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casual encounters

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    if i may make a recomendation, keep going out to the bars and clubs and all of that. But in the meantime, be yourself show women what type of person you are etc etc if all goes well, pull their number and if htey ignore you fuck them thats their loss and look forward to the next time you go out. At the end of the day (and i learned this the hard way) its not the money you drop on nights out, not the car you drive, or how flashy you look or act taht women pay attention to. All that will do is get them to do a double take rather then get something started with them.

    I got a story for you. When i was about 16 i had met this chick at an underage club and if you can believe this it actually took off. 2 years later i get screwed over in the worst way i have ever been screwed over by a female. And i had always wondered, why was it she was so interested in riding in my car, street racing, and me blowing a good portion of my paycheck on her and our dates? turns out she was with me for what she had seen of me that night at the club. A cocky ass kid with a honda all hooked up with a loud system and engine mods who was dropping a shit ton of money (i had a good paying job at the time)

    Well after my heart was broken and i wasnt myself for months after that, i had met this chick in the most random spot ever. I was pumping gas and my honda was at its prime at this point. Well i saw probably the most beautiful girl i had seen in a long ass time walking out to the jeep next to me with her mother. And i was dumb struck when she said "shouldnt a young man like yourself be saving money for education rather then putting it into a car?" I was thinking to myself wtf? but with a smile and laugh said back to her "your probably right, but i grew up around working on cars and its a hobbie of mine to stay out of trouble to keep myself eligible for the military" and from there it took off. We exchanged numbers and had hit it off. WE were together for 2 years and some change but just recently went our seperate ways (which im still a wreck about) but I wasnt dropping money or busting out the spongebob dance at the club i was simply myself as she was hers.

    Point of this story is, go have your fun but dont go out with the mindset of "i need to pull a girl or i need a one night stand" go with the mind set of "im going to have my fun if i get a girl cool if not thats fine im still having fun" until then be patient and remember STAY YOURSELF. Best of luck to you bro.

    PS dont use craigslist to get girls i was dared to do that by my friends and only got single moms and girls that were completley stuck up and butt ass ugly and yes money in exchange for sex is highly illegal MRT EF hatch build


      sell one of your cars then go to vegas. not to gamble or to watch shows. you know what i mean

      Accord turbo kit under $2k here
      $30 HID kits here Thread
      "What a selfish bitch. She looks like one too. A smart-mouthed, facebook-ing, "i dont know if im straight, bi or *** yet" little brat." -greencb7inkc
      "No Herra Frush, Slammed, tucked or frame dragging here. I'll leave that to the mini trucks...." -fishdonotbounce


        Originally posted by LadyG View Post
        The problem seems to be messing with women who play games in the first place.
        Women who know what they want don't do that.

        Guys need to understand that the whole of the American Culture encourages woman to be game playing, money chasing, shallow chicks. It creates the problems yall have to deal with. Think about that the next time you watch Jersey Shore. (lolz)

        I advise my guy friends to not even begin to date a woman who seems luke-warm, or like they are playing games.
        And for gods-sake, if they seem to like being treated badly, RUN AWAY.
        Those are the kind of women that need, and create, the drama in their lives.
        I typically don't like to play any games and I am a pretty honest and open person with everyone. So open that sometimes I get myself in trouble, but, at the end of the day, I always feel better when I don't lie to anyone.

        This being said, it is very difficult to even find an attractive woman who isn't married, especially in some parts of the US (no offense to anyone but it is the truth. Of course, everybody has their own opinion on what "attractive" is. But when you have to take care of certain needs and the only woman available are the ones who "play games", you kinda don't have a choice but to play the game.

        Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
        I ignore the shit out of women and nothing ever becomes of it.

        I'm even a downright asshole sometimes.

        My 'being an ass' act gets me told that "you're being an ass."
        This is because "being an ass" is only a part of the equation.
        First you have to make the woman want you, and only THEN you have to play hard to get to make her want you even more and to lower her self-esteem.

        Originally posted by Night Wolf View Post
        no, no, no. you dont pay them. its an audition. your "seeing" if they got the stuff to do films. also youll need an office, or a hotel room, a suit. plus some fake paper work. theyll think its real. oh & dont forget to get their consent on film, & have them hold up 2 forms of gov ID on film too. then you can start. the best part it, sense its "for a film", theres nothing off limits you can try.
        eh, that's a lot of work! Maybe if I was a sex addict, it would be worth all the work.

        Originally posted by owequitit View Post
        Hookers charge on the front end, and girlfriends charge on the backend.

        Either way you pay for sex.

        Also, while prostitution is illegal in MOST places, it is legal in Nevada in many parts. There are even some very reputable houses of ill repute outside of Reno. Just food for thought...

        Honestly though, you should probably just hit up the sites, be upfront about what you want, and go from there. I am sure there are chicks out there that want FWB type setups too. Maybe even hot ones. For disease and shit your probably not any worse off than banging some random chick from a club. Just remember not to rawdog the randoms and you should be fine.
        That is a good point about paying for sex either way, be it a girlfriend or a hooker. Although, it is a bit twisted way of looking at it, it is true in a lot of situations. Unless you both are passionate about getting married and spending your lives together, you basically ARE just paying for sex.

        I knew about Nevada but that's a long hike for me But I am not excluding it as one of the options.

