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Man i-phone woes lol

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    My HTC 8x randomly shuts down, the SIM card goes unrecognizable (you can either wait for it or reboot it to be recognizable again. Apps get hung up in the background and drain the batt. Apps freeze up sometimes. The phone is old and has been abused so I guess it did pretty well. I'm usually not that rough on my phones. I've only broken a screen once if that means anything.

    So I just browsed the Windows market, they have a lot more apps than before...emulators, social media stuff, music, video, productivity...I'm not sure of the quality of the apps because I haven't used them but they seem legit.

    I wish it had more space, microSD slot, removable battery. More accessories.

    YouTube Clicky!!


      Originally posted by wildBill83 View Post
      I'm just here to correct three things:

      1: Reliability: In actuality iOS apps crash more often than their Android counter parts. Many independent studies have been done on this and found Android the more reliable operating system. This isn't new news and this has been the norm for around a year now.
      Do you read Forbes?
      EDIT: Spet 24 2014 Apple Pulls iOS8 Upgrade Due to Major Glitch<- Yeah these things never have software or hardware problems... Seems Apple didn't test this new operating system out very well on their own hardware...

      2: Functionality: The last time I checked the most functional phone was an Android because it had the features (both hardware and software) for work and play. Android has many suites of office productivity apps and has just as many available apps between the Google Play store and the Amazon market. There are also many high end graphics games. Apple stores bring in more revenue but that is because their apps cost more and there is only one store. As far as the app argument goes it is a moot point anyway as there is little difference other than you can expect more lock ups on iOS. Hell as far as functionality goes, the Windows phone trumps them all on a hardware and integration standpoint if you have a M$ Live account, Xbox360+, and Windows 8 computers or media centers.

      3: User Interface: Let's get it straight shall we? iOS stole the smart phone idea and interface from Blackberry, the true first smart phone innovator.
      You probably need to go reread your linked Forbes article...

      Talk about bullshit.

      1) it is almost 3 years old = no longer valid. It doesn't even reference the last 3-4 operating systems on either side. "Apple had just released iOS5". Really? Talk about obsolete data. Of course it also directly says in there that the data doesn't prove that iOS apps crash more in general because Apple had just launched iOS5 and Android hadn't yet widely released Ice Cream Sandwich. So really, all that article says is that Apples then new iOS crashed more in a very limited time period, when compared to Androids then mature OS. You may as well tell us how Windows ME is doing these days. Lol. Talk about outright bullshit. Better do a better job of verifying your own sources next time.

      Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go make a fully functional phone call while younger to show the world how big your penis is.
      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


        Funny how you say that everything I said was based on opinion. Actually everything I stated was based on FACTS. Hardware facts, software facts, comparisons and studies. I'm actually a well educated consumer. The items you stated were in fact based on your opinions.

        1: I haven't reset or restarted my Nexus 5 in nearly a year, it just works, and by reviews works more reliably than the Apple alternative. Maybe you should try a new flagship device running pure Android so you have a real frame of reference. Also statistically iPhone hasn't been more reliable since 2012, and the functional argument is a joke considering it doesn't have many functions in the first place. The facts are that the iPhone is less capable due to hardware and software limitations.

        I'm not sure if you have looked at the review for my phone but the reviewers are quotes as saying things like "it just works" "easy to use" "fast intuitive interface" and "most reliable phone on the market". Mind you my phone was released last year and has twice the hardware specs and features of an iPhone.

        2: My point about the release is that everyone and their brother claims the software is more stable because they program it for their hardware and test only on their hardware. Well today some software designers were released from Apple I'm sure for not testing and debugging code on their own devices. Android has released buggy packages, but they also will give you a way to downgrade to return to a factory working condition until the next release is out (Android also releases more incremental fixes and updates to address issues than Apple).

        For you to assume that I'm a dumb adolescent who is biased for opinionated reasons is just laughable. I'm in my 30's and have also been building and working on computers since I was a pre-teenager. Age has nothing to do with this argument. No matter how much older you think you are than me I can promise you that turd polishing hasn't changed much from your day to my day. And there is only so much you can polish an iTurd.

        M$ makes productivity suites for Apple, and M$ devices and Android OS, like I said the app argument is a moot point.

