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"It's just an Accord..."

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  • mercyboy
    ya i had the same promblem too....Some people never seem to go outside the real world and expirience different cars....Some people called my cAR a acura legend >:@

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  • Gathers
    Originally posted by Eazy M 316 View Post
    dude just blow it off dont let it get to you. theres this guy who drives a hatch and EVERYWHERE i mean everywhere i see him he stops and revs his engine like i care. Like three nights ago me and my girlfriend were outside just got back from the store and i hear his fart cannon coming down the street he slams on his breaks just to yell "ACCORDS ARE ***" then drives off like hes hard people are dumb and if your car isnt "FAST AND FURIOUS" or "HECTORS RUNNIN SPOON ENGINES AND NAAAWWWWWSSSSS" everyone will give u shit

    That was seriously some funny ish. Anyhow, everyone of the those people that you mentioned, the ones that look down on the Cb7... They are not true enthusiasts. Appreciation of a tastefully modified car in general doesn't exist for someone who doesn't know what they're actually looking at... The rice mentality... that's all it is.

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  • esskater892
    Originally posted by Chico Suave View Post
    Got to go to work but one weekend I was talking with two of my buddies one has a CB7 and the other has a BB4 (prelude) anyways we are just standing around in a parking lot on our main street here talking back and forth and had this other guy that was in the same parking lot come over and say "Hey wanna race I bet I can beat your ricer with my Z28" I looked and laughed at him and told him "first off my car isn't 'ricey' and second ok we can race.... lets see who can make it to the furthest gas station on one tank" and that shut him up real quick and he just had this dumbfounded look on his face and my buddies and I just went back to talking and he walked off and left the parking lot lmao that made my night.
    HAHA!! thats great!

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  • accordkid16
    thank you for writing this i feel the exact same way..i'm sure many of us do....and your car is very nice.

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  • 1990accordex-r
    Originally posted by Eazy M 316 View Post
    I lol'd.

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  • Chico Suave
    Didn't get to read all they way through....

    Got to go to work but one weekend I was talking with two of my buddies one has a CB7 and the other has a BB4 (prelude) anyways we are just standing around in a parking lot on our main street here talking back and forth and had this other guy that was in the same parking lot come over and say "Hey wanna race I bet I can beat your ricer with my Z28" I looked and laughed at him and told him "first off my car isn't 'ricey' and second ok we can race.... lets see who can make it to the furthest gas station on one tank" and that shut him up real quick and he just had this dumbfounded look on his face and my buddies and I just went back to talking and he walked off and left the parking lot lmao that made my night.

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  • esskater892
    Originally posted by 415cb7 View Post
    Here's a tiny clip of an accord :] That's the first time I had seen an accord in media, besides commercials.
    at 1:50
    booom shocka locka!

    worst rap ever.

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  • CB7 Sleeper
    So true, I want to delete it, but it's one of my better threads.

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  • JoshM
    Originally posted by JoshM View Post
    Because you put it in the noob section. They never let threads die.
    I still stand by this comment.

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  • aclude
    alot of people dont believe me when i spend my damn 6 month straight , save every penny i got until i have enought money to do a swap..h22a4 swap. now i had that swap already and people that drive civics, integras, are kinda of afraid of my swap because they know they will get spank. some civic guys told me..why don u get all those money and start to fix the exterior first , I replied , is not what you do , but is about what do u like to do. And he shutted

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  • Preston
    Originally posted by true-bluecb7 View Post
    this Was My (ex) Girlfriend's Status: | From Shitmydadsays: "don't Ask For My Opinion Then. I Said Congrats On The Car, Just Saying Nobody's Panties Are Getting Wet From A Fucking Honda Accord." Lmfao. Speak For Yourself, Old Man.

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  • Julianachos
    This was my (ex) girlfriend's status: | from shitmydadsays: "Don't ask for my opinion then. I said congrats on the car, just saying nobody's panties are getting wet from a fucking Honda Accord." lmfao. speak for yourself, old man. :P

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  • Slick_Nine
    sick ass ebrake slide.

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  • rave93
    Originally posted by 415cb7 View Post
    Here's a tiny clip of an accord :] That's the first time I had seen an accord in media, besides commercials.
    at 1:50
    that bitch has fogs am i right?

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  • WhiteGhost
    You look like you could beat them up...........So beat um up!!!!!!!!And get some work done to your CB AND BEAT THEM THAT WAY TOO!!!

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