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A serious Accord discussion

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    Like I said....don't BUY it, MAKE it

    My hood scoop for example. It's one of the only visual mods on my car. I made it so that I could get cooler air to the intake and also had plans down the road to stick an intercooler in there with fans pulling air through it. You can't buy it anywhere. It wasn't inspired by any one else or any other car. Whether you like it or not, I don't care because it's not a visual mod in my eyes. It serves a purpose, it's unique, and it's the only one of its kind. I had an idea, I MADE the idea work, and in my eyes that gets more respect than buying a $1000 carbon fiber hood that lots of other people have.

    The hood wasn't on the car for the recent meet, but those of you that crashed at my house Fri. got to see it. I'm sure they'd vouch for the originality.

    My Accord History:
    91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



      Originally posted by Accord R33
      This is certainly true, especially since a lot of us get our inspiration from other cars.

      Exactly. And getting inspiration from others should be a good thing.

      Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
      Like I said....don't BUY it, MAKE it

      My hood scoop for example. It's one of the only visual mods on my car. I made it so that I could get cooler air to the intake and also had plans down the road to stick an intercooler in there with fans pulling air through it. You can't buy it anywhere. It wasn't inspired by any one else or any other car. Whether you like it or not, I don't care because it's not a visual mod in my eyes. It serves a purpose, it's unique, and it's the only one of its kind. I had an idea, I MADE the idea work, and in my eyes that gets more respect than buying a $1000 carbon fiber hood that lots of other people have.

      The hood wasn't on the car for the recent meet, but those of you that crashed at my house Fri. got to see it. I'm sure they'd vouch for the originality.
      I agree with this statement to some extent, which is why I am fabbing a Carbon Fiber airbox.

      The only problem with this though, is that most people don't have the technology or tooling to fab really complex stuff like engine parts or special mounting brackets etc. Really developed fabrication skills can make up for this somewhat, but not completely.

      So what are they to do if they want fogs? Even if they fab their own special set, they probably won't work as well, look as good, won't be as high quality, and will probably end up costing more.

      Fabbing is great, but for most average people it has fairly low limits.
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        Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
        also had plans down the road to stick an intercooler in there with fans pulling air through it.
        that would not do anything...just to save you some future trouble

        Owner of


          Originally posted by owequitit
          Fabbing is great, but for most average people it has fairly low limits.
          this is a problem im facing more and more lately. its not that i dont have the knowhow. i just dont have the tools, and more recently, the SPACE to do it. thanks to mom. but i live at her house for pretty much nothing, so its not really my place to complain. i just have to deal with it.

          hence why im buying a modded car. the last thing i want is to get out of the game completely

          Owner of


            Originally posted by Accord R33
            that would not do anything...just to save you some future trouble
            I think you misunderstood.....the fans would not be pulling the charged air through the intercooler. That would not do a damn thing except hinder performance. They would be pulling the ambient air through the fins of the intercooler to cool the charged air inside. That does work and I can provide proof of it if you still disagree.

            So what if you can't fab something yourself. There's someone out there that can. Put more effort into making friends with those kind of people instead of looking for pre-made parts. The firends will end up helping you time and time again while the part you bought does nothing after it's purchased.

            My Accord History:
            91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



              Originally posted by Accord R33
              this is a problem im facing more and more lately. its not that i dont have the knowhow. i just dont have the tools, and more recently, the SPACE to do it. thanks to mom. but i live at her house for pretty much nothing, so its not really my place to complain. i just have to deal with it.

              hence why im buying a modded car. the last thing i want is to get out of the game completely

              I hear ya. I could spend a good $100,000 on tools without even getting all the way through my list! But where would I put them in my 1 bay garage that barely fits my car LOL. Not to mention, my budget doesn't fit my desires.

              I think of stuff that I would like to fab all the time. But I don't have a welder. Yeah I could go buy a cheap one, but that won't give me what I want, so why bother? I could meet friends, but that deprives me of the experience of doing it, and it may take longer as they may have other priorities. If they are charging me to do it, I may as well just buy it.
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                Maybe I'm just a total fuckin weirdo. If I'm gonna modify a car, I want the experience of modifying a car. Good and Bad.

                Buying parts and putting them on isn't modifying. That's just replacing parts. ANYONE can do that. You get no props from me for it. Maybe that means nothing to you, but I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

                If you try to make something with the basic tools that you have laying around and it turns out like shit, you still get props from me for at least trying. First one or two might suck, but eventually you will get the hang of it.

