No offense but to put together a kit, its gonna be way more than grand for everything. The SC alone would run about a grand (give or take) for a used one. And I wouldn't put used parts in something to sell, too much liability.
Anyway.. updates!
Made extra braces for the SC bracket. Revised the belt/pulley system for better coverage on SC pulley so it doesnt slip. unit completely installed. Charge pipes and intercooler mocked up. Sending to a buddy to tig weld tomorrow. I don't have a tig or I would myself. Sorry no pics, left the camera at home.
Anyway.. updates!
Made extra braces for the SC bracket. Revised the belt/pulley system for better coverage on SC pulley so it doesnt slip. unit completely installed. Charge pipes and intercooler mocked up. Sending to a buddy to tig weld tomorrow. I don't have a tig or I would myself. Sorry no pics, left the camera at home.