i love the p/s on the H . keep it clean !
No announcement yet.
mcdizzle: 1992 Accord Ex
new suspension goodies coming soon, and ill wash it and get some new pics up
My Members Ride Thread
Originally posted by deevergoteYou have to think outside the box to get IN the box!
I see new suspension is in the works what else is new..accordtypeR aka Seve aka The Godfather.
My Old Baby....................My New Baby
SOLD TO..grumpy93, iceplaya123, slr_theking, tn_accords
got some jdm 1-piece headlights on it and thats about it i believe. once it gets all put together the wash and new picture will be taken
My Members Ride Thread
Originally posted by deevergoteYou have to think outside the box to get IN the box!
im gonna bump this up for new future plans and new pictures of the ride. hopefully have some more pictures here soon done with a nice camera
My Members Ride Thread
Originally posted by deevergoteYou have to think outside the box to get IN the box!
nice Ride Mcdizzle.. glad the suspension is treating you well..Header Whorage and Official Part out sale.
Official Garage Sale Thread
http://jdmconcepts.com/ Head porting specialist..
thanks for the comliments, new pic up of part of my future plans....
My Members Ride Thread
Originally posted by deevergoteYou have to think outside the box to get IN the box!
someones going to be making a triumphant return to the CB7 scene tomorrow....
My Members Ride Thread
Originally posted by deevergoteYou have to think outside the box to get IN the box!