                I went from having a full shop with tons of tools and lifts and all kinds of machines to just a small basic tool box working out of my back yard. I still do all the same things as when I had the full shop. Sure it takes me longer and pisses me off, but the end result is what matters and when it's done it makes all the hassles worth it.

                If you're gonna spend TIME working on your car, make that time have some sort of meaning or impact to you. Even if it decreases the re-sale value of the car, the sentimental value increases 10 fold.

                I could have a total piece of shit, but if I did everything to that piece of shit myself and I learned a few things in the process, it would all be worth it.

                I'm done with this thread. Everyone so far want's to do things the easy and pointless way. It's like people just expect things to be handed to them and not have to actually work or use their brain. That's just not in me. No offense if I pissed anyone off.
                Last edited by ACCLUDE91; 04-27-2006, 06:04 PM.

                My Accord History:
                91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



                  sorry your so mad mang! if it makes you feel better i pee in my headlights!
                  To have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all #CB7Life


                    A Lil' Ranting, But alas, I do have a point

                    Soysauce--nice pic lol. ACCORDWARRIOR, i hear ya..i said something like that a while back..i dont understand the JDM thing...if you want JDM so bad, save your money and buy the car direct from japan...otherwise, good luck finding a genuine JDM piece from Japan. Me personally, i bought clear bumper lenses and then took them off cuz i thought they looked stoopid. i put the OEM ambers back on and yeah, im getting amber corner, but i like the look. I DONT like the yellow highbeams-dont understand it. I like the blackhoused look, but not sure f its what i want. Was gonna get sidemarkers, but then thought, "id look like every other ricer"
                    **If we dont try hard to look alike, we're going to try hard to look different--you can put all the most random parts on your car, and there will be AT LEAST ONE person who likes something and will try to copy it..We all just wanna fit in and be appreciated by our fellow "brothers" but what we dont realize is that we ARE appreciated...look at us..we have a site full of DIY's, F/S, WTB, pics, advice, love and hate..why are we attempting to do any sort of aftermarket projects to our cars in the first place--cuz someone else started it years ago and we wanna do it too. There are gonna be newbs out there who wanna be "JDM"--let em. Those who like stock, like BB4--more love and power to ya. Lets just be happy that there are other human beings out there that share the same feelings about their automoblie that we do.

                    KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                    Originally posted by Jarrett
                    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                      I do wat i like...if you have it so be it...if you want to think i copied you go for it...I dont really care if ne one likes my car or hates my car...Its all about wat i like...Whether it be JDM, Kitted, Stock...Rice...watever im pretty sure im gonna have a good mix of all of those on my car by the time im done with it.

                      Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                        Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
                        Maybe I'm just a total fuckin weirdo. If I'm gonna modify a car, I want the experience of modifying a car. Good and Bad.

                        Buying parts and putting them on isn't modifying. That's just replacing parts. ANYONE can do that. You get no props from me for it. Maybe that means nothing to you, but I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

                        If you try to make something with the basic tools that you have laying around and it turns out like shit, you still get props from me for at least trying. First one or two might suck, but eventually you will get the hang of it.

                        I went from having a full shop with tons of tools and lifts and all kinds of machines to just a small basic tool box working out of my back yard. I still do all the same things as when I had the full shop. Sure it takes me longer and pisses me off, but the end result is what matters and when it's done it makes all the hassles worth it.

                        If you're gonna spend TIME working on your car, make that time have some sort of meaning or impact to you. Even if it decreases the re-sale value of the car, the sentimental value increases 10 fold.

                        I could have a total piece of shit, but if I did everything to that piece of shit myself and I learned a few things in the process, it would all be worth it.

                        I'm done with this thread. Everyone so far want's to do things the easy and pointless way. It's like people just expect things to be handed to them and not have to actually work or use their brain. That's just not in me. No offense if I pissed anyone off.
                        Yeah maybe you are.

                        I have fabbed tons of stuff for my car. And I have done a lot of it more than once because it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to the first time. Like I said. I am not against it. You are pretty much guaranteed uniqueness if you do it. I usually end up doing it because I want a very specific solution to a very specific set of criteria that nobody else has a solution for.

                        Case in point: The aforementioned CF airbox. Nobody makes a High flow airbox for our car. I don't like the aftermarket intake roar because even though it sounds cool, it get annoying all the time. So what do I do? I can use a stock airbox, I can modify said stock airbox, or I can use the airbox from a different car.