        Originally posted by owequitit View Post
        I think that is just a woman thing. I see it constantly. One reason I am always single? I don't put up with the bullshit. I still to this day can't figure out why they pretend to want a nice guy, but in many cases still want someone who drags them around by the hair like in the good ole days...
        From my experience, most women don't want a nice guy. They want a very manly figure in their life who is very stubborn and confident in everything he does. When they say they want a "nice guy", they mean somebody who doesn't sleep with everyone and their mother.


          Thank you everyone once again for the advice.

          I got a reply to my ad on craigslist, very attractive female, higher than my expectations. We exchanged multiple emails and I asked questions that would prove 100% that it is a real person who lives in this city.

          There is still a chance that she isn't who she says she is, so I asked to meet in a crowded place at first for my safety. She agreed so we'll see how that goes.


            I have decided to retire from giving advice on women to men after this thread.

            Glad I am not single, and happily so.

            Have fun gettin the willy wet.
            Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

            That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


              Originally posted by Straight Success View Post
              Ignore the women. Have fun and stack your change. They'll notice, they always do. When they start looking and bite the hook for the bate, fuck 'um real hard and real good.

              We as men have to stick together more. Ride out with your homies, shoot pool, talk about football, go bowling, do all the competitive shit we do to keep your mind off of them. Trust me, they'll come.

              Women are just like men. They want what they can't have. Make yourself un-have-able.
              This is the truth. Fuck good looking women cause after you're forty it don't mean shit really. I work with kids and one of the benefits of it. Is the moms, you have the pretty ones, the ugly ones, the what the fuck happened to you moms....

              And I find that the good looking ones are the ones that are usually divorced and insecure as shit and the ugly ones are the more stable have been on this riot circuit for some time and man with all of the raves and parties, it don't matter really, just keep doing you're thing and don't even look, just work for that house and car and build up a cash flow. Like straight success said, be That guy that all women want but all you do is just says fuck it.


                Also the guys in this thread don't turn this forum into a meat feast. I like having some women around these parts...


                  Originally posted by rexload View Post
                  From my experience, most women don't want a nice guy. They want a very manly figure in their life who is very stubborn and confident in everything he does. When they say they want a "nice guy", they mean somebody who doesn't sleep with everyone and their mother.
                  They want the manliest of men but they want him to be soft and in touch with his feelings. Fuck that. Ima be whatever percentage of those two ideals that I see fit. If a girl comes along and happens to like my percentages, then we'll get along.

                  Originally posted by LadyG View Post
                  I have decided to retire from giving advice on women to men after this thread.
                  Glad I am not single, and happily so.
                  Have fun gettin the willy wet.
                  I understand why, but dont lose hope.

                  Originally posted by RagingAsian View Post
                  Also the guys in this thread don't turn this forum into a meat feast. I like having some women around these parts...
                  For once.....I have to agree with you Raymond.

                  Oh, and...

                  FUCK BITCHES. GET MONEY.


                  KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                  Originally posted by Jarrett
                  Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                    Ive learned recently that women dont want an asshole...They just dont want a guy whos a pussy.

                    Its really not all that hard to meet or talk to women...All you gotta be is genuine, confident and have a decent sense of humor...Make them laugh and your golden...It doesnt always get you laid (although if you know how to use does usually) doesnt always get you a girlfriend...but itll usually at least get you girls as friends...and you know what girls as friends have?...other girl friends...and the EASIEST way to meet through other women.

                    It doesnt hurt if you can hold your own in the looks department either.
                    Last edited by King James; 01-17-2012, 02:21 PM.

                    Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                      Originally posted by rexload View Post
                      Thank you everyone once again for the advice.

                      I got a reply to my ad on craigslist, very attractive female, higher than my expectations. We exchanged multiple emails and I asked questions that would prove 100% that it is a real person who lives in this city.

                      There is still a chance that she isn't who she says she is, so I asked to meet in a crowded place at first for my safety. She agreed so we'll see how that goes.
                      she sent you a pic? post it lol

                      93 Accord LX Sedan (sold)
                      01 Civic LX Sedan (sold)-93 Accord EX Wagon (totaled)
                      93 Accord SE Sedan (sold)-92 Accord EX Sedan (sold)
                      93 Accord SE Coupe (sold)-97 Accord SiR Wagon (sold)

                      95 Accord LX Wagon (CURRENT)-05 Impreza WRX Sedan (CURRENT)-02 Ram 1500 (CURRENT)-20 VW Jetta (CURRENT)


                        Originally posted by rexload View Post
                        Thank you everyone once again for the advice.

                        I got a reply to my ad on craigslist, very attractive female, higher than my expectations. We exchanged multiple emails and I asked questions that would prove 100% that it is a real person who lives in this city.

                        There is still a chance that she isn't who she says she is, so I asked to meet in a crowded place at first for my safety. She agreed so we'll see how that goes.
                        Good luck lil' homie.
                        The Lord watches over me!

                        "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

                        - D. Chappelle


                          I actually found a neighbor of mine that lives a few streets over on cl but I stopped hooking up with her because she is a squirter. I know they are good and I liked it but I it got old getting soaked every time.
                          Green EX
                          93 SE


                            Originally posted by thepowderblue View Post
                            I actually found a neighbor of mine that lives a few streets over on cl but I stopped hooking up with her because she is a squirter. I know they are good and I liked it but I it got old getting soaked every time.
                            Yeah, letting a dog lick your dick never gets old though.


                              Originally posted by Night Wolf View Post
                              she sent you a pic? post it lol
                              i second this lets see the pic homie

                     EF hatch build


                                How about I'll post a pic if I succeed.

