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the Gun Control thread

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    It goes back to the same old argurment.

    WE, the people, give them an inch.

    If WE, the people, wanted to take back our inch AND our mile....we damn well could.

    They act like they forget that we run shit, and in some ways we have given up control in certain aspects, but they know damn well that we run this shit.

    That's why they spend millions of dollars on fucking tv ads begging us to vote for them.

    So don't forget that.

    "They" are not taking away shit.

    If we chose to give away our 2nd Ammendment, then that's a different story, but obv that isn't happening.

    I do think Stewie means well but just does not understand what those Amendments mean to us.

    You can say its a silly piece of paper from 200 years ago, but Americans shed blood every day to uphold that silly peice of paper.

    Bet your ass most of us would in a second, if it mean't keeping those in check which need it.

    Those Ammendments are like oxygen to some of us.

    It is who we are as Americans and even though shit is bleak right now and we have veered way of course from the morals and standards of generations passed, this is still the U.S. , the greatest country on earth.

    Don't like it? OK fine. Don't fucking knock on my door when your country needs fucking aid then, or when your house is floating in 10 feet of water from a Natural Disaster.

    As far as the weapons I really don't know.

    Im not trying to take anyones right away from owning something that they enjoy.

    Be it a .22 or an "assault weapon".

    Like I said earlier, I had thought of owning a rifle or two when the time was right.

    If I had an m4 or something, it would NOT be for home protection.

    For reasons stated, it's way over the top.

    Unless you live with George Lucas at Skywalker Ranch, a weapon that can clear 300m is WAY to much for home protection.

    As shotty or a handgun is more then enough, and even some handguns are a little much for a 2000sq home.

    In my house I know there are handguns that can lodge 2-3 rooms away.

    So then what do you do?

    I may want an assault rifle to just have to admire and take to the range one day.

    So if I can't own one because some asshat stole one and killed some people then how is that right?

    On the other hand, what if that asshat stole mine and killed 10 kids.

    Im sure id be ALL for banning them, maybe not.

    A lot of people who are attacked by sharks, still surf in dangerous waters.

    I own 0 guns.

    I do feel like Id be more comfortable with a handgun in my house, as every now and then there are burglaries in my neighborhood.

    Now my neighborhood is classic suburbia.

    If you drove through my neighborhood you would NOT believe me that houses get robbed.

    But shit happens.

    Im planning on having kids in the next year.

    Believe me if I find you in my house where my wife and children reside, you better move quicker then a bullet, because I won't even fucking hesitate.

    Im not about to be tied up just to watch two guys rape my wife and kill my kids.

    It doesn't just happen in movies.

    Turn and face the wall and hope they leave?


    Fuck that.
    Last edited by Ralphie; 12-27-2012, 02:44 PM.


      And of course, the right to arms is also for when the govt decides we don't need that right anymore.

      They can try and come get said handguns, but like the other Ammendments, they will have to pry it out of my dead hands.


        Originally posted by toycar View Post
        So, who cares if common sense doesn't apply to them?

        Are you suggesting that because they can be wreckless assholes that we all should do the same? There is always going to be POS's in the world. Are you trying to use their failure to justify your own personal ideology? If so, I think that approach is flawed. You cannot let other people define you or your own thoughts. Especially if other peoples wreckless attitude is what is defining your feelings about something. The idea here is to better than those assholes, not equal.

        Are you suggesting that a 12g shotty is less effective than an ar-15 in a home defense scenario? Studies suggest otherwise.

        Did you really say that hunting certain animals COULD justify using a 30round clip? No high powered season in the country allows that. NONE. There is NO scenario that ANYONE legally is hunting with a 30 round clip. If you need 30 rounds, you shouldn't be hunting. I have hunted most of my life, 25+ years. I have killed the biggest and smallest animals, never a need for 30 damn rounds. Only in competition shooting would it ever be needed. And, it would be easy enough to have a license or permit to own one for "sporting events" if you proved that was what you needed it for.

        Its not rocket science guys. Stop over thinking the problem and assuming the worst.

        Every gun larger than a .22 does not shoot through a house. Every single 7.62 weapon I own would not only shoot through all of the walls of a house, it would probably go through another house or two as well. A buck shot 12g round wouldn't even leave your living room but would mow any asshole down that happened to break in.