                        Or I can make my own, learn something and develop a new skill.

                        1)The stock airbox is a flow restriction on a stock car. So why use this?

                        2)A modified stock airbox is higher flowing, but not much because the filter surface area becomes a limitation on the total flow capacity. It allows a little more intake growl, but is still quiet like stock, and actually sounds really good.

                        3)A larger volume airbox with more filter area and flow capacity would solve all problems of the previous setups, and since it has to be custom made anyway, it may as well be carbon fiber.

                        I am not against fabbing, but if there is an easier, already existent method out there that already has proven R+D, I have no interest in re-creating the wheel.

                        My goal is the overall package. If I have to borrow a few ideas to get there, so be it. If I can't, then I will make it myself.

                        P.S. I never have had, nor do I expect to have ANYTHING handed to me. I bust my ass for every part, every mod, every red blooded cent I put into my car. Just because I don't make it myself, doesn't mean that the same consideration, research and time don't go into it.

                        Besides, some people just don't have the skills to mod.
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                          Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
                          Aaron, your car is so bizzarre that I have to give you props. The dryer vent gets more originality points than anyone with a fully kitted car
                          this being well and good and no offense to aaron i know why u built ur car and mad respect goes out for that but originality for the sake of being original is almost cliche (sp) however some very tastefull things can be used along with creativity to make something completely different go unnoticed by the general public and completely astounding to the ones that know the dirfference is the goal for me at least.... not to be cocky cuz thats not like me but just an example is my grill sure it doenst get noticed by the general public but almost every member here can tell a difference and its COMPLETELY different than stock it doesnt even resemble stock however it looks like it BELONGS and that is truly creativity in my eyes the whole "JDM" craze doing whatever it may have done did at LEAST one positive thing and it showed that u dont have to bolt on obnoxious exterior parts to stand out and that was very good in my eyes i would hope any car enthusiast would agree... cleanliness goes hand in hand with performance mods so saying that performance mods are "better" or more respectable is a lil hard for me to take because just like everyone said its MY car and thats what i like and i also plan on having my car in the high 13s all motor before the year is over and yes if something happens to mess up my appearence mods ill be pissed but it doenst mean that i wont survive ill simply get it fixed and keep rolling just my .02 enjoy everyone and happy tuning

                          "Tucking tires and wires."
                          The Chronicles.


                            Originally posted by Accrdkid
                            Well this is an example (shoot me ok)

                            My car had those tails..I picked them up because I thought they looked cool. Then I posted them on the site and was told to loose them both.

                            My car was my car even though it was a rustbucket (Northeast is infamous for that) I took pride in it..I didnt care what anyone else thought.

                            I was known to my friends as Henry Honda and still am....

                            Its like if you do something you think is cool to your own vehicle others will judge you or tell you it looks *** etc. Shit like that.
                            Those taillights are kickass
                            14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


                              Originally posted by J-specCb4
                              this being well and good and no offense to aaron i know why u built ur car and mad respect goes out for that but originality for the sake of being original is almost cliche (sp) however some very tastefull things can be used along with creativity to make something completely different go unnoticed by the general public and completely astounding to the ones that know the dirfference is the goal for me at least.... not to be cocky cuz thats not like me but just an example is my grill sure it doenst get noticed by the general public but almost every member here can tell a difference and its COMPLETELY different than stock it doesnt even resemble stock however it looks like it BELONGS and that is truly creativity in my eyes the whole "JDM" craze doing whatever it may have done did at LEAST one positive thing and it showed that u dont have to bolt on obnoxious exterior parts to stand out and that was very good in my eyes i would hope any car enthusiast would agree... cleanliness goes hand in hand with performance mods so saying that performance mods are "better" or more respectable is a lil hard for me to take because just like everyone said its MY car and thats what i like and i also plan on having my car in the high 13s all motor before the year is over and yes if something happens to mess up my appearence mods ill be pissed but it doenst mean that i wont survive ill simply get it fixed and keep rolling just my .02 enjoy everyone and happy tuning
                              Well said, I agree 100%.
                              The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                                all i got to say is each to his own....

                                ive been bashed before and it just keeps me goin...forget them haters, do what YOU feel is best for your car.

                                Formerly 91AccordExR33
                                11.68 @ 127mph
                                Sold: 8/2016

