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Anti-Bush CB7: FS on Ebay

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    I just noticed this.

    Did anybody else catch how he covered his license plate hastily with his hat?

    I wonder if he has had issues before with people hunting him down...
    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


      Originally posted by oozingmachismo2
      yeah, but why would want the stickers to come out?

      cause i don't like bush


        Originally posted by deevergote
        Honestly, the president doesn't do nearly as much as people think he does!
        understatement of the year. he's(G-DUB specifically) on strings. he goes where PNAC points him.
        he's more of a symbolic figure, like the queen of england. a head of state with No real power.


          Originally posted by oozingmachismo2
          understatement of the year. he's(G-DUB specifically) on strings. he goes where PNAC points him.
          he's more of a symbolic figure, like the queen of england. a head of state with No real power.

          That is a completely false statement.

          He has power and lots of it.

          He just doesn't have it all.

          And as a figurehead, much of his power is indirect.
          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


            Correct. The President's position IS technically 1/3 of our governmental structure. Unlike the other two thirds, he is the only individual to occupy such a position.

            However, people blame the president for the war. They blame him for taxes. They blame him for education. They blame him for poverty. I'm sure there are people who blame him for the cost of Froot Loops.

            He has lots of power. He can do a lot. However, the President alone is not responsible for most of the things he's blamed for. As a person, I think George Bush is average at best. As a President, I don't think he's phenominal, mainly because the ONLY thing I truly understand about his job is that he speaks to the country... and he's not very good at that. However, I'm not so naive to think that I know the details of his job, or the strategery (yes, intentionally used ) behind his decisions.

            To make it hit closer to home... let's bring it to CB7tuner...

            Scammers. People felt I was doing a bad job as an admin because people were getting scammed. My fault? No. It's something that is not within my power, at all. So I made a choice and did something about it. I created a "safe zone" where anyone can buy and sell, and I created a "not so safe zone", where anyone can buy and sell, with the understanding that they are taking a risk. Is the Classifieds password a pain in the ass? Sure it is. Are there good people that aren't bright enough to follow simple instructions? Of course there are. Does everyone understand my reasons for creating this impediment? Probably not. Therefore, I did something that they don't like, and they will judge me by it. That's fine with me, because I know that they won't be losing money because of an oversight of mine!


              so blame who?

              lets blame on the Canadians


                Why blame anybody? Blame isn't going to solve anything, unless you're prepared to do something about it.


                  Originally posted by deevergote
                  Why blame anybody? Blame isn't going to solve anything, unless you're prepared to do something about it.
                  wasnt serious, but i put the blame on the republican party of supporting this "invasion" i call it. not a war, not a war on "terrorism".


                    Deev the example of comparing the Bush and the USA to that of YOU and Cb7tuner is great.. This doesnt sound real great but your example DUMBS down the situation with Bush so that the people that think everything that has happened is his fault, can understand that he is only 1/3 of the, so called, problem..

                    I will be honest, I am 100% behind Bush! If I were in his shoes the only thing I would do differently is take some time to better my public speaking skills.. We all know that is NOT one of Bush's strong points..

                    Congress has the abiltity to override a VETO from the president's desk but they have shown recently that they do NOT have as much support as they thought they did, with not being able to override President Bush's Veto on the war funding bill that included dates for withdrawl.. I am 100% behind Bush's Veto. That bill was a joke. In war you DO NOT declare, "well we lost, so we will withdrawl our troops starting on this date." You just cant do that.. The war IMO is NOT lost.. We freed a country of people abused by a dictator.. Therefore it IS our responsibility to see it through.. That would be like a hit and run, it just doesnt make sense, but at the same time there will always be people that are cowards and are afraid to stand up for what they believe in or when they are down in the game think the answer is just to give up or worse just abandon ship, run and hide..

                    America can NOT afford to look like quitters..... That job belongs to the French.. lol.

                    Originally posted by sackingz123
                    ...i put the blame on the republican party of supporting this "invasion" i call it. not a war, not a war on "terrorism".
                    War's usually begin with an invasion... Don't they? So this in your opinon still to this day is JUST an invasion? America is WAY past the invasion "shock and awe" IMO anyways..

                    This thread of mine has gone way from the car... I am okay with that as long as it stays civil and doesnt turn into a name calling festival and, of course, as long as deev and the other mods approve.. Later
                    Last edited by MadSpleen85; 05-08-2007, 10:36 PM.