        I realize the fear of giving an inch and them taking a mile. However, continuing down the current path has basically given up our rights all together. You think that if shit continues like it has, NOTHING is going to get done? They aren't going to re-write the constitution guys. Nobody is going to take all of your gun rights away. That just won't happen and using that as a base for your defense is pretty weak.

        We need to do something that is both productive and offers resolve NOW, before some politician campaigns and wins on the idea that all guns should be illegal. If the problem persists, shit will change either way. Do you want to be a part of that change willingly, or be force fed some new policy?

        I agree that the terminology of "assault weapon" is too loosely thrown around. I agree with that. I have an altered 9mm comp pistol that is probably 10x deadlier than an average person with an assault rifle.

        I think when its all said and done, people advocating for assault rifles are positioning themselves into a corner on the issue. Leave yourself some options before you so passionately defend your precious ar-15. There are valid points on both sides of the fence here.

        People that live in apartments shouldn't go out and buy an assault rifle for home defense. You'll never need a 30 round clip to hunt anything in America. It not only isn't needed, it isn't legal in a single state. Stop arguing silly points that seem valid to you. If you take a step back and look at all the "valid" points you guys are trying to make, its just plain silly.

        -"We need weapons to arm the militias to balance out the gov and make sure they dont take over. The constitution says so"

        This is hilarious to me. The weapons needed to fend off the gov would be absurd. If the citizens of America could actually arm themselves in a fashion that this was a valid arguement, we would already be in civil war. Complete shenanigans if you ask me. Until we can buy grenades, rocket launchers, missiles other similar grade weapons, this arguement is completely invalid.

        -"I need my assault rifle because bad guys already have them"

        Who cares? My 12g would kill anyone, regardless of what kind of gun they are holding. Once you are in a position that the gun a criminal is carrying matters, its already too late. Assault rifle in a home defense situation is far from ideal. No arguing that. So, even if the criminal shows up with an AK, you would be better off with a 12g.

        -"I need my 30 round clip to hunt with"

        no you don't. Saying that only shows me that you actually don't hunt at all. NOBODY uses a 30 round clip to go hunting. NOBODY. Not only is it illegal, its pointless. People that actually take pride in hunting usually want a kill in 1 shot. If 1 shot didn't do it, you certainly don't keep shooting the animal with the same rifle.

        You follow it, wrestle it to the ground and cuts its throat. ANYONE that hunts knows this. If you don't cut its throat, you should it one time in the head with your side arm from close range. I personally dont, I keep the horns and shooting in the head could damage the horns. Either way, no real hunter is using a 30 round clip for anything.

        -"if the gov restricts what guns we can have, they will take all guns away"

        No they wont. They can't. They didn't do anything of the sort under the previous ban. I lived through it, with assault rifles.Unless they are ready to re-write the constitution, it won't happen. The reason they won't do that;There are too many things that are protected that people want changed. IF someone was willing/able to re-write the constitution,everything would be on the table and people care too much about most of what it currently says to allow that to happen. SO, basically its an all or nothing issue with our constitution and how it applies to just about everything.
        I never suggested that since criminals are wreckless that us law abiding citizens should do the same. I am not trying to use their failure to back my ideology.

        A shotgun is definitely a better home defense gun and I never suggested otherwise.

        You are correct I don't hunt. Firearms for me are for sporting and hobby. The only reason I mentioned hunting was due to having multiple friends and relatives who use their AR15s to hunt prairie dogs, coyotes, and wild boars. I was not using that from personal experience so therefore I probably shouldn't have used the example. However hearing friends stories about wild boar hunting, those things are mean and can be tough to kill.

        Again I did not say every caliber larger than a .22LR will go through a house, I said most. And I also should have been specific in saying it will go through the wall of a house not completely through every single wall of the house.

        I live in a neighborhood in a decently populated city and own an AR, however I wouldn't use home defense as a reason for owning it. I own it for target shooting and to get into sport shooting.

        I am all for laws and regulations to help move this country in a positive direction. I don't think banning 30 round magazines and "assault rifles" will do much though. I believe that harsher penalties on criminals who use a gun in a crime could help. Education and more thorough checks when purchasing a firearm could help.

        What are some ideas that you guys have as far as legislation, regulations, or laws that you think could help?


          Most of the time when a crime is committed, the gun is stolen before hand and ditched afterwards. To own a gun here, is like saying you also have a TV in your living room. At this point it is way to late to try and regulate anything and have any real world effects. "
          at this point its not to late, its getting to that point though. something needs to be done soon. results wont happen for years...but results will happen.

