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MadSpleen85 : 1991 Accord LX

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  • MadSpleen85
    Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
    Yep pictures fail

    LED's in real life = EPIC
    Very true. I am yet to take or find any pictures online that do these lights justice. Really have to see them in person to get the full effect.

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  • C91BLX7
    Yep pictures fail

    LED's in real life = EPIC

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  • MadSpleen85
    Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
    So you got the equalizers to work then? Cool.
    Sure did. I checked to make sure they were getting ahold of the wires, and discovered that I had not closed them hard enough to make the connection through the wire insulation. Just went through and gave them all another squeeze with the pliers and fixed that.

    Originally posted by chessboxer View Post
    Car is looking good, very clean engine bay.
    Thanks man.

    And now to the pictures. Turns out I should pay more attention to what I have my cheapo camera set on before I take pictures in the dark.. Apparently I snapped a few and then changed the settings without realizing it. So 3/4 of what I took did not turn out.

    Excuse the HUGE Low quality pictures. Apparently I messed up more settings then I realized.

    Videos worked but the camera is too slow to do the LED's justice.

    ^^Set the tripod right in front of the grille to get a decent picture of the HID output.

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  • chessboxer
    Car is looking good, very clean engine bay.

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  • C91BLX7
    So you got the equalizers to work then? Cool.

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  • MadSpleen85
    Hyperblink fixed and pics of the LED and HID's taken.

    Just waiting on Photobucket to get them up. Maybe a video or two if they turned out.

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  • C91BLX7
    Originally posted by MadSpleen85 View Post
    The hyperblink was a nice change for a short time. After about 10 minutes of city driving it got old real fast. I can deal with the "brake lamp" light since I know they are brand new, but the hyperblink has to go.
    LOL yeah.

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  • MadSpleen85
    Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
    I forgot that the 9091 Have an extra 194 bulb in the tail. did you replace that too?
    Nope, I forgot about those when I ordered the bulbs. I'm heading to AutoZone later today to see about picking up some equalizers to control the hyperblink, may have to pick up another pair of the 194's, see if I can tell any difference.

    The hyperblink was a nice change for a short time. After about 10 minutes of city driving it got old real fast. I can deal with the "brake lamp" light since I know they are brand new, but the hyperblink has to go.

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  • C91BLX7
    I forgot that the 9091 Have an extra 194 bulb in the tail. did you replace that too?

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  • MadSpleen85
    Originally posted by C91BLX7 View Post
    orly. sweet
    Yes Sir. Thanks to the DIY that you, Mike (greencb7inkc) and the other guys put together. That was finally enough to get me to take this from my "Future Mods list" to my Completed Mods list.

    Here are some, "It's almost 2am and I cant find my damn tripod" shots of the LED's.

    Best rearend shot I could get without finding my tripod.

    Looking at the passengers side rear.

    Looking at the passengers side corner light

    And for anyone that is wondering how these look when they are off...

    Thats looking at them through my amber corner lenses. It is just barely visible, one of those things that I wouldn't have noticed had I not been looking for it.

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  • C91BLX7
    Originally posted by MadSpleen85 View Post

    Thanks for the comments

    Now the full exterior is all LED. No equalizers so they hyperblink and my brake lamp light is on, so I'm hoping to be getting my hands on some equalizers later today.

    Also pending another payment there could be some more modications coming soon. Stay tuned.
    orly. sweet

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  • MadSpleen85

    Thanks for the comments

    Now the full exterior is all LED. No equalizers so they hyperblink and my brake lamp light is on, so I'm hoping to be getting my hands on some equalizers later today.

    Also pending another payment there could be some more modications coming soon. Stay tuned.

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  • kamaccord
    Clean and nice ride.

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  • BigMike75
    nice clean sedan!

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  • MadSpleen85
    NEW parts arrived today.

    If the rain lets up they will be installed today.

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