        As far as my experience with Apple goes, I have owned the following devices:
        iPod Touch
        iPod Nano
        iPad 2
        Both kids have an iPad3 for school
        iPhone 3
        iPhone 4
        I have used iMacs and other Apple products as well.

        I also have the following devices at home in use currently:
        Two AndroidTVs
        Asus TF700T
        Nexus 7
        Nexus 5
        2 Linux terminals
        1 Linux server
        1 Windows 7 media center
        2 Windows 8 laptops
        1 Windows 7 laptop
        Raspberry Pi

        I have no problem with using different brands and I am not about to limit myself to the most limited of brands on the market. I'm a hardware guy and will always be loyal to who has the most bang for the buck.

        Again, my gripe is that Apple is not selling their products for the right price. Please review my prior posts. For what it is the cost is not justifiable for someone like me that is a power user. You are obviously not a power user like I am, so for you it may have been justifiable.

        If it were all the same I would really have stuck with Blackberry if they didn't shoot themselves in the foot by being too proprietary.

        I'm still waiting for that intellectual beating. If your argument is that it works great as a phone and does what a phone should then why not go and buy a $20 nokia brick, it's battery will last you longer and it was more reliable than any smart phone I ever used.

        I'm not claiming to be smart, I am saying that consumers are dumb on the average though and there are a TON of sheep out there. I prefer the terms "informed shopper". I know what I want in my product purchases and that is what I buy. Again the claim that Apple products are faster, smoother and more reliable is nothing more than hearsay and in fact goes against independent factual studies and physical hardware limitations. Wait for the next Nexus device to come out and test drive it, you might have a different opinion.

        If you also go back and read my posts I do bring up Unix being the basis for iOS and Android. I'm not living a lie, I know my roots.
        Last edited by wildBill83; 09-25-2014, 12:18 AM.


          Originally posted by deevergote View Post
          The funny thing is that for all the snobbery iPhone users are accused of, I've only seen that image floating around the internet. I haven't seen a single "My iPhone is SOOOOOOO awesome!" post at all!
          It's a perpetuated myth. Look at the real snobs that went on the offensive in here (as they always do). But it isn't the iPhone users.
          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


            Originally posted by Raf99 View Post
            And that is your opinion.

            Their hardware is like tanks and they are reliable for sure. But they are made for the simple minded. Apple TV is great though but again, for those who need simple. Their mice had one button, the apple tv remote is pretty much the same.

            I-tunes I think is my #1 reason for not using apple. It drives me insane on a whole other level. To put music on my ipod/phone i have to take my music from my PC, create another copy in i-tunes (which takes up space), then copy (sync) it to my phone. Android reminds me of the good old days of simply dragging and dropping to my phone = done! & want to add more space to your phone..... ahh not happening.

            Don't even get me started on multiple user accounts w/ itunes, icloud and camera rolls, and lack of functionality in iOS! I could go on forever!

            This apples and oranges argument could go on for decades though, depends on what a user likes or wants. But you can't sit here and tell me the iphone 6 is so great when other phones have released such a phone 2 years ago. You have to be brainwashed on a whole other level to buy into this BS.
            You talk about taking the time to learn a software (as the complaint against Droid can't possibly be valid unless someone didn't know how to use it) and then you do the same thing with Apple... Ironic?

            1) I will agree that the iTunes experience isn't as good on PC as it is in a Mac. Of course, most of that is Microsoft's fault.

            2) I think you aren't using iTunes properly. I have over 100 gigs of music, and it is all on iTunes without having to duplicate it. You can store it wherever you want, and have iTunes access it wherever you want. No duplication necessary.
            The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


              Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
              Well this got hairy.

              The main thing that I still HATE about iPhones, is that you have no fucking drawer. You're forced to stare at every fucking app you have.

              Just a gaggle fuck of apps in every direction.

              Oh yea, yay, you guys got folders now to sort your apps. So now instead of apps everywhere, its apps AND folders everywhere.

              Such a disorganized mess. Reminds me of people who have 123182 shortcuts on their desktop lol.

              Again, yes its a personal preference, but im sure plenty of people don't like it and don't know the grass IS greener on the other side.

