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Can You Help

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    Can You Help

    I know this is hard times and this guy is not a cb7 member or even owns one,but he is an car enthusiast still.He lives in charleston south carolina and is in the show scene like me.He was laid off from work last summer and has no insurance,this is what all the clubs in the scene and especially in my area,there are 8-9 clubs up in my area we call ourselve together "THE EAST COAST FAMILY", this is what we are planning,so if anyone in these areas see fliers or hear about this come out and help this worthy cause.

    James went to the hospital with back pain, his disk ruptured and severed his spinal chord leaving him paralized from the chest down. James and Jenny have two beautiful children and it is going to take all the help that we can give their family to get them through this tough time. It is going to be a long hard road but... a road that is paved with love, friendship and family will be easier to travel on! I am so thankful for all of you that have called with your thoughts, ideas, prayers and advise.

    Together with Neighborhood Dreamz, Twisted Fantasies, Twisted Koncepts, No Strings Attached, The Butcher Shop, Animated Atrractions, Street Dreamz and all of the other friends and family that are pulling together we are beginning a stream of car cruises and shows to benifit James and Jenny and help them in their time of need.

    The first Cruise In will be this Saturday April 11th at the Hooters in North Charleston SC. The cruise starts at 10am and donations will be taken to help support our fallen brother and his family.

    2171 Northwoods Blvd
    North Charleston, SC 29406
    (843) 824-8661
    For any futher information such as hotels please call Link at 843-209-7022

    The second cruise is set for May 9th at the Fudruckers in Virginia Beach Virginia. The show will start at 10am and donations will be taken to help support our fallen brother and his family.

    4625 Virginia Beach Blvd
    Virginia Beach, VA 23462
    (757) 456-1118
    For any further information please contact Tammy with Neighborhood Dreams at 757-371-6232 or Johnny Outlaw at 757-372-1987.

    There will be more events organized in the near future and we will do our best to keep everyone informed. Thanks so much to everyone and every club that is helping to organize these Cruises and Car shows.
    James and Jenny really appreciate all of the support they are getting from their car family!

    Thanks to Jess, Tammy, Mack, Mana, Ricky, Link, and everyone else for helping get the word out and getting everything could have two more deserving people in Jenny and James!