          As far as actually dealing with the gun issues I think that anyone that is advocating for assault rifles, in almost EVERY circumstance, is being a terd about compromise.

          You don't need an assault rifle if you live in an apartment or in the city. I don't care what anyone says. You aren't going to have a team of army style comando's kick in your door and take your Xbox provoking some need for an ar-15.

          Im not saying that people should just assume they are safe or stop protecting themselves-its just that in an honest conversation how can anyone really argue that an ar-15 in an apartment for "home defense" is a good idea? If you need 30 rounds to feel safe, you should practice at being a better shot. Nobody NEEDS a 30 round clip, for "home defense"

          The city limits should yield different laws than living in the county. The type of weapons permitted in your home, should have SOMETHING to do with who lives there and how close people live around you.

          I can't believe how stubborn gun owners are about this topic. I have tons of guns. Like 45+ guns. I personally own several "assault weapons" and they really serve no other purpose than to look at and shoot for fun occasionally. I hunt with guns that do more damage than any assault weapon I own round for round.

          My FNFAL is a serious killer as is my 30 .06 and .270.

          However, single shot, bolt action vs semi auto 30 round clip? I think the difference is pretty obvious, and people arguing otherwise are doing so because they feel liberated by the fact that they own these weapons in the first place.

          Own them for 15+ years, and then tell me how much you have actually used them. I bought my first sks right before the 94 ban.

          Yeah, Im old like that.
          exactly, what purpose will your assault rifle be, when your chasing a robber out your house, your on your lawn firing round after round after round. i highly doubt each and every one of you is a dead eye sniper while all that adrenaline is flowing through you, odds are your gonna miss a few, and those few are going where? into the childs bedroom across the street? the living room of the family next door?

          Im all for owning guns. But, I really do think there is huge room for improvement on gun policy. You should be treated differently if you have both guns and kids in your home. It should require continued education, certification or something. It should be LAW that you must provide a gun safe to have both guns and kids in your home.

          There are plenty of things that could be done to help with the problem, people need to stop being so fucking stubborn about it.
          im up for owning guns as well, i own several, and i think theres major room for improvement on the american laws.

          I dont think anyone is suggesting that we should lose our rights to own guns all together. I do think that it is a valid arguement when people question the need for a 30 round clip or a gun that shoots rounds through houses and shit
          im thinkin thats what people were thinking when i first started talking in this thread, cause i was saying re write the 2nd. i said several times, keep your guns, just tighten the ropes.

          It goes back to the same old argurment.

          WE, the people, give them an inch.

          If WE, the people, wanted to take back our inch AND our mile....we damn well could.
          could it also be the government gives you an inch and you take a mile? they gave you the rights to bear arms, so you take it upon yourself to buy the biggest baddest piece of metal a human can buy? and for what? to feel safe?

          They act like they forget that we run shit, and in some ways we have given up control in certain aspects, but they know damn well that we run this shit.
          im pretty sure they run shit

          It is who we are as Americans and even though shit is bleak right now and we have veered way of course from the morals and standards of generations passed, this is still the U.S. , the greatest country on earth.
          yes, veered way of course, so far, that nobody will willing to go back a few steps to make things right. but who says its the greatest country on earth?
          america is ranked 25 out of 43 developing countries to become a mother. the 11th happiest country in the world. theres 21 other countries ahead of you in freedom from corruption. 39th in income. ranked 47th for infant survival. 50th in life expectancy. your economic growth is ranked 169th out of 216 countries. your unemployment percentage is worse than 102 of the 200 countries listed in teh world fact book and the US is ranked DEAD LAST in the net trade of goods and services.

          I may want an assault rifle to just have to admire and take to the range one day.

          So if I can't own one because some asshat stole one and killed some people then how is that right?

          On the other hand, what if that asshat stole mine and killed 10 kids.

          Im sure id be ALL for banning them, maybe not.

          A lot of people who are attacked by sharks, still surf in dangerous waters.
          and having an assault rifle is fine, so long as when not in use, it is properly locked and stored away and it should only be used at a range.

          so yes, you can own one, id rather see everyone have to take a manditory gun course and write a test and have indepth background checks first though, like other countries do.

          sharks are usually quite harmless to people, they generally only attack when provoked. when they attack a surfer, its usually a hit and run type of attack. the shark sees the surf board from below, thinks "hey a seal!" bites, realizes its not, and then scrams...sometimes they'll get a bite on the person, but the shark leave almost every time. deep sea divers get bit worse, a bigger shark just loungin around doin his thing, bumps his head into a diver by chance, and then attacks.