              For what it's worth, im running a HTC one m8 right now and I fucking love it. The fastest phone ive ever used. HTC has been making rock solid phones for years. I don't like Samsungs touchwiz or id have a Galaxy.

              And Motorola's have memory issues.

              HTC one M8 is one of the top Android phones right now. Running kit kat. Since I turned it on I have no had one force close or one reboot. It just works, just like Apple.

              And now with Kit kat, you can disable the bloatware, so no need to root.

              Battery life is amazing for such a big screen. Packed with hardware, so games run flawlessly.

              Has stereo sound which actually is quite impressive.

              and also has IR built in so I can use it to control my HD TV, cable box, and Denon receiver.

              My wife can't do that with her 5s.


              Just checked, 41&#37; battery life left and it's been on for 16 hrs. No root, no extended battery, this is pure Android optimization.

              And, yes, I have 100% sync. I do not believe in shutting things off to extend battery UNLESS I need to.

              But day to day, I want Facebook, GMAIL, weather, my news feeds all to sync 24.7

              When I unlock that phone I want the latest updates ready.

              So that battery life is on full sync.

              You guys know an iPhone will never see battery life like that, shit maybe the iPhone 13s.
              How old is it? My last HTC was great for about 9 months. And then it just got increasingly less stable. The battery was decent to start, but by the time I got rid of it, I was sometimes lucky to get 3 hours out of the battery without using it, or running anything. It also got increasingly buggy. By contrast, I know people who are still using iPhone 4's that work the same as the day they came out.

              Also, on most days I have no issues getting to the end if the day on my iPhone, and I don't exactly not use it. I also have a 5, where the battery issue was one of the biggest complaints.
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                Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                It's a perpetuated myth. Look at the real snobs that went on the offensive in here (as they always do). But it isn't the iPhone users.
                I actually went on the defensive and never called you a name or spoke in a degrading way to you. Call me a snob or whatever you want, but it still don't justify you spent more for less in the end.


                  Originally posted by sonikaccord View Post
                  My HTC 8x randomly shuts down, the SIM card goes unrecognizable (you can either wait for it or reboot it to be recognizable again. Apps get hung up in the background and drain the batt. Apps freeze up sometimes. The phone is old and has been abused so I guess it did pretty well. I'm usually not that rough on my phones. I've only broken a screen once if that means anything.

                  So I just browsed the Windows market, they have a lot more apps than before...emulators, social media stuff, music, video, productivity...I'm not sure of the quality of the apps because I haven't used them but they seem legit.

                  I wish it had more space, microSD slot, removable battery. More accessories.
                  Impossible. Droids don't have problems, you just can't see the light...
                  The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                    Originally posted by wildBill83 View Post
                    I actually went on the defensive and never called you a name or spoke in a degrading way to you. Call me a snob or whatever you want, but it still don't justify you spent more for less in the end.
                    No, you actually went on the OFFENSIVE when you tried to disprove my personal opinion and experience. My post was never more than that. You also went on the offensive by either starting or supporting the premise that all Apple users are braggarts, when in actuality, the only ones that were here bragging were the anti-Apple users. Also, you probably don't have the historical perspective to understand it, but remember that prior to the iPod, Apple was all but dead. They certainly weren't even on the radar to corner the phone market. But they tremendously executed a product, and most of the people that currently support Apple (like me) do so because Apple earned my admiration. I was tired of PC bullshit (Microsoft), and my Creative nomad died. I needed an MP3 player that could hold my music and Apple's 160GB iPod was the only one that would. So I bought one. I loved it! I resisted an Apple phone until the iPhone 5 (it was my first one). But now, I just wouldn't use another phone, especially after dealing with all the main players. The fact that my iPod, iPad and iPhone become one just by logging in is extraordinary.

                    You were the one who turned into a little vagina and started posting obsolete bullshit links and making jokes about how stupid Apple users were (including your childish, snide little point about Apple proving your point with iOS 8.0.1), without even having half the facts.

                    And until you actually give Apple a try, you will never understand. I used to say the same shit. They don't need as much hardware because the software is cleaner and simpler, so it doesn't NEED as many resources. It is the same reason a Mac used for intensive computing (like graphics) will stomp the shit out of a PC doing the same job with a lot more hardware. The majority of the hardware advantage is lost running a much less efficient OS (open source is inherently less efficient).

