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rear door speakers

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    rear door speakers

    I'm thinking about placing 2 5" speakers on each rear door, and im wondering i can do the fab bout makin it in there, but how would i wire it? andd, how much room is like by the courtesy light in the rear doors, like between the panel itself and the metal of hte car, to make sure i can actually custom fab something?

    1990 Accord EX 91200 miles..SOLD 2700$
    out of the game for now but looking

    Originally posted by 1990AccordBoy
    I'm thinking about placing 2 5" speakers on each rear door, and im wondering i can do the fab bout makin it in there, but how would i wire it? andd, how much room is like by the courtesy light in the rear doors, like between the panel itself and the metal of hte car, to make sure i can actually custom fab something?
    Im pretty sure 2.5" speakers will fit in there...I've been thinking about as well.

    FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
    "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


      anyone ever done this? if not..

      im about to do it..when i get an Extra set of Speakers

      Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


        I dont think he meant 2.5" i think he meant two(2) 5" speakers.

        I cant say for sure if this has been done, but i feel like ive either seen it done or heard the idea. Youd have to do some fabbing with the door panel(shouldnt be hard) and then just run your wiring. Id imagine you could just run wiring with/along the courtesy light wring, as you mentioned.

        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          ima try it if i cant fit the speakers in my deck..or i might take these premade 3 ring ( for three 5" speakers) pods and put them both in my front doors w/ all 3 speakers connected w/ a cross over and amp.
          buttt what im sayin is.. idk if i can some how drill into the metal or something so i can have the speaker straight on the the fronts are.. b.c i dont want it just loose hung on the panel plastic if i drill a whole into the door panel..oh well ill see n get back at ya maybe w/ a DYI!

          1990 Accord EX 91200 miles..SOLD 2700$
          out of the game for now but looking


            you can make an adapter plate by using sheet metal from any hardware store.

            oops on the 2.5" thing. Yeah 5" speakers should as well, I am planning on 5.25" speakers.

            FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
            "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


              help dis man outt


                I can be done, it's been talked about before but I don't think anyone actually went through with it.
                I was going to do it and for memory 4" was the biggest I could fit at the front of the doors (opp end to the courtesy light)
                Never went through with it cause I diddn't really see the advantage. Plus it meant requiring 2 extra channels on the amp or a extra dedicated amp. (unless you wanted to run them in series/parallel with the rear deck speakers.
                The wiring can be ran through the original rubber loom that is already there, Or you can drill 2 holes and put grommets in to keep it sealed.

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