          Im not about to be tied up just to watch two guys rape my wife and kill my kids.

          It doesn't just happen in movies.

          Turn and face the wall and hope they leave?


          Fuck that.
          not once did i say i would allow myself to be tied up, nor rape my wife and kill my kids, i stated that if its some crack head looking to steal and make a profit off a stolen tv or some silver ware...go right afucking-head, i have insurance and the cops will be here within 2 minutes so they'll catch him on the way out. i also said if the robber made any sort of violent aggression towards my family, i would respond to attacking him, and by no means am i a shitty fighter..ive been playing lacrosse for over 20 years, i can take a punch and give one just as well. in the event the robber has a gun, yeah, go for it, take whatever you want. cops are still on their way, and my familys life and well being is worth MORE to me than my fucking pride over be able to boast how i shot and killed a guy over a tv, or than my family having to go through a funeral cause i tried to be a hero and stop the bad guy and failed.

          again, i have good intentions on all this, it just seems as though some people here cant handle the fact that there should be restrictions on some things..


            Originally posted by Ralphie View Post
            And of course, the right to arms is also for when the govt decides we don't need that right anymore.

            They can try and come get said handguns, but like the other Ammendments, they will have to pry it out of my dead hands.
            this would never happen, but if they decide you dont need that right anymore and the government sent military to go down each and every street to every house and collect firearms in teh event there was a complete ban of guns, would you open fire on a fellow american just doing his job as a soldier? if your not giving it up by choice, your going down with a fight

            Originally posted by accord93racer View Post

            I am all for laws and regulations to help move this country in a positive direction. I don't think banning 30 round magazines and "assault rifles" will do much though. I believe that harsher penalties on criminals who use a gun in a crime could help. Education and more thorough checks when purchasing a firearm could help.

            What are some ideas that you guys have as far as legislation, regulations, or laws that you think could help?
            ive said it several times, move to a system similar to other countries in the world, where a person needs to study, take tests, have indepth interviews, paperwork etc before you can aquire a firearm, and then have them all registered. if stolen, you report it to the ATF asap. it wont stop gun violence right away, but over time it will, and dont say it wont, cause look at other countries who have these strict gun laws. to me, thats at least acknowledging theres a problem and working towards fixing it....a step in the right direction.


              Originally posted by stewie View Post

              could it also be the government gives you an inch and you take a mile? they gave you the rights to bear arms, so you take it upon yourself to buy the biggest baddest piece of metal a human can buy? and for what? to feel safe?

              No see that is where you misinterpret it because your not American. Those our rights given to us, and they shall remain that way. Not everyone buys the biggest baddest peice of metal.

              Plenty of chics carry 22 just to feel safe.

              And whether it is for protection or for fun, it is our RIGHT.

              So Im all for education and this and that but no need to tighten the ropes....its proven it does nothing.

              im pretty sure they run shit

              No, they really don't.

              You know how I know?

              Let the MTA go out on strike...NYC comes to a standstill.

              If no one shows up to work tomorrow, who's running shit?

              yes, veered way of course, so far, that nobody will willing to go back a few steps to make things right. but who says its the greatest country on earth?
              america is ranked 25 out of 43 developing countries to become a mother. the 11th happiest country in the world. theres 21 other countries ahead of you in freedom from corruption. 39th in income. ranked 47th for infant survival. 50th in life expectancy. your economic growth is ranked 169th out of 216 countries. your unemployment percentage is worse than 102 of the 200 countries listed in teh world fact book and the US is ranked DEAD LAST in the net trade of goods and services.

              Well as seen by your previous posts, Im hesitant to trust any "facts" you throw out.

              Being the best is an opinion and a sentiment.