                    My shit runs all day everyday, integrates seamlessly with the rest of my life and has already been 3-5x more reliable than any of my Droid or Windows products ever were. If that is "less," you can have your more. Like I said, I have actually owned both. I will take Apple every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I will also HAPPILY pay more for it because I actually know better. You can't understand it until you actually try it. Sure Apple isn't for everyone, but to assume all Apple users are dumb and trying to belittle them because they couldn't possibly be as smart as you is douche bag bullshit. Luckily, if people like to be douches I have no trouble obliging.
                    Last edited by owequitit; 09-25-2014, 01:07 AM.
                    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                      Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                      Impossible. Droids don't have problems, you just can't see the light...
                      All hardware has problems, maybe you don't see the light. Apple is just as vulnerable to slowdowns and reduced battery life as an Android, even more so on a lesser model droid.

                      He admits to being hard on his device, and his device is not a new device meaning it may not have all of the software optimizations and the fact that it's not a Nexus or flagship device it is really not comparable to an iPhone. A Nexus device is developed in much the same fashion as an iPhone, so it would be much more comparable as competition as that is what it was made for. I'm just saying you got to look at the whole picture. It can happen to an Apple too, I have had it happen to me.


                        Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
                        Oh yea, I had the Blackberry 8800. Those were awesome back in the day. I miss BB messenger. We used to use it in class so we could all clown LOL.

                        Impossible to break, great battery life, and I taught myself how to do wired tether so I could get 3g internet on my laptop when there were no wireless networks!
                        Back when the BB came out I was a dumb punk kid who partied hard a frequently. On more than one occasion I found holes in walls of random house's and my BB would fit perfectly in that hole. I would look and think to myself "I bet that's from a phone" and lo and behold, my BB would slide right in like a glove and the wall would actually hold my phone.


                          Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                          No, you actually went on the OFFENSIVE when you tried to disprove my personal opinion and experience. My post was never more than that.
                          I never tried to disprove your opinion, just share facts for hardware and give my opinion on the matter. deevergote is allowing us to express opinions here, and I am only taking advantage of it. If you felt you had to attack me then maybe you had a fear of losing your own opinion to my convincing facts. Never did I once target you and say "YOU MUST CHANGE OR DIE AS A FOOL!".

                          Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                          You were the one who turned into a little vagina and started posting obsolete bullshit links and making jokes about how stupid Apple users were (including your childish, snide little point about Apple proving your point with iOS 8.0.1), without even having half the facts.
                          Again with the name calling, does eThuggin' make you feel any bigger or smarter? I know it isn't proving that iPhones are superior to everything else in the world.
                          The obsolete link was in context to the post about the point that iOS became less stable than Android. I see how you skipped over the current link from Forbes that was posted today:
                          Ever since iOS 8 was released, it has been plagued with instability issues. iOS 8 also requires 5.8GB of free space for the installation, which is not ideal for people with devices that have smaller storage sizes. Mobile application performance management (APM) company Crittercism has published a report claiming that iOS 8 has a crash rate that is 78&#37; higher than what is seen on iOS 7.

                          Older devices that have been upgraded to iOS 8 crash substantially more than the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The crash rate is 2.63% for the iPhone 6 and 2.11% for the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S have an average of a 3.57% crash rate. What causes the iPhones to crash are a combination of bugs in iOS 8 and apps with bugs that are not optimized for the new mobile operating system. The failure rates could have been higher, but iOS users are resisting the upgrade due to the necessary storage space and the bug reports
                          Also, Android has NEVER released an update that caused a device to stop working, and as I stated earlier there is a recovery mode on androids to get you back to stock so at least the user, if educated, can fix it themselves if it ever did happen. And in reality the amount of device defects from Apple is in around the same range as Nexus device defects. So apples to apples there. Defect wise it is a crap shoot either brand or OS.

