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what got you into photography?

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    what got you into photography?

    I'd honestly say it was this picture that I took. I was just out on the dock one day, messing around with my dads camera, and I snapped this shit. When I got it on my looked like it was. I was like "shit. this is cool.", and followed through, learned some things.

    p.s. I think I took that picture when I was 14-15
    Last edited by npor; 12-08-2006, 06:48 PM.

    I'm actually JUST getting into it right now, starting to learn some stuff. And what got me into it? Boredom...I just figure if I'm driving around doing nothing...why not take pics and do something worth while lol.


      well i dont have a single pic to show what got me into because it was more of when i got my first camera, SONY Cybershot 3.2 MP(still got it lol) and i became webmaster for a car club.

      I had to start taking pics of lots of member rides and i realized how fun it is and how you can express your own ideas and stuff by the way you shoot. So i dunno i have learned a few tricks and all but im in the process of trying to get a REAL camera, more namely the Canon Rebel XT dslr, but for that pricetag its gonna be a while lol.


        my first digi cam back in '99 - a Sony DSC-S30 2 mp i believe @ $500. Now i have a nice set of dSLR things
        BBB= Black Bumpered Beauty


        '98 Prelude (BB6) Type SH


          My car really got me interested. After that my hobby of listening to the local Police and Fire frequencies on my Scanners expanded it to a whole new level. Now almost everytime there is a fair sized structure fire, I usually hop in the CB and go take pictures. Then either email some of them or stop by the fire station and share them with the Fire Marshall who uses them for training purposes. Later


            I just do it for fun and I love scenery.

            The New-ish Ride
            My old Ride
            Hear my Vtak!!!
            MK3 Member #3
            I piss off people for fun.
            IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


              id say it was taking pictures of my car with the bacground and getting it to go together and jus captures stuff in ways no one sees them.


                i just enjoy looking at things. so i thought to myself, why not capture the moment? so today i purchased myself a Canon Digital Rebel XT 8.0MP and i'm just getting used to learning everything about it.

                CB7 --> EG2 --> ZN6


                  Originally posted by xKingDomeCB7
                  i just enjoy looking at things. so i thought to myself, why not capture the moment? so today i purchased myself a Canon Digital Rebel XT 8.0MP and i'm just getting used to learning everything about it.
                  OH MAN from what ive read your going to love that badboy!!!

                  thats what im looking at getting just to rich for my blood right now but it sounds all an all-around beauty!!


                    Originally posted by Ralphie
                    OH MAN from what ive read your going to love that badboy!!!

                    thats what im looking at getting just to rich for my blood right now but it sounds all an all-around beauty!!

                    it sure is! it's pretty complicated to me but i am reading the instruction manual and all whatnot. and i got this badboy for $550.

                    CB7 --> EG2 --> ZN6


                      Yep plus you only see some things once always nice to have a picture to look back on what you have seen. You cant remember everything =D. You always need that small bit to remind you and like oh yea I've been tehre and stuff like that. Here are a couple pics you guys might have seen from Japan and Taiwan.

                      The New-ish Ride
                      My old Ride
                      Hear my Vtak!!!
                      MK3 Member #3
                      I piss off people for fun.
                      IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                        Speaking of photography... I was just today helping my mom with some of my grandpa's old slides that he had made. He made thousands of slides from their different vacations to just everyday things around the house. My grandpa was one of those people that everywhere he went he had his camera and extra film with him. I cant think but wonder what kind of amazing things he could do today if he were still with us with all that technology has gone through. My grandma still has his old dark room (for developing film) just as he left it in their basement. I just think it is amazing at how far technology has came. Back then you had to make sure the light settings were right and all kinds of other things before you could even snap the picture and even then you had to manualy develop the film in order to see the pictures. Today you can snap the picture without thinking of how bright or dim the room may be, and you can see it instantly. My mom and I are in the long process of taking his thousands of slides and putting them onto our computer, adjusting the color and that kind of thing then printing different ones.

                        My mom’s 1971 Ford Mustang Spring Special Edition in 1975 after just getting waxed..

                        Same as above just a different angle.

                        Sitting in the sunshine.

                        If only her Mustang looked that good today… Later


                          porn pics

                          "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


                            My old Sony 1.3MP camera got me interested in photography. The night shot option on that camera had an awsome exposure and i was able to get some real nice pics with still looking for that perfect camera...


                            FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
                            "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


                              I've been really doing a lot of Art work and I got into photograhpy about 1 year ago, ever since I got my first camera it was a Kodak 4.0mp nothing much I jut started taking pics. I'm getting my first slr this Christmas Canon Rebel 300d here are some of my pictures.

                              GOT REBEL?

                              "There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer."

