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    What is this thing you call .....SUN ??


      gonne be happy?? LMAO! umm for a single day of SUN? i doubt it.....ill believe it when i see it! but ill prolly be sliingin parts at work while it actually shines!

      F22a1-->F22A-->H22A-->auto-2-5spd-->K20 6spd-->F22C 6spd RWD-->4G63 6spd AWD-->K24 6spd????

      Sold to: blackice, Myothercar, Rennat, Ilikebigbutts, HA91, DA92CB7, accord91lx, Cb7GHOST, Gemini, whiteaccord92,Warudakumi, jhondayaaj
      Bought from: 93twodoorLX, Datmofo, g7kobayashi, accord_inspire, Accord SiR, Kurobei, UK-Accord, phreakish93, RENR, k-mart


        I don't know about you guys, but the sun is out right now from where I am at.
        "form follows function."
        Louis Sullivan


          im in kansas and the sun is really hitting us good


            i think our permit to veiw sunshine has been revoked. but atleast this year we have two records now.
            1. HAWKS playoff win.
            2. most consecutive days of rain.
            wow, we are so f'n lucky....


              I hate rain!!


                I know!!!!! OMFG!! I woke up late today, I missed both of my classes, but damn, as soon as I looked outside, I had forgotten all about my classes.

                It is such a nice ass fucking day!!!


                CrzyTuning now offering port services


                  Originally posted by accord4thgen
                  I hate rain!!
                  me too i hate it also when i wash and was my car and it rains right after it pisses me off


                    I just picked up the CB7 from being detailed today and God must've been looking out for me or something b/c the sun actually came out for a lil bit, the fog cleared, and the drizzling stopped. Yay! I hate that when you spend money on getting the car to look good and then the weather goes and f#cks it all up!


                      Originally posted by erikm
                      That is one clean ass car, you got lucky, GET IT INSIDE its gonna rain! lol
                      Yeah, I was lucky, huh? It's already sitting in the garage. I'll try not to take it out until it's a really clear day so I can take some good pics of it.


                        Let's hope we get some of that out this way. The new wheels and tires for the WRX should be here today and I wanna get them on sooo bad! Since I live at the top of a ridge and get home via a very steep, long street I hope it does NOT snow once I get them on and take off the Blizzaks. If it does snow, the CB7 will be my only car with snow tires still on!


                          Originally posted by erikm
                          You better plug that camera of your in and take pictures of your WRX with the new bad ass rims! If you have a camera phone just send me them :P
                          I did, I did! Take a look at my member's ride thread! And I took a few just for you, so hurry up and go look. I guess I spoke too soon, though, as you'll see in the SNOW photos! *SIGH* Brace yourself, I hear you guys will get some out in your neck of the woods in a few days.


                            Originally posted by erikm
                            Neck of da Woods, sounds like a Nappy Roots song
                            Um... is that supposed to be another Hawaiian/Islander joke? I'd say it sounds more hill billy than nappy roots, but what would I know, right? HEHE


                              Originally posted by erikm
                              Search it up girly... its a Nappy Roots song If you didn't know Nappy Roots is was black people get when their hair is all knotted together and stuff :P lol... I am more hill billy then you, Island people, psshhh!
                              Duh, I know who they are, LOL! Your description sounded like you were describing one of my dogs (he hates me brushing him) I meant "hill billy" since you always tease where I live

                              Originally posted by erikm
                              IT'S A LITTLE WHITE HERE :\ Suns out though, should make quick work of our 1 cm of snow, it almost looks like a heavy frost.
                              Go make a snow angel!


                                man, theres been a lot of sun lately.

                                CrzyTuning now offering port services