                          Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                          And until you actually give Apple a try, you will never understand. I used to say the same shit. They don't need as much hardware because the software is cleaner and simpler, so it doesn't NEED as many resources. It is the same reason a Mac used for intensive computing (like graphics) will stomp the shit out of a PC doing the same job with a lot more hardware. The majority of the hardware advantage is lost running a much less efficient OS (open source is inherently less efficient).
                          You must have missed my list of Apple devices I have owned and tried.... Also a mac doesn't stomp a PC on graphics, never has never will. It does have great design suites for graphic designers and video and picture editing suites that are great, but then there are the PC offerings that are just as good just laid out differently. The Adobe suite on PC can do wonders.
                          A PC with NVIDIA Quadro graphics cards is what I use for my professional Engineering rig for CAD applications, it is the defacto standard for a reason. And as far as video games go, mac vs PC is a no brainer.

                          Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                          My shit runs all day everyday, integrates seamlessly with the rest of my life and has already been 3-5x more reliable than any of my Droid or Windows products ever were. If that is "less," you can have your more. Like I said, I have actually owned both. I will take Apple every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I will also HAPPILY pay more for it because I actually know better. You can't understand it until you actually try it. Sure Apple isn't for everyone. But to assume all Apple users are dumb and trying to denigrate them because they couldn't possibly be as smart as you is douche bag bullshit. Luckily, if people like to be douches I have no trouble obliging.
                          That's nice that your device operates all the time, so does mine, and flawlessly just like yours.

                          You really need to go back and re-read my posts. Maybe you somehow missed where I said things like:

                          I'm not necessarily biased to Android, don't get me wrong, I'm biased to good hardware. I'm a hardware guy and as far as software offerings go I'm really looking heavily into test driving a Nokia Windows phone but the small app store concerns me, but how smoothly it will integrate into my new laptop and other features have me going. I have bounced back and forth between Samsung Galaxy lines and Nexus offerings, but prefer the simple vanilla interface over the MIUI Samsung forces you to use.

                          If the Apple products were priced correctly by their hardware and software offerings I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about them, but the fact that they advertise it as the greatest thing since sliced bread is nothing short of slide of hand and a dirty trick to consumers.

                          EDIT: To put some hardware specs in comparison, here is my phone (released a LONG time ago) vs the just released iPhone 6. This is what I look at first when buying hardware. From there I look at software and if it ran like poop I would get different hardware, but that is just me.
                          I'm not calling them snobs, but I will say that if they buy the device because they were told it was the greatest and the cost is expensive so it must be the best that unless they know exactly all of the options on the current market and do a pro/cons sheet that they are not educated consumers. An educated consumer who knows they are buying an iPhone for personal preference or previous app purchases is ok with me. I just had better never hear that their device is the better just because it is an Apple product.

                          Also, Apple didn't invent the pc, smart phone, mp3 player, or mobile media device, they are just really good at marketing and packaging it. And for that I cannot find fault in the company.
                          I don't assume all Apple users are dumb and I don't "denigrate" them, whatever that means, and I never said they couldn't be as smart as me. Somehow, trying to point out facts and educate some consumers makes me a charleton and I'm fine with it. Call me what ever names make you fell better.
                          Last edited by wildBill83; 09-25-2014, 01:37 AM.


                            I wonder if this thread will go the way of the hellcat, or if it will need to go the way the hellcat was guided soon...hmm...

                            I have to agree with Ralphie about the UI when it comes to app location options on these OSs. I like my smart phone screens like my computer screens: free of clutter. I have owned two Andriod phones and an iPad, and one of my favorite features of Andriod has always been the ability to move apps wherever you want: onto your home screen main pane or any other pane in any location, or back into the app drawer. I just like that option more than having to organize every app I own on the home screen, and in certain locations (starting at the top left and then filling in each row before moving down to the next row).

                            Nevertheless, I have been able to move past that on my iPad. I can deal with the more limited app location customization, even though it's not my preference. When it comes to these phones and their operating systems in the current market, it is most all about personal preference. Both Apple and companies utilizing Andriod on their devices have made mistakes in both hardware and software designs to be sure, and we all make mistakes because we are human (I mean, even this post of mine may turn out to be a mistake).

                            I know this is a place for us to talk about anything, but, IMO, we could spend our time better than arguing about top of the line devices that the majority of the world population would never even dream of being able to own. At the very least, can we keep this a peaceful thread free of jabs or name calling?
                            Last edited by af_1132; 09-25-2014, 02:16 AM.
                            *** Think of others before thinking of yourself. ***
                            ********** Spread love, not hate. ***********
                            ****Lift others up with kind and helpful words****

                            F20A_CB7, I miss you, but I will see you one day.
                            "Nothing a little prayer can't fix."

