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Intake Manifold......

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    Intake Manifold......

    ok, here is my question......

    1) i have a ported f22a4 intake manifold and wanna know if ill see any performance increase if i bolted on a h23a1 ported manifold, (my guess is it would be the same as the f22a6 manifold on the f22a4)????

    2) what size TB are u guys running and what would u suggest for a mildly modified engine (i/h/c/e/pullies/safcII tuned/CAM gear/REGRIND CAM/advanced timing)???


    "TÜNE.FREE Engine Management!"


    humm the h23 TB is bigger so that will probably benifit you, but humm good question...
    What makes me laugh about forums, is that no matter how much you try to help someone, they dont take the advice. Go ahead and do it the hard way.

    You got to respect what you drive, and appreciate what you have, making the best of what you got. and if that means putting CAI, HID's, a phat stereo system, and a idiot in the drivers seat...then so be it!



    I love nooBs...They make me look good


      To my knowledge, no one I know has played around with TB sizing enough and/or done a comparison study to prove anything. If someone has, speak up...

      When I get this F22a1 all-motor build, I will be using a H23 TB in stock form which has a 60mm TB (compared to 58m on F22a1/a4/a6). I do have the option of boring the H23 TB up to 64mm though, I did find this out. I will size it to what's optimal for my setup, bigger is not always better. When I have my engine done I'll first try a stock 60mm H23 TB, then purchase two others for cheap (get them bored to 62 & 64mm) using the same AEM CAI 2.75" intake & same setup for the rest of engine, header, exhaust as well and see which does me best. Sh*t, to properly do this, I would have to open up the TB gasket some and possibly portmatch the plenum to the TB...we'll see, maybe I won't have to and/or just bore the plenum opening to 64mm & try them all. We'll see...won't be for a while though...
      HondaFan81 For Sale Parts (LOW PRICES ON EVERYTHING)


        k, thnx bro..... get on aim.....


        "TÜNE.FREE Engine Management!"


