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Changing my life/health around

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    Or you could just ride a bike to start off with, just to get your body into mode. I know you have to ride 3-4 times longer than you walk to get the same effect, but it will get you used to working out.
    H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

    190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

    ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


      I think thats awesome that you are doing this. I know just how you feel. My weight is now at 220, but I was pushing 260 for a while. How do I go from a sargeant in the Israeli Air force to a 260 pound lazzy ass I dont know. Make the change, you will feel better for it in the long run.

      My doctor has classified me with high blood pressure leading to hypertension, high cholesterol, as well as athritis in my knees. Fuckin sucks but heres incentive, Lets see who can hit 200 pounds first and prove it.
      No longer working on the cb. To much time and money has been put into it. Check my for sale thread where the whole car will be parted out.


        eat lots of tuna, yogurt, and cottage cheese. also, lots of veggies.
        theres your meal plan.
        2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
        2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


          glad you're making that first step man. I've been working out steadily for the past 3 months. Mainly weights. I've got to start getting my cardio though to cut off some of this fat. I want to lose about 10lbs and I'll be happy and more cut. The problem is that I'm a fast food junkie. It's hard to cut all that stuff out. I'm getting better at it, but I still slip up every now and then. Alcohol is the major problem for me. I do love my beer. And I get the worst beer munchies when I drink.

          Anyways, good luck on your workout plans. I hope you still motivated and stick with it. You'll be so much happier in the end. Oh and you'll have a lot more energy too!

          That's the number one thing I love about working out!
          "the J32a2 should be considered one of Honda's masterpieces..." Honda Tuning, July 2006


            Originally posted by chessboxer
            eat lots of tuna, yogurt, and cottage cheese. also, lots of veggies.
            theres your meal plan.
            def. some good foods right there.

            i'm glad that you've decided to go healthy, you'll feel better both on the inside and outside. 240lbs for a 5'10 guy is somewhat un-healthy but with training im sure by atleast summer you could get down to around 220 maybe alittle less.
            Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


              damn, thanks for all your input guys, really means a lot.

              DjSpeedy, you're on.

              Chesserboxxer, I knew someone was gona say that. It seems to be like one of the most popular ways to diet. I think I've read that at least 5 times now. I don't like cottage cheese, I love eggs, yogurt and tuna, hopefully it wont be too hard.

              I don't plan on losing 40lbs by the beginning of summer, but by the end, hopefully. I want to lose at the least, 2lbs per week. May=5weeks? so thats 10lbs. there still june, july, and august, thats 4 months that i will be dieting, so hopefully my weight loss is consistent.

              This morning I woke up at 8am and ate some oatmean and a yogurt and then jogged around for about 5 minutes before I stopped. That just gave me more motivation to keep going. whenever i would stop, I would speed walk for about 10 minutes, then i would start running again. I will go to the gym later on today.

              thanks again for all your guy's input.

              CrzyTuning now offering port services


                at first it sucks, but after a while you'll be wanting to work out all the time. at least that's how it was for me. it gets addicting.
                "the J32a2 should be considered one of Honda's masterpieces..." Honda Tuning, July 2006


                  good for you dude, trying to make yourself healthy. i really need to do the same. Im certainly not overweight (5'6", 110lbs), but i eat like a 400lb man. I dont eat anything healthy. I hate vegitables (something im trying to learn to eat), most fruits are ok, but i dont seem to "choose" to eat them, i only eat them if i have too. Im adicted to fried food and bacon, and even though i have no problem with water, i always choose soda for some reason.

                  I also need to try and get more exercise, sitting at a computer all day is so bad for you. but thats my job, so i have no choice. I just cant seem to find time to go to a gym. Mabye ill try and start jogging or even just doing sit-ups and push-ups. anything to do some physical work..

                  I really need to get my eating habbits in order, or im afraid i wont make it to 25 years old.

                  Owner of


                    i used to hate cottage cheese, and by itself, i do too. however, add in some salt, pepper, and tomatoes, and its amazing. some peopel like it with raisins, but not me. also, pay attention to your calorie count, as sure, tuna, yogurt, etc is good, but if youre consuming 4000 calories a day, and using 2500, then its not really going to do you that much good.
                    good luck though man.
                    2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
                    2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


                      Originally posted by Accord R33
                      good for you dude, trying to make yourself healthy. i really need to do the same. Im certainly not overweight (5'6", 110lbs), but i eat like a 400lb man. I dont eat anything healthy. I hate vegitables (something im trying to learn to eat), most fruits are ok, but i dont seem to "choose" to eat them, i only eat them if i have too. Im adicted to fried food and bacon, and even though i have no problem with water, i always choose soda for some reason.