                            Selling on Ebay!

                            15.10 @ 90.42mph
                            The quest for 9s ceased, now the goal is a circuit track monster!
                            Current fastest Laguna Seca Lap: 1:52.889


                              sheesh. I read most of this, but could not bear some. It was like listening to myself talk.
                              Most I phone users I know openly come out within a few seconds of phone talk and say" I know, It sucks" but I like it. Or something along those lines.

                              I personally have an evo 4g, with two batteries and a battery charger. I like never having to find a wall. I just carry my charged battery in my left back pocket and throw it in at about 5pm. Needless to say I dont have a horse in this race in fact someone gave me this phone about three years ago. I do pay attention to the technology game though, and am not impressed.

                              Its common knowledge on a stat sheet andriod kills I phone regularly. I phone can only hold the title for weeks at most if at all.
                              I do believe I phones though are more like honda's and the rest are more like american cars. They are bigger an have better stats at a better price but the quality is more of a gamble. I dont know for sure, it just seems that way.

                              I dont even know what stats would support the most amazing smart phone feat I have witnessed but my g/f has an I phone 5c. Its about two years old now and we regularly stream netflix, HBO, everything onto my 40 inch cheapo lg tv using cellular data and a lightning to hd cord. Not wifi, cell data. Sprint to be exact also known for not being good. Its mostly 3g still here in columbus ohio. We get an image on my tv that is close enough to blueray most would not notice with no buffering, or anything negative to say about it. We do it all day, tv series marthons with no problem. Any time, every time no problem. Its not even the 5s

                              All my friends, relatives with s 5's and evo one's or whatever else can't believe it when they see it.

                              I have tried a little to talk my g/f into getting something other than the I phone 6 but I do feel confidient it will do exactly what they say it will and leave it alone.
                              ......father in law has it back again. Time to shine


                                Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                                How old is it? My last HTC was great for about 9 months. And then it just got increasingly less stable. The battery was decent to start, but by the time I got rid of it, I was sometimes lucky to get 3 hours out of the battery without using it, or running anything. It also got increasingly buggy. By contrast, I know people who are still using iPhone 4's that work the same as the day they came out.

                                Also, on most days I have no issues getting to the end if the day on my iPhone, and I don't exactly not use it. I also have a 5, where the battery issue was one of the biggest complaints.
                                To be fair, it's only a month old, but also to be fair, my Motorolla Razr maxx which is known for it's amazing battery life, was still lasting just as long when it started to have memory problems.

                                From a software side, Android was fine. The physical memory went bad and the phone would reboot- not Androids fault.

                                In fact, I have been using Android since 1.5

                                I have seen some buggy devices, and I have seen hardware issues.

                                It really is true, if you stick with the top tier devices, ESPECIALLY the Nexus devices that come straight from Google, you will not have any problems, I promise you.

                                Droids(Motorolla) are notorious for having issues. I tried to stick with them, and I only got the razr maxx because I wanted to not have to worry about charging but around 2 years, it started freezing up and rebooting, which I have experienced on all the Motorolla phones I have owned.

                                In contrast, I have had the Nexus 7 from Google made by Asus from it's release. So maybe 2 years now at least? Same device. 16Gb version. Not a single problem. It just works, and it has not slowed down one bit. Its got a quad core processor and handles graphic intensive games like a champ. I would never ever take an iPad over a Nexus tablet, and I own a Macbook.

                                My wife has an iPad mini and I have used it extensively.

                                My opinion on iOs has always been the same. People like Scott know what they want, and they want a device that has 0 issues and just works everytime. Apple provides that.

                                They're good products, obv because we are all in here arguing LOL.

                                I just personally like Android because of my aforementioned apple gripes. Price is one, and the apps being strewn about is another.

                                Honestly I got an Android phone before the iPhone had come out and so I just always liked Android. I COULD use an iPhone if Android went away tomorrow, and id be ok, but I prefer the design and UI of Android to Apple. I also like the ability to customize it and features that Andoid has. No more no less.

                                Apple tends to get the better apps first, but Android has the features first usually.

                                I guess im more of a features guy then an apps guy you know?

