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MadSpleen85 : 1991 Accord LX

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  • sublime
    looks awesome, love it.

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  • HappyGilmore
    I like the ride...I need to setup a meet out your direction if you are game for it and have the time just let me know...

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  • Daheavyking
    Ride looks good man!!

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  • MadSpleen85
    Been a couple of months, not much changed. The backseat is back installed. Everything back there is in place, besides the speaker pods and speakers. I put those some where so that they would not get damaged.... Now I can't seem to remember where I put them.

    Now working two jobs so even less time to work on her. Might be getting out of the CB game. Only time will tell.

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  • MadSpleen85
    Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post
    Is your list of future plans from your OP still in effect?

    Adam(mndude) is trying to put together a meet this summer. So far it looks to be in late July. Someone's gonna try to com eup from AZ and they said that if they did, tommi said he'd go, so...maybe you could make an appearance too. We're hoping to have a handful of the CHI guys come down too.
    Yes the future plans list on the first page still accurate. Still all piled up waiting to be installed. Needing a few pieces here and there to put the list into the installed bracket.

    I will have to check out the summer meet thread. Need to see what ends up happening job wise. Currently looking for a second job or more hours at the current one.

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  • MikeW
    Page 16 is broken, lol.

    I drive my car everyday, but winter still wasnt good to it, lol. Is your list of future plans from your OP still in effect?

    Adam(mndude) is trying to put together a meet this summer. So far it looks to be in late July. Someone's gonna try to com eup from AZ and they said that if they did, tommi said he'd go, so...maybe you could make an appearance too. We're hoping to have a handful of the CHI guys come down too.

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  • MadSpleen85
    Been a while so I figured I would update. Not a whole lot changed really. Currently have the DIY grille off, sanded it down today and hope to primer then paint starting tomorrow. Winter was not kind to the thin layer of paint that I put on there last spring. Still debating on color matching the surround and black mesh or all black. Either way still need to pickup more primer and have a few other things to take care of around the house.

    My hood, roof and top of the trunk lid are all extremely faded. The rear facing side of the trunk is peeling bad and has a small rust spot forming. Driver's side rear quarter panel has a small patch of rust forming also. So... I am looking at having the car repainted or going a different route with the paint.

    Still have a stack of parts waiting to be installed.

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  • Clean_4th gen
    What's going on brother! Long time no talk.

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  • MikeW
    Ah, the sun. The one thing i dont think you get enough of.

    I noticed that about my seat as well. When i pulled it out to clean under it, the bottom pad was kinda moldy-ish and looked as though it had gotten wet a time or two. I dont know if its the reason for the musty, typical "CB odor" but it might be.

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  • MadSpleen85
    Originally posted by tonylx87 View Post
    very unique and very clean looking man , i like it

    Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post

    Dont look now, but someone stole your backseat!
    It had a bit of an odor to it... All the water that was not draining from my trunk would get under the seat into the sponge like padding and just soak in. Was a pretty bad smell. I have cleaned and re cleaned it and I think I have the smell out. Just have to figure out how to fix my trunk leak or at least keep the water from getting to my backseat again. I plan on putting the rear deck and rear speakers back in tomorrow, that was taken out to do the LED third brake light and just have not got around to putting it back on.

    Today there was this strange giant orange ball in the sky. Made it so bright outside you needed special glasses. If that thing comes out again tomorrow I will not have to worry about having trouble seeing in the trunk.

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  • WilliamW
    Don't worry, it always starts with the back seats. Then it's "Ohh hey, This piece is held on by only 2 bolts. I'll just take that out. HEY another one!" and soon enough your dash is gone and your replacing your glass with Plexiglas.

    That old wheel stud is still in my possession because I don't clean my room enough. I may have thrown it out, but I'm pretty sure it's in a tin box somewhere with a bunch of other odds and ends.

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  • MikeW

    Dont look now, but someone stole your backseat!

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  • tonylx87
    very unique and very clean looking man , i like it

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  • MadSpleen85
    Been trying to find something like this for a good price. Some places charge outrageous amounts for small stuff like this. Then I thought, duh see what Josh (lowfrostcb7) the decal man would charge for this. Great price and quality.

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  • MadSpleen85
    Honestly.... Didn't get around to it today. Was not forgotten, just pushed to the side. Tomorrow should be a slow work day so hopefully I can get this taken care of and get some pics.

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