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Westboro plans to picket Aurora Memorial

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    Westboro plans to picket Aurora Memorial

    Anyone and everyone who can, please redwall this event. This sort of thing just makes my blood boil.

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    Originally posted by Jarrett
    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

    As a Christian the actions of this group offend me to the core. I just cannot relate to the hatred these people have and how out of touch with reality they are.

    EDIT* I want to clear up what I said earlier. Maybe no one else cares but it's been bugging me. I didn't mean for my comment to come of with the tone that only someone who had a religious-based moral code or ideaology could be offended by this group. What I meant was that I'm offended that this stuff is passed off as Christianity. Of course I guess it's pretty similar to how Muslim extremists are the stereotype association for Islam in our country which is also wrong to the core. Just wanted to get that off of my chest.
    Last edited by Jarrett; 07-22-2012, 04:21 AM.
    My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


      That's absolutely terrible.

      Some of the things they were 'tweeting' were fucking revolting. Im glad their fringe group is so small, but knowing they are out there and being allowed to spew hatred in this fashion is outrageous. Free speech aside, they should be prosecuted for harassment if they show up for this hate-rally that promotes the killing of more innocent people and celebrates the deaths of those already fallen. These people are totally morally debased and deplorable on a whole new level.



        to me thats not a christian either. i know were not really supposed to discuss religion on here but really? thats just morals. you might not like it if someones *** or jewish of faith or blood, but if you profess to be christian and you go out of your way to hate on people to this level thats not right.

        just because you dont agree with someones lifestyle or who they are doesnt mean they are less human.

        C-3PO's MRT USDM yo!

        then i see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy,
        It all makes sense when i look into her eyes


          So.. according to WBC's beliefs, if someone came knocking on their church and started shooting their members, they would just bend over and take it as an act of God?

          And.. why haven't they drank their kool aid yet? this group pisses me off too because last year, they were boycotting at my high school because a few of the *** students were fighting for their right to wear a tshirt saying they were ***.


            Why couldnt these people have gone to see Batman that night!
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              Wish I could stand in on one of these anti WBC rallies. Go out there and turn your back to them, completely block them out and ignore them. We really don't have those kinds of out right hate groups around my area. And there is a reason for it, Do onto others before they do onto you! People would picket their asses everyday before they even got to their rallies. They wouldn't be able to leave their houses without being harassed. Good thing there is only a handful of these WBC idiots.

              I would be embarrassed just to live beside one of these asshats and do nothing about it. I know, I know, freedom of whatever..... do onto others is all I have to say!

              Hope they get thousands out for this one. The maroon wall on the 6th of July deterred these idiots in Texas. They are cowards plain and simple!
              Last edited by GhostAccord; 07-22-2012, 09:26 AM.
              MR Thread
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              by Chappy, on Flickr


                Hmmm, I would like to see if these guys will end up trying to picket. I'll be sure to let you guys know if the drama pops off.


                  From what I've heard, many of the group are lawyers, and they just LOVE suing people that assault them at their protests.

                  Despicable people.
                  Jarrett, I agree with the comparison to the Muslim extremists. They are definitely a small group that uses their distorted views of their religion to justify their actions.


                    Too bad James Holmes didn't go shoot up the WBC instead of the movie theater.


                      i couldn't help but lmfao at the signs....... fucking wackos
                      Last edited by 92turboaccord; 07-22-2012, 09:35 PM.


                        Originally posted by GhostAccord View Post
                        Wish I could stand in on one of these anti WBC rallies. Go out there and turn your back to them, completely block them out and ignore them. We really don't have those kinds of out right hate groups around my area. And there is a reason for it, Do onto others before they do onto you! People would picket their asses everyday before they even got to their rallies.

                        KKK took a stand against those fuck's last year and did basically this


                        Not like I approve of the whole KKK thing, but damn atleast someone took a stand against these fuckers.
                        Originally posted by wed3k
                        im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.