              Obviously every country has it's flaws, but I don't see people flocking to any other country in the numbers that people flock here to live.

              and having an assault rifle is fine, so long as when not in use, it is properly locked and stored away and it should only be used at a range.

              so yes, you can own one, id rather see everyone have to take a manditory gun course and write a test and have indepth background checks first though, like other countries do.

              sharks are usually quite harmless to people, they generally only attack when provoked. when they attack a surfer, its usually a hit and run type of attack. the shark sees the surf board from below, thinks "hey a seal!" bites, realizes its not, and then scrams...sometimes they'll get a bite on the person, but the shark leave almost every time. deep sea divers get bit worse, a bigger shark just loungin around doin his thing, bumps his head into a diver by chance, and then attacks.

              Locking it up is def needed, but some people will still break locks.

              Locking it up only protects family members or people in your house.

              If someone wants the gun in your safe, they will probably find a way to get it.

              And the Shark thing was an anology. Didn't mean it to be serious.

              not once did i say i would allow myself to be tied up, nor rape my wife and kill my kids, i stated that if its some crack head looking to steal and make a profit off a stolen tv or some silver ware...go right afucking-head, i have insurance and the cops will be here within 2 minutes so they'll catch him on the way out. i also said if the robber made any sort of violent aggression towards my family, i would respond to attacking him, and by no means am i a shitty fighter..ive been playing lacrosse for over 20 years, i can take a punch and give one just as well. in the event the robber has a gun, yeah, go for it, take whatever you want. cops are still on their way, and my familys life and well being is worth MORE to me than my fucking pride over be able to boast how i shot and killed a guy over a tv, or than my family having to go through a funeral cause i tried to be a hero and stop the bad guy and failed.

              again, i have good intentions on all this, it just seems as though some people here cant handle the fact that there should be restrictions on some things..

              You have way to much hope in the Police happening to show up at that moment in a timely manner.

              You rely to much on other people.

              If someone breaks in my house at 3am how do I know its a crackhead who only want's my tv or a crazy person looking to rape/murder?

              If you like the odds of asking questions first, that's fine.

              Don't expect everyone to have those sentiments.

              Ill shoot first and ask questions later.

              besides, if you actually ever met a real crackhead you would be more comfortable shooting them then standing in a corner hoping they only take a tv.

              Like I said earlier, it's different outlooks.

              If that is your comfort level in the great white north, cool.

              Not at all how we feel here.


                Originally posted by stewie View Post
                this would never happen, but if they decide you dont need that right anymore and the government sent military to go down each and every street to every house and collect firearms in teh event there was a complete ban of guns, would you open fire on a fellow american just doing his job as a soldier? if your not giving it up by choice, your going down with a fight
                In my opinion, if the soldier does not show signs of dissent for the government purposely violating our Bill of Rights they are meant to protect, they are not my fellow American.

                Originally posted by stewie View Post
                ive said it several times, move to a system similar to other countries in the world, where a person needs to study, take tests, have indepth interviews, paperwork etc before you can aquire a firearm, and then have them all registered. if stolen, you report it to the ATF asap. it wont stop gun violence right away, but over time it will, and dont say it wont, cause look at other countries who have these strict gun laws. to me, thats at least acknowledging theres a problem and working towards fixing it....a step in the right direction.
                Some places in the US have similar systems to what you describe and they actually have increased gun violence. By your logic, a peice of paper (the Bill of Rights) doesn't give us the right to own a gun then another peice of paper (gun laws) won't be able to take them away either... Paper is worthless, and laws are written on paper. What we need to protect is our values and our rights, both of which are fleeting.


                  Originally posted by stewie View Post
                  this would never happen, but if they decide you dont need that right anymore and the government sent military to go down each and every street to every house and collect firearms in teh event there was a complete ban of guns, would you open fire on a fellow american just doing his job as a soldier? if your not giving it up by choice, your going down with a fight

                  ive said it several times, move to a system similar to other countries in the world, where a person needs to study, take tests, have indepth interviews, paperwork etc before you can aquire a firearm, and then have them all registered. if stolen, you report it to the ATF asap. it wont stop gun violence right away, but over time it will, and dont say it wont, cause look at other countries who have these strict gun laws. to me, thats at least acknowledging theres a problem and working towards fixing it....a step in the right direction.

                  Your right, it probably never would happen, but that is because we've come a long way and people understand there are other options then all out war.

                  Sometimes your left with no options, you seem to want to wait it out in the problem with that...just don't push it on anyone else.

                  Obviously being a former soldier, the last thing id ever want to do is point a weapon at a commarade but im sure that same commerade would not want me to enter his home and take his rights away.

                  So id be interested to see how many soldiers showed up to raid US houses.

