted H23 intake mani. The rest you will just have to find out!

                            MR Thread:
                            My tribute page:


                              Originally posted by accord2nr81
                              women are like monkeys in a way.... they dont let go of one branch untill they got a firm grasp on the next one

                              thats sig material!
                              92 LX. A6 with GUDE bullfrog Cam. M2S4 transmission..Gutted H23 intake mani. The rest you will just have to find out!

                              MR Thread:
                              My tribute page:

