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Single. Again. *rant*

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    Single. Again. *rant*

    And loving it! I get to hang out with all my old friends that I had before that my ex wouldnt let me hang out with.

    I gave my boyfriend the boot a couple days ago. We been off and on for 4 damn years! I've got to say that this time I really feel like its official though. I have no interest in him anymore at all. and its really not because of another guy. I just felt like it was in my best interest and mental health to not be with him anymore. Why? He's crazy. literally.

    The first time I ever broke up with him, he passed out in the middle of a street.

    Second time, he threw a phone at me and chased me down on the highway for 15 miles after I told him to go away.

    Third time, he got another girl pregnant, then came running back to me when he got cold feet. (he doesn't pay child support at all).

    This time, he threw all my shit that was in the house out in the street, broke a bunch of stuff. Took my ipod touch. Wouldnt allow me in the house to take MY pit bull. Then proceeded to call the cops on me when I wouldnt give him his house key back. ( I was keeping it as collateral so he would give my pit back to me). My dog ended up attacking him when he was screaming at me and he lunged at me a couple times. My dog tried to kill him. I should have let her but I pulled her off.

    Anyways, now he's trying to apologize, still hasnt given my dog back and is talking trash about me to everyone we know... I'm gonna make his world come down on his fkn head.

    I'm really confused about some things though.
    1. What are my legal rights concerning the dog? I bought her, I paid for all vet bills, I have papers proving shes mine, I buy all dog food for her. All she does is live in his house. I don't have the house key anymore so I can't just break in and grab her...he'd know I did it.

    2. What can I do about my broken shit? I was never on the lease in the house, but I did stay there most of the time even though I do have my own place. I just opted to stay with him.

    3. Could I file harassment against him?...he lunged for me multiple times and threatened me with balled up fists. Although he never hit me, he honestly thought about it and told me he was goin to.

    end rant. Oh and no "you are a f*ckin idiot for picking this dude to be with, blah, blah" I don't wanna hear that kinda stuff. I know what I did wrong, I was a bad judge of character. Please just save it.

    You see models at every car show.
    But have you ever seen a model that actually takes the car she built to a show?

    Congrats on dumping him, now stay that way. Call the local law enforcement and ask them what your options are. We can give you tons of advice about it, but it might be incorrect for your area.


      so what if he knows that YOU took YOUR DOG back....he has no legal right to have the dog....why didn't you take the dog last time you were over there pulling it off of him? also for broken stuff if its above a dollar amount(not sure on the amount, might be different per state) then you could easily take him too small claims court and see how that goes....just make sure you can prove he broke the stuff. and then above the restraining order, I would call the cops(non-emergency line) and see if you can get one...just tell them what he did and most likely they will get you a protection order, or what would have to happen to get one....maybe nudge him into that direction to get one.(if not to risky)

      Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d


        Natalie, im glad you got out of a bad situation. I dont know the legal aspects on getting your dog and all that, but if you've got proof it's yours and he's holding it, then im pretty sure the law will make him give it back.

        And if they werent come the leg humpers!

        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          Im pretty sure that you can have an officer escort your around the house to pick up your belongings and your dog... in my area you just have to have proof of ownership from the vet or papers that say so...

          Glad to hear that you where smart and left i was in the same situation once except the girl was crazy... just get a restraining order and stay away from him

          PS... you know now that your single all the single horn dogs CB7 men are going to hit on you lol get ready for it

          ^^MY OLD RIDE


            Originally posted by 1badacc View Post
            PS... you know now that your single all the single horn dogs CB7 men are going to hit on you lol get ready for it
            like they didnt

            Sold too: Grumpys93, '93CB7Ex, Bunta, prodh22accord, SSMAccord, fleetw00d


              and you had better not go back to him. so many girls ive known gone back to the douche bag b/f because they so called "love them". whatever.

              dont back to him. period.

              call the dispatch in your area(not 911) and have them get an officer escort you back there. you have papers showing proof that its YOUR dog. call and tell him your coming to get your dog with a police escort. if he STILL doesnt want to give up the dog(which i seriously doubt he'll be dumb enough to do), take him to court for the dog AND the things he broke. that stuff may not be on the lease but it is YOUR stuff he broke.

              then once he loses, HE has to pay court fees AND you for the things he broke.


                Before the leg humping mob arrives:

                1) I am glad to see that maybe you are finally starting to realize that life doesn't have to be that way, and are hopefully going to break the cycle by not going back into another bad relationship. I know you will say that you aren't, but until you actually do it, then you haven't done it.

                I know too many people who live in that same cycle of stupidity and just can't seem to figure out that life doesn't have to be that way. There is a whole big old world out there to experience, and life is too short to put up with that shit.

                Hopefully, you will use this as an opportunity to figure yourself out, what you like, what you want, and what you are looking for, as well as some degree of self worth, so that when you are presented with such a situation in the future, you will be able to easily judge character because you know what you are looking for.

                Perhaps go back to school? At least do some travelling to get some better perspective on the actual world, and how much is out there.

                I just hate seeing people who seem to be decent people stuck in these cycles because the cycle is a self-perpetuating system of toxicity.

                Ultimately, what you need to do is to determine that your self worth makes you more valuable than that situation. Otherwise, what appear to be some self-esteem issues are going to get you sucked right back into it.

                2) As for the dog, if it is all in your name, there shouldn't be any issues. You weren't married, and the police should be able to get her back under the circumstances. You need to ask the local PD though. They will know better what they can and can't do.

                3)As for the rest of the stuff, let it go. It is material, trivial, and replaceable. The few hundred bucks in stuff you lost, isn't going to be worth the endless headache and heartache of dealing with it legally, and ultimately, you are probably more interested in getting him back and "making him pay" than you are in recovering your possessions. This is also evidenced by the fact that you are saying you are going to bring his world crashing down on his head. If you were really over him, you wouldn't give two shits about what he thinks, feels, or says. As such, your thoughts indicate that you are not in fact over him. You may be done with the relationship and have no desire to go back in, but you are not "done" with him. As such, you need to be extremely careful, because you are still highly susceptible to any bullshit that may occur, and are also very likely to get sucked right back into the drama that you have been dealing with for 4 years.

                You aren't completely home free until you literally don't care what he does, says, thinks, feels, or spreads around about you. Never forget that.

                Just my $.02
                The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                  P.S. I am assuming that based on this situation, you are probably in the 20-24 age range.

                  That means that you have already spent almost 20% of your whole life dealing with this crap. I don't want to say it was all a "waste," because I am sure there are some good things in there too, but it certainly doesn't seem to have been a positive way to spend 4 years of your life either.
                  The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!



                    i mean oh glad ur doing better.

                    (129)Transactions and counting


                      ur too hot to be with a dude like that girl..

                      sue him

                      Ride: 2002 Lexus IS300


                        nat, had a whole lot to say, but i guess i'll just say this instead: CONGRATULATIONS!

                        (you're free now!)

                        i agree on catching up with old friends and that stuff, it's great to be able to again. i just go out and do my own thing. lately it's been exploring to far away lands in wanda. takes my mind off shit, and i get to see all kinds of neat things; i suggest you try it out no more being tied down.

                        and remember, the 30 minutes of secks isn't worth the 3 years of fights. in the end heartache/heartbreaking sucks donkey chode and then you just stop caring. i ran out of emotions to care personally...whatever happens, happens meow.

                        life is good.


                          On the dog issue, I know for a fact that if you have the papers to prove you payed for him/her and paid for all the vet bills and food, then the dog is yours, unless you added his name to the ownership record, then you'll have to do a custody type thing.

                          Congrats on doing better for yourself. I don't think anyone deserves that kind of treatment (but maybe him lol).
                          Been a long time. Still alive...


                            Restraining order and Judge Judy his ass!!
                            Wish the best for ya!
                            Cappuccino Member #9<--- click for thread

                            ^click for MRT^
                            CB9 MRT-R.I.P.
                            Coupe MRT


                              Originally posted by lilb_1979 View Post
                              Restraining order and Judge Judy his ass!!
                              Wish the best for ya!
                              Judge Judy his ass! Thats a new one!