                  I think it would be different then you imagine.

                  Part of UCMJ states that soldiers can legally disobey orders which are immoral, or illegal.

                  And the ones who were willing to be sheep and infinge on others rights so easily, were never true Americans.

                  And btw-

                  No one here is advocating that they want to shoot intruders and brag about it to anyone as you posted earlier.

                  I hope to god I die without ever having killed a soul.

                  I never deployed so I never had to be put in that situation, but on the other hand I was ready to deploy in support of my country.

                  No one logically looks forward to or brags about killing anyone.

                  Thats why if you ask the right(or wrong depending on how you look at it) soldier if he ever killed anyone in action, you might just get knocked out.

                  So when it comes to my home, just don't fucking come up in my house and were good.

                  I don't want to shoot anyone....its all of 3 secs and its years and years of paperwork and trauma.....esp if I have to in front of a child....

                  and lest not forget that Im killing someones son/brother/father etc.

                  Odd huh? Americans being so compasionate.
                  Last edited by Ralphie; 12-27-2012, 04:25 PM.


                    Let the MTA go out on strike...NYC comes to a standstill.

                    If no one shows up to work tomorrow, who's running shit?
                    well, the government still runs everything, if you've chosen to not show up at work, you've taken it upon yourself to screw them over and delay them. in the end, whats going to happen? sure, they get screwed a bit, but you stop showing up to work...and sooner or later your financial situation is going to have you running to them open armed asking for employment.

                    Well as seen by your previous posts, Im hesitant to trust any "facts" you throw out.

                    Being the best is an opinion and a sentiment.

                    Obviously every country has it's flaws, but I don't see people flocking to any other country in the numbers that people flock here to live.
                    25 reasons why america is not the greatest country on earth

                    You have way to much hope in the Police happening to show up at that moment in a timely manner.

                    You rely to much on other people.

                    If someone breaks in my house at 3am how do I know its a crackhead who only want's my tv or a crazy person looking to rape/murder?

                    If you like the odds of asking questions first, that's fine.

                    Don't expect everyone to have those sentiments.

                    Ill shoot first and ask questions later.

                    besides, if you actually ever met a real crackhead you would be more comfortable shooting them then standing in a corner hoping they only take a tv.
                    i rely on other people just as much as they rely on me, i need police to help me in situations. people of vancouver need me to stay at work, i work for the government, if me and the 20 something other guys i work with decide not to go to work...hope the city has fun having no potable water!

                    if i ever meet a crack head? wow, if i want to meet a crack head i just drive downtown and take a walk down any street, im quite comfortable talking with them, all they want is some help..a buck to buy a burger from mcdonalds, and they're given help all the time, which is why they dont find the need to rob. if they want free drugs, our government offers them free drugs at places called "insite" a place where we give crack heads and junkies a diluted form of heroin and let them shoot up while supervised, over time the ammount its diluted to each specific person goes down and down until the person is no longer an addict.

                    no, its not odd that your being compasionate, and your right, killing someone is taking away someones brother/father/mother/son/cousin/friend etc. if i had the choice, id rather see them in jail then in a coffin. you may have compassion, but to what extent? as soon as they enter your house? what if its a legit buisness man, on a trip, visiting a friend, and he got the adress mixed up, went to your house instead of the neighbors house by accident. its a nice summer day, your in your yard with the fam, you look inside and you see someone walking gonna run in shoot and then ask questions?
                    MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                      I will not surrender my guns. Because I have a family to protect.

                      This is not a goverment issue about gun laws, this tragedy started from within the home, but gun protestors/government use these situations as a escape-goat to put the blame.

                      Why do we as people surrender more and more rights to a government we grow weary of everytime their is a tragedy?

                      I do think it should be manditory to register all guns to the current owner, similar to a car.
                      "Self Renewed"


                        Originally posted by stewie View Post
                        well, the government still runs everything, if you've chosen to not show up at work, you've taken it upon yourself to screw them over and delay them. in the end, whats going to happen? sure, they get screwed a bit, but you stop showing up to work...and sooner or later your financial situation is going to have you running to them open armed asking for employment.

                        25 reasons why america is not the greatest country on earth

                        i rely on other people just as much as they rely on me, i need police to help me in situations. people of vancouver need me to stay at work, i work for the government, if me and the 20 something other guys i work with decide not to go to work...hope the city has fun having no potable water!

