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so after last night i lost it

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    so after last night i lost it

    yeah last night i started freaking out, and throwing shit and braking glass and my parents (im living at home right now) were trying to stop me and i was screaming at the top of my lungs in pain and I freaked out and yelled im going to kill myself and ran to the kitchen but i had taken a bunch of valium and i fell over and cried till about 7 am when i went to my normal doctor who never listened before, and i told him im going to kill myself if the pain doesnt stop. i guess he saw that i was in pain, because i cant bend my back anymore, meaning someone has to help me out of bed most of the time and stand me up.

    he actually isn't an arrogant asshole (just real conservative on treatment) and gave me soma ( i asked for vicodin but he weaseled his way out of it)

    im almost permantently disabled.

    please dont flame me any more

    i really want to fucking die guys

    i dont want to be tortured anymore.

    i dont understand why people cant see whats wrong with me. its so bad. i feel it inside of me.

    in 2 weeks im going to pain manegement because until i find the answers, im going to stop the torture. Im going to take lots oxycontin until im fixed or dead.

    i had a really good life.

    you all are so lucky to have a cb7 and healthy body. treat it well.

    i hope the future is good for me but i doubt it.

    all my friend turned into opiate addicts. my best friends mom is dying from cancer, and he gave me her fentanyl patches, and i can still feel the pain. i feel like a spear is in my back now, not a knife.

    im done with life, i really tried hard. i did really good. but pain doesnt favor hard work and determination. It hates it.

    i give up. i dont want to sell my cars. i miss my life i want it back so bad.

    help me

    i havent slept in a couple days. the pain wont let me, i just want to rest forever. i want to be happy about my life.


      dude dont go to the doctor anymore, find yourself a doctor that will listen, ask him to refer you to a specialist that deals with back pains. how did you get where you are now? life to good to end short, you will get better. it takes time.

      ill pray for you, just hang in there. you'll get through it
      miss my turbo cb7
      moved onto volvos. dont know how that happened, just did


        I'm sorry man I wish I had somethin helpful to say. Be strong

        Originally posted by lordoja
        im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


          i hope u get the help u need dude, im sorry to hear ur in so much pain. nobody can truly understand what u are going through othr than u so im not gonna judge anything u say.... just hope u get help man.

          "Tucking tires and wires."
          The Chronicles.


            Originally posted by J-specCb4 View Post
            i hope u get the help u need dude, im sorry to hear ur in so much pain. nobody can truly understand what u are going through othr than u so im not gonna judge anything u say.... just hope u get help man.
            thanks man i appreciate that. im on alot of muscle relaxers right now and your car looks pretty it made me smile


              Hang in there, there's always a way out.

              Yes my name is Dang, Don't use in vain
              1992 Honda Accord EX (Coupe/Bordeaux/Auto)
              1992 Honda Accord EX (Coupe/Bordeaux/H22A MT)
              2008 Honda Accord EXL (Coupe/SanMarino/6spd)


                pain went down to 2/10

                this is not normal

                my best days are 5/10 but they have turned into 6/10 lately

                the average is 7/10 pain

                9 being the time my jaw was smashed against the concrete and ripped off my face by some RUF looking mother fuckers

                last night was 10 out of ten.

                i respected my doc today alot, he is very intelligent you know the type that is happy at everything he does and he does it smart. thats my doc.

                he doesn't like to give pain meds. but he hooked me up with pain management. and gave me muscle relaxers and some words of (false) hope.

                i told him i didnt want pain manegement just hooking me on oxycontin, and he said that this is the number one rated place that is more concerned at fixing the problem than covering it with drugs..

                they have a team of PT's, Doctors, Chiropracters, Acupuncture, and other specialist.

                Unless i get surgery, i will always be in pain the rest of my life... however, if this team can reduce my pain enough....

                i wont be good for nothing, and i will make something of myself.

                i dont want to talk about what will happen if I am physically "screwed"

                A drug dependent life isn't living. Ive been in a rock band, good enough to get money offers, but we dont right songs, were not a real band, we all just jam togehter. soo maybe ill just life that lifestyle till im 27 then I will get famous when i die lol.

                i've spent alot of time body building, and now i am throwing it away. I dont want to do that.

                ive always wanted to be a boxer. when MMA became reality i started gaining weight and wrestling my old old roomate. then my jaw got smashed and i can't get hit in the face.

                I won 4th in states in track. but who cares about running. who needs to run when you can fight!

                woah im hearing music in my head tie for bedtimme eine


                  you're an idiot. Crying about back pain and then talking about being a MMA fighter or a rock star? you're frustrating.
                  My Car
                  FREE Web hosting solutions


                    Good thing you aren't my kid. If you started breaking shit and acting like that in my house, you wouldn't have to be worried about wanting to die.

                    More CB7 drama whoring from rocknricer.
                    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                      Yo Dave ,
                      hit me up bro, it's time for you to get back to work on that coupe bro .

                      -->751 whp @ 27psi <--...Midnight Tuning <----


                        Am I on your ignore list Dave?


                        The fact that you only go back to the one doctor and won't go to the ER to get both mental and physical help tells me you're full of shit as usual.


                          He dont need mental help....I was the same situation a while back and I feel like I was dying and wanted to die. Go to a different doctor and get some damn surgury. If you dont have the money for it I am sure we can start a fund for your surgury or something. Go get some help it tomorrow!!


                            Who are we to judge what he needs/doesn't need in terms of care and treatment?

                            I hope you are able to find peace in whatever decision you make. I would hope you see the value of your life and act accordingly upon it.

                            Originally posted by Maple50175
                            Oh here we go again. Maples other half.


                              Originally posted by visualpoet View Post
                              STOP FUCKING POSTING, YOU DOUCHE!!!

                              Dave, you're a really fucked up retarded idiot. You have NO reason to complain about the direction your life is going. You know better, yet you continue to choose to follow the wrong path, hang out with the wrong crowd, and make the worst possible decisions.

                              You deserve everything that's coming to you.

