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Cocain addicts on medicaid

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    Cocain addicts on medicaid


    There's this patient that comes in no joke once a week or less, same thing...congestive heart failure and cocain abuse.

    EVERY time...I swear she's only clean from the time she leaves the hospital until she gets to her house.

    She in her late 40's...and recently got on medicaid. Not that she paid before, but now the hospital gets paid for her visits.

    Now I'm a white, 27 year old male with a steady job and I've been "independent" since I was 18, no one claims me. When I made 15k a year I got ZERO help with school...I got $300...but that would not buy books for ONE class! I only take 9hrs at most. I still had over $700 in tuition plus all my books. I can only go to a community college and I can't take more than 9hrs, can't afford to and I don't have the time working full time.

    I applied for food stamps, medicaid/medicair whatever...and I couldn't get it. From the time I was 18 to now (I don't make much more than that now) and I can't get shit.

    Yet this bitch, this cocain abusing, jobless, piece of shit bitch...get's all the aid she could want. Bet if she applied for financial aid for school she'd get a free fucking ride too.

    And that's fine...good for her...good for all these mother fuckers getting all this help from the govt...I wouldn't want them not too...but what about me? I'm paying damn near $30 a pay check for this bitch to walk around half naked, bitching and complaining because the docs refuse to give a cocain addict narcotics, and complaining about all this free health care and food she's getting...all on my back. Yet I get jack shit squat.

    Guess that I'm married...I actually do get ZERO for school. My wife makes as much as I do, combined we are at or below poverty line. Yet...I get LESS money from the govt for school than I did before. WTF? I thought getting married was supposed to get me more help? Maybe now that my wife lost her job I'll get $200 for school.

    That's what's wrong with our govt...we reward these dumb fucking pieces of shit that need to be fucking shot in the head because they are such fucking wastes of human life...and we don't do a damn thing for people that are actually fucking working and HOLDING jobs! FUCK!!!

    ok...that's all
    Last edited by bcjammerx; 10-19-2009, 03:08 AM.

    I didn't read any of the thread, well maybe except the first few words.

    I already know the points its going to address, and I completely agree with that shit 100%.

    But, unfortunately, it's like what are ya gonna do. All we can do is bitch, or start shooting stuff.


      thats what you get for not being a coke head, sucker.

      smoke tires, not drugs.


        Originally posted by slammed4thgen View Post
        thats what you get for not being a coke head, sucker.
        I've thought about it...govt. healthcare...all I have to do is put up with the neighbors...but that's what the drugs are for

        yeah...pointless rant...but made me feel better thanks for your support


          lol im glad i could assist you in your downward spiral!

          now drop out of school and start doin rails...cha ching!

          smoke tires, not drugs.


            I know what you're saying. I'm not in the same situation as you, not by a long shot, but it seems to me that the .gov is failing the people who can actually improve this country.
            My Car
            FREE Web hosting solutions


              Originally posted by mchaley View Post
              I know what you're saying. I'm not in the same situation as you, not by a long shot, but it seems to me that the .gov is failing the people who can actually improve this country.
              The gov. wants the country to fail... I think we already have failed.
              China will own us some day. We don't produce things here anymore. While
              our government is f**king us! Theres another country out there f**king
              our government.

              :Back In Business...


                Originally posted by slammed4thgen View Post
                thats what you get for not being a coke head, sucker.

                lol im glad i could assist you in your downward spiral!

                now drop out of school and start doin rails...cha ching!

                She's a woman. Probably sinlge with like 6 crackbaby kids. The gov't sees her as a person with needs. You're a strapping young lad with a job and a wife; not exactly bottom of the barrel in our gov't's eyes.

                I know it sucks. I know its BS. But thats how it is in this country.

                KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                Originally posted by Jarrett
                Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                  Call and bitch every day! Call your local news station! They will make something change. When I have a big problem *cough* ants *cough* I get a spot on the news and get to bitch about it!!!!! Seriously do it.


                    this is something i can relate to. I refuse to get help from the government because i know someone else actually needs it. i do qualify in FL for food stamps. But why would i get food stamps when i could use a bit of the money i earned to buy my food?

                    My mother on the other hand has a degenerative bone disease, scoliosis, two rods in her back holding it in because her back is an "s" shape, and a metal plate in her neck.

                    She can't even get disability or SSI and she has my 2 brothers who are barely in middle school and both need glasses.


                      You see its not really about the government and you its about the government as a whole and its agenda. Now do you really think that they would actually help you to come up so that life would be easy for you nope.

                      They will work against you if your trying to succeed thats how they work. If your about failure and wanna stay a modern day slave with nothing going on for you on welfare 2 kids no job man prolly a wanna be hustler on the side on some hood shit.

                      Then they are all for it because they are going nowhere they the government aids them because they keep them in business by holding them down keeping them trapped in the system.


                        Originally posted by h22sparkle View Post
                        You see its not really about the government and you its about the government as a whole and its agenda. Now do you really think that they would actually help you to come up so that life would be easy for you nope.

                        They will work against you if your trying to succeed thats how they work. If your about failure and wanna stay a modern day slave with nothing going on for you on welfare 2 kids no job man prolly a wanna be hustler on the side on some hood shit.

                        Then they are all for it because they are going nowhere they the government aids them because they keep them in business by holding them down keeping them trapped in the system.Shell probably keep breeding because thats what breeders do.
                        The thing is dont worry about people like that they are lost souls. You have to do whats right for you there are plenty of loopholes in the system which you can wing your way around to getting free medicare. Especially without going the route they took.


                          Originally posted by slammed4thgen View Post
                          thats what you get for not being a coke head, sucker.
                          Yea that'll learn ya to not be a druggie!
                          Fix your Computer!

                          Originally posted by MikeW
                          D, I'm a fanciful motherfucker. My ish is clean, quick, plush, mature and sophisticated.



                            Cocaine's a helluva drug...

                            KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                            Originally posted by Jarrett
                            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                              Originally posted by Flatline View Post
                              this is something i can relate to. I refuse to get help from the government because i know someone else actually needs it. i do qualify in FL for food stamps. But why would i get food stamps when i could use a bit of the money i earned to buy my food?

                              My mother on the other hand has a degenerative bone disease, scoliosis, two rods in her back holding it in because her back is an "s" shape, and a metal plate in her neck.

                              She can't even get disability or SSI and she has my 2 brothers who are barely in middle school and both need glasses.
                              Go get the food stamps to give to your maw.