                        if i ever meet a crack head? wow, if i want to meet a crack head i just drive downtown and take a walk down any street, im quite comfortable talking with them, all they want is some help..a buck to buy a burger from mcdonalds, and they're given help all the time, which is why they dont find the need to rob. if they want free drugs, our government offers them free drugs at places called "insite" a place where we give crack heads and junkies a diluted form of heroin and let them shoot up while supervised, over time the ammount its diluted to each specific person goes down and down until the person is no longer an addict.

                        no, its not odd that your being compasionate, and your right, killing someone is taking away someones brother/father/mother/son/cousin/friend etc. if i had the choice, id rather see them in jail then in a coffin. you may have compassion, but to what extent? as soon as they enter your house? what if its a legit buisness man, on a trip, visiting a friend, and he got the adress mixed up, went to your house instead of the neighbors house by accident. its a nice summer day, your in your yard with the fam, you look inside and you see someone walking gonna run in shoot and then ask questions?

                        The govt oversee's everything. They create laws and regulations, and then they are either accepted and enforced, or rejected.

                        That is all they do, besides making judicial decisions.

                        They don't run anything.

                        WE run it.

                        Of the 4,000 or so Federal Employees, if half of those walked out, it would end in a Govt shut down.

                        They have had them before.

                        Like you said, people won't get their potable water.

                        Unlike the civilian world, however, once you work 3 or more years in the Federal Government, your a Permanent employee(compared to a Temporary)

                        Once you get permanent status, you have to commit a crime to get fired.

                        It's a joke in the system that you can be a pita and annoy people and they will move you around in the system to avoid dealing with you, because they can't just fire you.


                        Like it or not, it's how it goes.

                        So if they wanted to walk away, they could.

                        Anyway thats OT.

                        As far as the crackheads, the people your describing sound like your typical homeless/drug addicts.

                        Little different then crackheads.

                        Again OT.

                        As far as a business man walking in my house in the middle of the day because he is lost, I just don't know what to say.

                        Your REALLY trying to hold on because you have no argument and no way to convince me that I should greet every intruder with a smile.

                        In the event that some guy walked into my house mid day while I was home with my family, regardless of how well dressed or presented he was, he is still an intruder.

                        First problem with that-

                        Who walks into someones house at any time of the day?

                        Idc how lost I was, I would NEVER enter anyones house without permission...that's what public facilities are for.

                        To answer your question, NO, I would not just shoot him.

                        I would do what most people would do.

                        In the military it's called a challenge question-

                        What the fuck are you doing in my house?

                        Im sure he would explain and after some choice words, id show him out and give him directions.

                        Little easier during the day when you can see.

                        At 3am in near darkness, idc if your the President or my neighboor, or some business man that is lost....

                        I mean if I hear something and I go to investigate with a weapon and I feel I can challenge and control the situation without use of a firearm, that is what I would do.

                        Remember, you avoid using a weapon at all costs.

                        But your also taught if you pull a sidearm, you better intend to use it.

                        Shit is not a joke.

                        So if I come at you in my house at 3am and tell you how its going to go down and I think your going to try some shit, it's over.


                          its pretty much rhetoric, but I LOVE the saying, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

                          here's how well gun control worked in Austrailia:

                          Click for my Member's Ride Thread
                          Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                          'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
                          Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


                            I personally would kill anyone that entered my home in the middle of the night in a burglary scenario.

                            No joke.

                            Instant death sentance. I have kids and a wife. Im not fucking around, no way. Sorry to say it, but I would shoot anyone that happened to be lurking in my house in the middle of the night. Of course, I would wait to fire until I knew the person was in fact an intrueder.

                            I sleep on a different floor of the house than my kids. We have video on the main floor because of this. I would know as I approached the stair case if the asshole was a burglar, and yeah, for sure, I would blast a pair of 20g slugs right into their torso.

                            I don't really know why anyone would approach a burgler and ask what they are doing in your house.

                            Seriously, you didn't figure that out already?

                            I personally have a plan and a strategy for how I would clear my house in the event of a home invasion or burglary. Everyone should have a plan.

                            You guys remember that guy that was tied up, beaten and then left for dead in his basement? Those mother fuckers made him watch as they raped and killed his wife and daughters.

                            Fuck that. I would rather live with the guilt of killing someone. I'm not really all that sure I would feel that guilty either. Break into my house, threaten my family, you deserve dead.

