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Tips From Your Parts Guy.

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    Tips From Your Parts Guy.

    First things First: my line of questioning/information gathering is the most efficient way of getting you the part you want. UNLESS you walk in with a part number in hand.
    that is THE only way you can make my job easier.

    unless you are a regular that i actually like talking to, keep your mouth shut and dont give me ANY information i didnt ask for.
    i dont care/know whats wrong with your car/dog/mom/sick uncle.

    when i ask a question, answer it.
    just the question.
    no additional speaking allowed.

    following this tip will keep me happy, your face unharmed, your feelings unhurt, and your wallet intact.

    Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


    ^^^^CLICK IT^^^^^




        HAhA, that's how my (used to be) parts guy was. He spoke really fast and I was always scared to ask him to repeat it because I know I'll just piss him off more.
        Sometimes he'll just tell me to go to the back and pull parts off my self because he didn't have time for me. I still thought I was a special customer because he would only let ME in the back and the prices were awesome.

        He HATES when I call by phone, always tells me to just come by.

        -1992 CB7 EX w/H22 [sold 10/09]
        -2005 Legacy GT limited [current]


          Originally posted by mj213 View Post

          yep. been one of those days.
          full moon is coming up soon. its gonna be a long week....

          Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


            You may want to get out of retail...

            1999 BMW M3
            2001 Honda CR-V SE RT4WD
            2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71
            2015 Suzuki V-Strom 650


              customer service. you don't have it.

              Tips from your customer: Retail associates should not be dicks. Good customer relations brings back clients.

              If I go into a store and I get served as if I'm just some number in line, you won't expect to see me back there unless you're the only place that carries what I need.

              Case in point. Local autobody supply store here. One guy that works there is a complete dick. I just get a shitty vibe from him. He treats me like shit. He's ignorant, doesn't help me and just sits at the computer with a FML look on his face.

              Now, I can walk in any other time and a couple of the other guys that work there are very helpful and friendy and go out of their way. But this one asshole makes me not like going there because if he's the only one there, I don't get what I want.
              Last edited by crazymikey; 03-23-2010, 08:26 PM.


                this is just my way of venting. its really not that big of a deal.
                and i certainly would be asshole of the year if i really displayed that behavior in person. im just an asshole online

                its just a select few that make me feel this way.

                the truth is, as for any retail business, that there is a pretty constant flow of assholes and idiots that come thru the door everyday. all you can do is greet them with a smile and bear through all the shit they spew. and then thank them as they leave.

                if i really treated the customers the way some of them should be treated i wouldve been out of this job a long long time ago.

                Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


                  s0 this is just a st0ry h0w s0me 0ne pissed u 0ff and venting ab0ut it after then?

                  my new turbo build


                    Originally posted by 92smokeaccord View Post
                    s0 this is just a st0ry h0w s0me 0ne pissed u 0ff and venting ab0ut it after then?
                    its not even a story.

                    its just what i would love to yell into these select customers faces.

                    the actual story leading up to this would take forever to type and would be far too confusing for you guys to follow.

                    and why the hell do you capitalize all your o's? (nevermind, i read your sig)
                    go buy a new keyboard, theyre not expensive.
                    Last edited by H22Artman; 03-23-2010, 09:58 PM.

                    Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


                      I hear ya. I do deliveries for a custom kitchen company. I deal with other contracts and private clients on a daily basis. Some are total douches and I just have to put on a smile and shut my mouth.


                        I can't stand 95% of the people behind the parts counter. They have no concept of how to be friendly or provide good customer service. I always feel like I'm bothering them when I'm there to buy stuff. Probly why I buy so much online.


                        My Custom BB6 Dash Swap Thread


                          Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
                          I hear ya. I do deliveries for a custom kitchen company. I deal with other contracts and private clients on a daily basis. Some are total douches and I just have to put on a smile and shut my mouth.
                          ohhh. that might even be worse than whippin parts.

                          all you are is the delivery guy? no hand in the actual sale or anything?

                          then i am sure you get blamed for every little thing that goes wrong/missing. and whats worse is that you have no explanation as to why something went wrong.

                          my drivers get the same treatment everyday. and usually its due to customer error.

                          its not like you can say: "hey fuckhead, maybe if you gave the guys the right info you'd have the part you wanted in hand. instead of yelling at me, the guy that knows nothing about the situation, just because im standing in front of you."

                          Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


                            Originally posted by wherm View Post
                            I can't stand 95% of the people behind the parts counter. They have no concept of how to be friendly or provide good customer service. I always feel like I'm bothering them when I'm there to buy stuff. Probly why I buy so much online.
                            you must live near a Kragen or Autozone.
                            those guys are bad for the parts business.

                            Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


                    's like this in ANY customer service job.

                              When I was a tech one of the parts guys was a dick, I actually had a lot of trouble with that one in particular though...the other guys were superb. I hung out with 'em all the time. I even had trouble with the manager...I had a customer come in and his running boards needed a plastic cap to be replaced. The parts manager was insistent that I didn't know the correct part, I even pulled it up on the computer and showed him...he ordered the wrong one despite me insisting he was wrong...long story short he kept trying to pin it on me...I got super pissed and reminded him in front of everyone that I had told him it was the wrong part in the beginning...egg on his face.

                              but in your case i imagine you should take a breath and realize these guys prolly don't know whats wrong with the car and a lot of auto stores boast how their employees can help you find the right it's sort of expected that you can help them find the part....and exactly where are they going to get a part number? That rarely is an option for them. Me having exp. working in this environment I know how to get part numbers...they are different from store to store...I'm sure you know that.

                              as to not giving info not asked...I tell the parts guys what I KNOW they'll ask...only cause I've shopped for so many parts they always ask the same questions so I time what I give them just right. "93 honda accord...wait...wait...wait...4cyl (thinking to myself..the only fucking engine offered)....wait...wait....manual....wait...[insert part needed]"
                              But I imagine most folks don't buy as many parts as I have, one dude's eyes got huge when he pulled up my history, so they just ramble off as much info as they THINK you need.

                              But I've heard some of "these" people to which you refer...and I understand...I only hear it once in a hear it every day...sorry man