                      I also need to try and get more exercise, sitting at a computer all day is so bad for you. but thats my job, so i have no choice. I just cant seem to find time to go to a gym. Mabye ill try and start jogging or even just doing sit-ups and push-ups. anything to do some physical work..

                      I really need to get my eating habbits in order, or im afraid i wont make it to 25 years old.
                      just be happy you havent had a heart attack yet. btw people, im only 18.

                      thanks chesserboxer, Ill try to make the cottage cheese better. Yea, I think i'm gona set my maximum calorie intake to be at 2500, I'll set it lower once i get a few weeks into because i will be used to working out and all.

                      CrzyTuning now offering port services


                        also, a morning workout raises your metabolism.
                        very helpful
                        2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
                        2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


                          just eat mexican food all the time, youll be shitting your pants!

                          when you eat salad, dont eat iceburg salad, eat the salad that has different greens mixed into it. and also dont put iceburg lettuce on your sandwhiches, use red leaf lettuce..
                          Last edited by phatdoughnut; 05-02-2006, 01:43 PM.
                          H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

                          190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

                          ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


                            Hey man, first i have to say you are doing the right thing.
                            It's not easy, but i can tell you have motivation and do it up, and we're all with you man no doubt

                            I suggest you have 2 full meals a day. Breakfast is theeeee most important meal. Have a big breakfast...not only does that fuel the body in the morning, it also sparks the brain, gets the brain moving...

                            Like h22sparkle said, avoid junkfood at all cost.

                            Try walking to places, walking is goooooood. If you lived in NYC, you would never drive your Accord, walk, take subway & buses everywhere...a sure way to get great excercise.

                            Hey man, do it up, we're all behind ya 100%

                            1990 Accord Lx F22a1(Daily) SOLD - will be missed
                            1990 Prelude Si B21a1 (Fun car!)


                              Glad to hear you are cleaning it up. I am in the same boat at the moment as Accord R33....

                              Just a couple things.

                              Goal setting is actually very easy. Following through is not. Here is a some advice that was given to me. There are 4 main parts to goalsetting, to be successful.

                              1) You need a target. Don't be vague. Something like 40 lbs, which you have already chosen. Don't pick something unrealistic for your situation.

                              2)A time line. By August 1. Again, be specific and realistic.

                              3)An acceptable range of variance. Let's say you set 40lbs. You should be willing to accept something other than 40 within a range. For instance, you may decide that anything from 37-45 is acceptable, with 40 being ideal.

                              3) Feedback/Red Flag mechanism. This is the part most people forget to include, and is usually the downfall of achieving a goal. This is required to keep your eye on the ball, especially long term.

                              This is kinda what you were already talking about. You need to break your target up in to weekly/daily segments (whatever works for you, as long as you can quantify it). If you are off target at a given time point, you either need to make changes to your actions, or the goal. If you know you should be losing 10lbs a week, and you only lost 7 last week, you need to consider making changes, or determine whether or not if falls within your accepted range of variance.

                              I personally would break it up into a weekly target with a daily regimen for exercise. That way you have a daily goal to exercise, and a weekly target to evaluate. Weight can vary to much to track on a day to day basis. I am sure you know that, being a wrestler. You should avoid the stress associated with daily fluctuations.

                              There is also more to being healthy than just weight. Weight is a good indicator, but not necessarily the only one.

                              You need to focus on a balanced diet. Take a look at all of the FDA recommended values, and see where you can make some changes to better balance your diet.

                              Eating frequently may help. I am a grazer and eat pretty much constantly, but at the same time, I don't gain additional weight if I eat 3 large squares for a long period of time either. It is worth a try, but everyone is different, so don't be upset if it doesn't help.

                              Obviously, because of the condition of your heart, it is imperative that you get healthy. You should actually be exercising everyday. 20 minutes of good aerobic workout is all you really need, and it can be anything from bike riding to jogging, to swimming. Just as long as it elevates your heart rate.

                              This alone, will probably help lose a fair portion of your target.

                              You may also decide to put weight lifting into your regimen. It is good because it places acute stresses on your cardiovascular system as opposed to just continuous workout like aerobics do. The acute stress is good because it conditions your heart for sudden changes in physical demand.

                              With a balanced diet and proper exercise, your body will seek it's natural weight, and you will be perfectly healty.

                              Dieting in most cases is more detrimental to your health than being fat.
                              The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                                My friend wieghed 360 at the beginning of fall last year and he is down to 270 now and is starting to get ripped. haha, here's what he did:

                                He stopped drinking alcohol except once or twice a month. Most people don't realize that a gram of alcohol has more calories than a gram of carbs.

                                He went on the subway diet. 6" for lunch, 12" for dinner. Or soup and salad for dinner.

                                Then he works out on the rowing machine about an hour per day (average).

                                GOod luck man, you can do it!

                                hold on to your butts