                            If I call the police, you'll get away with a slap on your wrist and might even come back for more. Fuck that.

                            Also, I have programmed my brain to always shoot in pairs specifically for this situation. I would want the MOFO dead. No my word vs theirs shit.

                            No fucking way. Enter my home, threaten my family and face the fucking reaper.
                            Originally posted by wed3k
                            im a douchebag to people and i don't even own a lambo. whats your point? we, douchbags, come in all sorts of shapes and colours.


                              Originally posted by KeeleDesign View Post
                              I will not surrender my guns. Because I have a family to protect.

                              This is not a goverment issue about gun laws, this tragedy started from within the home, but gun protestors/government use these situations as a escape-goat to put the blame.

                              Why do we as people surrender more and more rights to a government we grow weary of everytime their is a tragedy?

                              I do think it should be manditory to register all guns to the current owner, similar to a car.
                     not saying to surrender your guns

                              ...restrict certain someone said, you can protect your house with a shotgun 10x better than an assault rifle.

                              toycar, you saying you'll kill anyone in your house...i hope to hell you honestly dont mean that...and if you do...america needs to up their health plan and someone needs to sign you up. just what defines a buglary to you???? what if your kids come home at 3 in the morning with a buddy, and one is drunk making a bit of noise..bumping into tables...lights out so he doesn't wake anyone up...gonna shoot??? cause right now it seems your mindset is shoot then ask..and im pretty sure if you were to flick a light on and have the kid turn around in a'd unleash on him.

                              your logic of "instant death sentance" is just flat out retarded to me.

                              ralphie, you served in the military, did they just hand you a rifle and say "pull this, and whatever this is pointed at dies" or did they educate you first? teach you how to use it safely around your fellow soldiers?

                              YOU and maybe a select few others on here, i would trust with a firearm, for the rest of the people...i wouldnt trust with a squirt gun. that doesnt mean that i think you should be entitled to ANY firearm, but i would trust you with a rifle/shotgun/pistol. not in public...but to own.

                              dont forget, this thread is basically less than 10 people going back and forth. 6 of you may have gun knowledge...congrats, how many people who live in your city who own a firearm can say that? a select handful??

                              as for you saying america is the greatest country a few posts back.

                              lets not forget that everything jeff daniels says here is a FACT. (from the hbo show the newsroom)

                              the 3 things your country leads the world wonder ya'll need guns...

                              pretty not trying to bash on anyone of you here, but cmon...look...37% cant locate america on a map??? those 37% are allowed weapons??? they should be forced to be in school for the next 10 years instead.
                              Last edited by stewie; 12-28-2012, 01:40 PM.
                              MY MEMBERS RIDE THREAD


                                Originally posted by toycar View Post
                                I personally would kill anyone that entered my home in the middle of the night in a burglary scenario.

                                No joke.

                                Instant death sentance. I have kids and a wife. Im not fucking around, no way. Sorry to say it, but I would shoot anyone that happened to be lurking in my house in the middle of the night. Of course, I would wait to fire until I knew the person was in fact an intrueder.

                                I sleep on a different floor of the house than my kids. We have video on the main floor because of this. I would know as I approached the stair case if the asshole was a burglar, and yeah, for sure, I would blast a pair of 20g slugs right into their torso.

                                I don't really know why anyone would approach a burgler and ask what they are doing in your house.

                                Seriously, you didn't figure that out already?

                                I personally have a plan and a strategy for how I would clear my house in the event of a home invasion or burglary. Everyone should have a plan.

                                You guys remember that guy that was tied up, beaten and then left for dead in his basement? Those mother fuckers made him watch as they raped and killed his wife and daughters.

                                Fuck that. I would rather live with the guilt of killing someone. I'm not really all that sure I would feel that guilty either. Break into my house, threaten my family, you deserve dead.

                                If I call the police, you'll get away with a slap on your wrist and might even come back for more. Fuck that.

                                Also, I have programmed my brain to always shoot in pairs specifically for this situation. I would want the MOFO dead. No my word vs theirs shit.

                                No fucking way. Enter my home, threaten my family and face the fucking reaper.
                                This is how I feel. I don't have kids, but I will defend my wife, myself, and my world from any harm. bottom line...

                                BB6-><Summer Lover
                                BD6-><Dailey/Future AutoX
                                Mazda 6s-><Wifes