                      Originally posted by MadSpleen85
                      War's usually begin with an invasion... Don't they? So this in your opinon still to this day is JUST an invasion? America is WAY past the invasion "shock and awe" IMO anyways.. Later
                      so what was the point of the war??

                      to help free iraq from dicatorship?
                      so after 23 years of dicatorship, the United States government felt to invade and free Iraq? is that what Bush calls it now? Or does he still think Iraq has WMDs somewhere?


                        Bush was getting very convincing information from the CIA and other government intelligence agencies about Saddam allegedly having WMD's.. There has been the thought for a LONG time that Saddam either had or was capable of getting his hands on all of the materials required to make WMD's... How many chances did the UN Security councel give Saddam? How many resolutions did they write but NEVER enforce.. More then 10 is the answer.. Thats like saying to a little kid, "ok daddy is going to count to 3 and you better get to bed", and then counting to 20 and still not doing anything.. Bush and Congress at the time were tired of the UN postponing action against Saddam and gathered our allies and took it into our military's hands.. Later


                          The reasons for the war itself are shaky at best... The government has had enough time to discover reasons for starting it that even they will begin to believe. The true reasons will probably never be brought to light. I doubt anyone has the full story, honestly. Not even those involved.

                          IMO, the war was over when Saddam was taken from power. We won. We set up a government. If that government can't survive, then there are 2 options. Either we run the country, and claim it as our own, or we let things take their course (and they will anyway... the minute we step out). Was taking Saddam out really the objective in the first place? Originally, our military mobilization was to find Osama, but that failed, and we redirected. You can speculate all you want about Iraq, and any or all speculations may have some merit... it could be the real threat of WMDs. It could be Jr finishing Daddy's war. It could be "well, we failed miserably in finding Osama, so let's go for a target that we CAN find, that people will support!". It could be that we felt that Saddam was partially behind Al Quaida, at least financially. It could be that we wanted to attack a Muslim nation to flex our muscle against those "terrorists". It could be that those who made the decision to invade Iraq were drunk and thought it would be funny.

                          Regardless, Iraq was a gray area. To believe what we're told after the fact is to be naive. To belive you know the reasons without having any involvement is idiotic. All we can do is accept it as fact, and look at our options as we stand.
                          The "war on terror" is utterly moronic. Sure, terrorism is bad. But where is Terror? Can we invade Terror and take out the leaders? Does Terror have a uniformed military that we can shoot at? When do we defeat Terror? Do we have to wipe every Muslim extremist from the planet to do so? If we do that, then what? The Christian extremists? Greenpeace? IRA? Warring African tribes?

                          There is no definitive enemy. Osama Bin Ladin is about as close as we can get, and we can't even find him (or confirm if he's even alive anymore!) He took credit for the 911 attacks, but we can't even confirm without a doubt that he WAS indeed the mastermind.


                            Auction over... Reserve NOT met..

                            I was reading through a few of the questions this guy had been asked.. Figured I would share.. They are good for a few laughs..

                            Q: if your so out spokened?...then why is your tag covered?...jeff

                            A: Same reason I message through ebay.

                            Q: It would seem as if your car pulls strongly to the left. You may want to get that fixed as many bidders may want to steer their without assistance.

                            A: Car runs middle of after I woke up, my I MISS CLINTON sticker was covered (on back trunk lid) way I want Hillary...I'd thought of Dennis form Ohio, but now he seems BOUGHT with GUN ban BILL he is PUSHING... back to basics..RON PAUL a is a HEAVY blackout on him.. he won debate last week... Myspace is censoring Paul reports!.. check out some U tube paul video!

                            Q: I don't like bush either, but i can't stand PINKO SOCIALIST PACIFIST WHIMPS LIKE YOU ..!!

                            A: Love is the answer! But they killed John Lennon too! Check out MIND CONTROL...NWO

                            lol. Later


                              Nuke the caves one of them bound to run out =P. I would think if we withdrew troops right now chaos would ensue. What is war when you have to rebuild a country? Comeon you blow up half of it trying to fight something and not rebuild it? Thats like me taking a sh*t and not wiping my ass. If we withdrew the Taliban would prob be in power quick and war and crap would ensue. I think its good our troops are over there trying to maintain order. I support them anyday anytime. For those just bring em back bring em back ( dont get me wrong I would want them back ) they volunteered or enlisted for a reason. I just say quit bitchin and support them since really nothing you can do about it.

                              The New-ish Ride
                              My old Ride
                              Hear my Vtak!!!
                              MK3 Member #3
                              I piss off people for fun.
                              IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                                There is no need for a dictator to forcibly control the masses, when you have blind patrioism. Like the CCCP, loyalty to the party at all costs. Thats what G dub and cheney mack count on.

