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Playstation 3 Game reviews

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    Playstation 3 Game reviews

    Saw the 360 review thread, so i thought id share my opinions on the PS3 games that I've played so far. I wont be reviewing the online portion of the games, as that can change depending on too many factors. (internet speed, player skill, dumbass kids online, etc...)

    Resistance: Fall Of Man
    Overall - 8/10

    Gameplay - 9/10
    Graphics - 10/10
    Sound - 8/10
    Story - 6/10
    Replay - 7/10

    By far, the best shooter I've ever played. Sure Halo (the first one, 2 & 3 sucked) was an awesome FPS, but something about this game really got me. The aliens are wicked looking, character design in general was awesome.
    Another reason i love this game is the action, its non-stop. On easy and medium its not really crazy, but when you play on hard and expert, you are always being shot at by at least 15 people, and it flows flawlessly, no lag cause theres too much going on, or glitches caused by too much movement.
    The visuals are amazing. Considering that this was one of the first games released on the Ps3, and its still by far the best looking game I've played on the console
    The sound and music are also very effective in the game. The music is pretty damn intensive, and the game feels so much different without it.
    One last thing to note, is the difficulty of this game. Which is a big thing to me, I love a challenging game, and the fact that the enemies actually learn your strategy and change their attack plan is an amazing thing. No level ever feels the same.
    I consider this a must have for Ps3 owners, even if your not a big FPS fan, i recommend at least renting it, you won't be disappointed

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    Overall - 10/10 (Best game I have ever played, hands down)

    Gameplay - 10/10
    Graphics - 10/10
    Sound - 9/10
    Story - 9/10
    Replay - 10/10

    I hate RPG's, especially fantasy type shit (elves, magic, all that kind of stuff), but this game had me hooked from the day i got it. There is so much to do in this game, that its not even funny. I have 5 different save files, each with well over 100 hours of play, and i still find new things in the game every time I play.
    The gameplay is near flawless. No lag problems, no glitches (that ive found anyways, I have heard of a few however), the controls are well thought out, you would be hard pressed to find anything severely wrong with this game.
    It looks amazing. (second only to Resistance: FOM) One thing that amazes me about this game, is the environments. Everything looks, almost real. You can climb up a mountain, and get an awesome view, which is just kinda cool. Its simple things like that that keep me playing this game.
    And as far as replay value is concerned, the game is pretty much endless. Once you've completed all the main stories and quests, there are still all kinds of dungeons and caves to explore to get crazy weapons, new magic, and other stuff such as these.
    If any game ever deserved the title of "Game Of The Year," this is it.

    There are a few other games I'll cover later tonight when i get off work, but this is all i have time for now.

    Other Games:
    The Darkness
    Full Auto 2: Battle lines
    NFS: Carbon
    NFS: ProStreet
    Sonic The Hedgehog
    Rainbow Six: Vegas
    Tony Hawk: Project 8
    Ridge Racer 7
    Driving before toke:
    Driving after toke:

    Promote friendly driving, Toke!

    so what do the cops say when they pull you over stoned out of your mind?

    "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
    "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
    "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


      i dont get pulled over alot anymore, im very careful if im cruising stoned. im on probation right now though, so i cant even smoke till next october
      Driving before toke:
      Driving after toke:

      Promote friendly driving, Toke!


        while you're at it, quit smoking all together. You'll be glad you did :P
        My Car
        FREE Web hosting solutions


          Originally posted by mchaley
          while you're at it, quit smoking all together. You'll be glad you did :P
          sorry to go off topic...but I didnt know you were a doctor.

          "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


            tahaha wow...nicely made...360 is still better...tahahahaahah

            -New shocks
            -New Tires/Wheels
            -New Window Tint
            -Alot more lovin'

            My Panda:


              fuck microsoft, ive always thought xbox'es were way overrated.

              And on the smoking note, i will smoke weed till the day I die, i have stopped smoking cigarettes though, which is an amazing feeling
              Driving before toke:
              Driving after toke:

              Promote friendly driving, Toke!



                Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

                Overall: 9/10

                Gameplay - 10/10
                Graphics - 9/10
                Sound - 9/10
                Story - 9/10
                Replay - 8/10

                This may be the first game to really validate the PS3. The game plays almost exactly like Gears of War (to the point where comparisons kind of hit you like a brick to the back of the skull.) The story is really interesting, and quite engaging. The gameplay is very fluid, although the triggers do not act as triggers for the gun. Im sure you can change this in the options, like you can in resistance, however, the triggers being convex really makes this less than advantageous. The cover system is very good, with much of the cover being destructive. There is a Melee system as well, it is very powerful, with a combo attack that allows you to kill an enemy in "one shot"

                If you own a PS3, this is a must have.

                And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                  what is everyones obsession with gears of war?i thought it was really overhyped. played through the first half with a friend, and was not impressed. it doesnt look any better than other 360 games, there was nothing groundbreaking, it was just a hyped up, average FPS. i actually thought it was fairly boring, just kinda slow
                  Driving before toke:
                  Driving after toke:

                  Promote friendly driving, Toke!



                    Originally posted by Fzzy285
                    fuck microsoft, ive always thought xbox'es were way overrated.

                    And on the smoking note, i will smoke weed till the day I die, i have stopped smoking cigarettes though, which is an amazing feeling

                    lol dood i was just messin around...i dont really know what the deal is behind both systems...i actually think both are badass, that's me..cuz i've tried out both..can't really tell the differences graphic wise.

                    -New shocks
                    -New Tires/Wheels
                    -New Window Tint
                    -Alot more lovin'

                    My Panda:


                      360's look better on regular tvs, but the ps3 looks amazing if you have a good hd tv. i play on a 54" Vizio plasma, and the 360 didnt really look great on it, while the ps3 looks perfect.

                      thats about all ive noticed graphics wise
                      Driving before toke:
                      Driving after toke:

                      Promote friendly driving, Toke!



                        Ive played the 360 and the PS3 on a regular TV, in fact the same TV, and I think they look about the same. Ive played my 360 on an HDTV, and thought it looks amazing, but never seen a PS3 in action on an HDTV, so I cant really offer any opinion on it.

                        And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                        Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.



                          Fantastic game play and it will always keep you on your feet. There is always a chance of the game turning around so expect the worse aka you being first and four other mud boggers bum rush you. There are tons of tracks but it never feels repetitive.

                          The music is fucking awesome ie. pedulum and wolfmother.

                          the vehicles are amazing and you get a pretty wide variety in them.

                          the graphics are ooglie googly, i drool in 1080p

                          its about 35 bucks used off ebay, highly recommend.
                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                            Okay i might get motorstorm i heard it's awesome!

                            and um

                            Movies Count?

                            i got a couple but i only seen

                            SPIDERMAN 3 on PS3

                            i give it a 8/10

                            Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


                              Originally posted by Fzzy285
                              i dont get pulled over alot anymore, im very careful if im cruising stoned.

                              Im sorry, but i found that statement to be the funniest shit alive.

                              Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

                              Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

                              Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

                              Originally posted by JoshM
                              Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
                              NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.

