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    Another opinion I have on the subject:

    I think it's extremely hypocritical to be 100% against weed and still be ok with alcohol.

    I bring this up because it's a major issue for my college right now. They're trying to push weed out off campus. By that I mean smoking and the possession/sale of it. Meanwhile there's plenty of other things going on that deserve at least half the effort they put into this.

    Most if not all the fraternities at my school have alcohol in their houses and underage drinking is a given. I have 2 examples:

    1) My friend (under 21) gets caught with alcohol in his dorm room. Punishment= getting written up and dump out what's left down the sink. That's it. Slap on the wrist.

    My friend gets caught smoking in a dorm room, it's the biggest deal on campus. They try to involve the police and threaten to suspend, meetings with the dean of students.

    I just don't understand why underage drinking is so much more socially acceptable than marijuana.

    2) When my friend comes home after smoking, he makes something to eat, he sits at his desk, studies, plays music, maybe watches TV, then goes to bed.

    When people get too drunk at my fraternity house, puke goes on the walls, floor, bathroom, shit gets broken, messes are made, tempers get hot.

    That's just my view on it. Reading back on this, I often wonder why I don't smoke myself. I honestly don't know. The few times I've been offered have been jokes because my friends know I don't smoke and they're fine with that. I guess I'm just a strong defender of do what you want, whatever it is, just don't involve me or other people. That belief has been with me for a while and it relates to a lot of things.
    Last edited by zmanwit90accord; 04-23-2012, 10:59 AM.


      Some of you guys are fucking Nancys.

      Let people do them.

      If you don't like it, stfu and keep it moving.

