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Granite CB7
Contributing Member
Last Activity: 06-29-2020, 11:06 PM
Joined: 04-04-2005
Location: Roch Vegas, NH
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removing the evaporator (Topic in the Technical forum)
07-02-2008, 07:47 PM
removing the resonator (Topic in the Performance Tech forum)
04-20-2006, 01:09 PM
Removing, repairing, replacing exhaust baffles (Topic in the Technical forum)
11-03-2012, 03:43 AM
Repair or Replace (Topic in the Technical forum)
01-02-2009, 01:22 AM
Repairing rust with Fiberglass? (Topic in the Technical forum)
04-07-2017, 09:20 PM
Replace motor mounts job (Topic in the Beginner Technical/Performance forum)
03-09-2012, 09:47 PM
Replacing Clutch help (Topic in the Beginner Technical/Performance forum)
03-10-2012, 03:17 AM
replacing CV axles (Topic in the Technical forum)
10-24-2006, 07:14 PM
Replacing lower balljoint boots with poly boots (Topic in the Beginner Technical/Performance forum)
10-21-2010, 03:38 AM
Replacing metric hardware the non-OEM way (Topic in the Technical forum)
03-26-2007, 10:54 PM
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